Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3530: Hand it to me, the Great Alien!

"Does the foreign race really dare to attack? Haha, now I am not killed by my Pangu Palace like a bereavement dog, fleeing from the wasteland, when this time comes, I dare to appear and launch a general attack on my ancient universe. Isn't this looking for death?" The strong Shaopangu Palace snorted coldly.

Over the years, Pangu Palace has gathered the power of the entire Pangu universe upper realm, especially under the Supreme, showing an absolutely powerful posture. Under such a posture, it is inevitable that the power of the Pangu Palace will inevitably be a little proud. The meaning of madness, secretly thinking that aliens dare to always attack, is undoubtedly an act of seeking death.

"Don't you think that alien races are really so arrogant, you are not quite sure, these alien races are not stupid people either."

At the beginning of the emperor's mouth, his eyes swept over, so that the self-righteous people present had to put away a bit of arrogance.

Today, the Pangu Palace has gathered countless powerful people in the upper realm of the Pangu universe. How strong, but they are just fighting against the aliens.

If it weren't for the three foreign emperors' vitality, there would be no such thing as Pangu Palace.

Now the sudden move can make the top few people feel solemn.

"Although the foreign race is arrogant, it is definitely not stupid. It is unlikely that all the emperor-level existences will be dispatched. Can you find out how many people are dispatched this time?"

Under the seat, an ancient king looked very solemn and said: "Four!"


This sentence was like a super bomb, directly alarming the entire Pangu Palace, and everyone directly changed color.

Of the four ancient emperors, even if three of them are most likely to be the three with severely damaged vitality, the emperor is the emperor because of his supreme ability.

"Is the foreign race crazy? He actually dispatched four great emperors at once!"

Emperor Shura frowned. Even though he was an emperor, he still felt tremendous pressure in the face of the ancient emperor, even if the alien emperor's vitality was severely injured.

"Four ancient emperors, although we also have a great emperor-level existence on our side, but there are still more than the imperial palace lord against the peak emperor of the alien race, the palace lord of the early days, the palace lord of the Profound God, and the two great wounded alien emperors. How can an alien emperor contend?"

Inside the Pangu Palace, there was a terrible sinking.

The emperor level exists, even if the vitality is severely injured, but I am afraid that the blood qi of the endless living beings has been swallowed over the years, and it has recovered a lot, at least not inferior to the eternal emperor level of the early emperor.

This level of eternal emperor-level combat power is terrifying. Emperor Shura and others have seen it before, and one person can deal with multiple emperors of the same rank.

Although there is no shortage of emperors on the side of Pangu Palace, especially the return of the Taisheng Emperor Realm, and the return of many emperors, but the action of many emperors also caused the power under the supreme to be empty to some extent.

Especially for the ancient emperor who had never taken action against the foreign race, so it needed to be guarded.

Generally, the emperor who has been transferred too much is definitely a big disadvantage for Pangu Palace.

Especially the Emperor Human is sleeping and needs protection.

Emperor Shura said with a serious face: "If this point is really reached, I will work with several emperors together. I believe that even if I can't defeat it, it can be greatly delayed."

However, Emperor Xuanshen shook his head slightly.

Even if the ancient emperor’s ability only has the power comparable to the eternal emperor’s level, the means he masters are not necessarily those that several emperors can contend, especially the master of the supreme emperor’s army, and his own supreme emperor’s army will attack together. This kind of flawless fit, once attacked, is even more terrifying, enough to cause more emperors in Pangu Palace to be delayed.

In this way, the army under the supreme, who originally occupied the absolute advantage, will have its advantage greatly reduced, not to mention that there is not enough strength to face the last ancient emperor hidden by the alien race.

"It's a pity, His Majesty Human Sovereign is sleeping."

Someone sighed lightly, the human emperor is the reincarnation of the reincarnation, gradually awakening, and the power is stronger than the average emperor.

When he was not asleep, he even led the Pangu Palace to overwhelm the foreign race.

It's a pity now, but inexplicably sleeping.

"How about the Immortal Phoenix in Qixia Domain?"

Someone said that Qixia Domain was the land of the supreme-level immortal phoenix's nirvana, which has been confirmed.

If it can awaken the Immortal Phoenix, it should be able to greatly increase the winning rate.

"The Immortal Phoenix is ​​still in Nirvana and cannot be awakened."

The unphased king shook his head slightly.

In fact, not long ago, Emperor Wuxiang tried to contact the sleeping immortal phoenix spirit in Qixia Territory, but the immortal phoenix spirit slept very thoroughly. It was at the critical moment of Nirvana and could not be awakened at all, so there was no other way.

"In that case, then"

Emperor Shura gritted his teeth and prepared to put forward the same opinion as just now, and he and several emperors would work together.

"Why, leave it to me, okay?"

The sudden laughter echoed, directly condensing the atmosphere in the hall.

In the next moment, everyone in the hall looked over, only to see that the entrance of the hall was densely packed with many figures.

The headed person is perfect and flawless, like the most outstanding carved object in the world, no ancient emperor can find any flaws.

"Battle Saint King!"

Inside the hall, the expressions of the powers of Pangu Palace were shocked, and they looked over with surprise, and there were waves of exclamations of each other ups and downs.

There is no doubt that although Ye Chen has been away for nearly three hundred years, his reputation has not diminished, and with the passage of time, it has become more and more loud, always encouraging the young generation of the heavens and the world to wait for the peak of the road.

Overwhelming the two great roads of invincibility, invincible the young generation of Chaos Sea in this world, killed the emperor's emperor and daughter, heirs of the immortal Dao, the strongest arrogant and legendary person who was eclipsed by the strongest young supreme.

Even over the years, many powerful men who have joined the Pangu Palace have never seen this fighting saint king, but they have heard all the deeds of the latter.

That was a legendary character who even the Great Emperor would marvel at the inferiority of his youth.

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, this legendary fighting sage appeared in front of everyone.

Especially behind him, there are many densely packed super powers. There are many primordial kings, and even many peerless kings, even for the current Pangu Palace, they are definitely a big help.


Above, Emperor Wuxiang, Emperor Xuanshen, Emperor Taichu saw Ye Chen's return, and he was also quite excited.

"Battle Saint King, your return from the lower realm, does it mean that the aliens who invaded the lower realm will be expelled."

One of the emperors spoke and the aliens invaded the lower realm twice to save Dao X, which made the Pangu universe very worried.

But they never descended to the lower do not understand the relevant situation.

"The alien races are all extinct."

Ye Chen smiled faintly.

"Hahaha, it's so good." In the hall, many powerful people laughed. It was only these years that they learned that the eternal emperor Dao X was sealed in the lower boundary town, and the terrible eternal emperor can be seen from the eternal emperor. Understand one or two.

Fortunately, it is extinct, otherwise the consequences will be endless.

"Ye Chen, good job. Now as long as your reincarnation, Hunyue Emperor and a few of us, with the Supreme Emperor's soldiers, it is enough to barely contend against an alien great emperor." Shura Emperor laughed.

He didn't take what Ye Chen said earlier to heart.

Even if the emperor's reincarnation body is extremely powerful, it is still impossible to be an opponent of a foreign emperor, even if the foreign emperor's vitality is severely injured.

"No, it would be fine if one of the alien emperors hand it over to me." Ye Chen smiled.

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