Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3532: Into a foreign land alone

The two big camps of the heavens and the universe, the Pangu universe and the alien ancient universe, will soon have the ultimate battle.

Time passes by day by day. Although there is no accurate date yet, everyone feels a sense of tension.

Even the battle on the front line has invisibly reduced a lot.

All of this, as if the eve of the storm, presents the calmness of the storm.

During this period of time, Ye Chen used his great power to move the location of the two-world passage to the center of the ten thousand domain.

The sun of heaven is projected out in the center of the ten thousand domains, resonating with the heavens, and pushing the ten thousand ways of the heavens and ten thousand domains to further prosper.

And with the passage of time, the news of the return of Ye Chen, the fighting saint king, also swept across the entire heavens and domains like a storm, and was well known by the powers of the two camps.

The people of the world gradually knew that all the powerhouses sent by the alien races, including the four great emperors, and dozens of ancient kings and countless powerhouses, were all destroyed in Ye Chen's hands.

The emperor, for the aliens who invaded the Pangu universe this time, was only a dozen positions, and this lost almost half.

What's more, there are dozens of top-level Primordial Kings.

This is no longer a pain, but a serious injury.

If it hadn’t been for the prisoner’s prison to be broken open, the imprisoned heroes of all ages were born one after another, and even the return of the three alien emperors, otherwise the alien camp that was badly injured would have been killed by the powerful Pangu universe. It's the end.

Regarding Ye Chen, the aliens naturally gritted their teeth. The sage king of fighting against the sky has repeatedly and repeatedly undermined the plans they laid out, causing heavy losses. Not only did they fail to rescue Dao X, but they also caused their casualties. It's so terrible, I can't wait to catch this kid right away and frustrate him thousands of times.

"Fighting Saint King, you dare to kill so many powerful men in our ancient universe, sooner or later, if you fall into our hands, you will pay the most terrible price."

The roar of the foreign race is endless.

It's just that they don't know that Ye Chen is the master of the Primordial Heaven Realm, and he is more in control of the heavenly sun and even the power of endless belief, otherwise they will be more defensive.

This is a secret that only a handful of people in Pangu Palace know except for the Heavenly Kingdom.

"Foreign race, I will not only kill all of you who descended to the lower realm, but also annihilate you in the upper realm, completely expelling you from the Pangu universe."

Ye Chen turned a deaf ear to such words as hindsight, but instead took the initiative to attack the front line.

Heavenly Dao Sun, the power of faith, and other supreme powers are all contained in the body. They have not been really used, but have shown the gains from a hundred years of retreat.

More than one hundred and fifty years ago, he was comparable to the Nine Heavens Kings. For a hundred years of retreat, he cultivated all the fortunes left by the Emperor of Heaven, and his cultivation naturally increased a lot.

Now, he wants to verify the practice of retreat for a hundred years.

More importantly, he had a killing intent and wanted to commit suicide into the depths of a foreign race.

Three hundred years ago, he could not do it with a peerless king, but now it is enough. He has to take a trip himself.

Soon, Ye Chen stepped onto the battlefield and personally entered a king's battlefield.

This is a very important battlefield on the front line. It involves several large areas in a radius and is very vast.

A total of seven primordial kings from both sides fought, especially on the alien side, the leader of the five heavenly kings was extremely powerful, leading three alien kings to fight against the king of Pangu Palace, killing the king of Pangu Palace in blood.

Naturally, the king of Pangu Palace was not afraid, and he had already called other kings to come to support him.

Moreover, relying on the Immortal Pass, you can retreat and return at any time, without fear of foreign races.

It can only be said that this battle of kings is a test of the two camps before the final battle, not a battle of life and death.


Suddenly, the king's battlefield was shaken.

At the critical moment, Ye Chen appeared in the air, in front of countless strong men in the two camps, turning his hands into clouds and covering his hands into rain, slapped it out in a slap, and patted the foreign five-layer king directly to pieces, blood stained. Multiple large domains.

Then, as soon as the Great Chaos Cauldron came out, he used the simplest and most rude means, like a galaxy smoke cloud, to smash the past, and the remaining three kings of the alien race were wiped out and swallowed.

In an instant, the four great alien kings were annihilated, and Ye Chen's power was like a prison, shaking the two camps.

No one expected that the Fighting Saint King would take the initiative to attack, and such a sudden appearance, it was really a surprise to kill the alien, and it also caused heavy losses to the alien.

Although the strength of the alien race has been greatly increased due to the opening of the prisoner's prison, the ancient king is still an extremely important mainstay, and the loss of one person will be extremely distressed.

"Fighting Saint King, thank you!"

The three Pangu Palace kings were shocked by Ye Chen's strength, and then stepped forward to thank them with a fist, with a sense of awe.

Although they are not afraid of the four kings of foreign races, it is not so easy to defeat them, and even a certain price is required.

However, the thunder of the fighting king's attack directly showed the highest combat power, and the four great alien kings were wiped out in the blink of an eye. It can be said that they did not need to pay a price.

"Everyone is the Pangu universe, no need to say thank you. Although the final battle is about to be launched soon, but before the war, I have to take action to make the aliens pay a certain price, so that they can understand that, even if the prison is opened. , But after all I have to succumb to my Pangu universe."

Ye Chen spoke, looking at the vast land on the other side of the Immortal Pass, the territory occupied by alien races.

Over the years, this vast territory that occupies nearly half of the heavens and tens of thousands of domains has long been infiltrated by the endless magical energy, called a foreign land!

The foreign land contains the magic power of the imperial way of the foreign emperor for many years, so that the powerful in the Pangu universe cannot go too deep, otherwise it will be suppressed by the rules of the foreign imperial way.

"Foreign race, there have been quite a few tactics over the past few years. They actually changed the rules of nearly half of the universe of the heavens and ten thousand domains, and I'm afraid it would have paid a lot of money."

Ye Chen muttered to himself, he could feel that the alien place was rippling with the faint power of the supreme emperor of the foreign emperor, even if the quasi-monarch entered, he would get some suppression.

Of course, the stronger the strength, the weaker the suppression, and it will not have much influence at the level of the Primordial King.

Ye Chen is also not included here!


On this day, he went straight into a foreign land, killing all quarters.

In just half an hour, he crossed multiple domains, and even when crossing, showed the supreme means of the eternal king, destroying all the alien armies stationed in these domains, and causing extremely serious damage to the aliens.

Moreover, it is manipulating the sun phantom of the heavens, resonating with the heavens of the heavens and domains, expelling the demon energy of foreign races, and restoring the purity of the heavens and domains.

In a short period of time, he dissolved the power of the Alien Great Emperor's rules in the hundreds of alien regions.

But Ye Chen's appearance had never been hidden. The endless Emperor Tianwei bloomed, squeezing across many large areas, and completely shocked the alien race.

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