Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3533: Sweep

"It's the fighting king, he dare to step into our camp alone!"

"So courageous, even one person dares to come in."

"The fighting sage king throws himself into the net, it is clear that he is looking for death. You all shoot together and kill him!"

In the foreign land, one after another immeasurable magical shadows that support Cangyu emerged, each standing in a different land.

There can be as many as a dozen Dao, and each Dao is at the level of the Primordial King, and it is not an ordinary Primordial King. At least it is also a five-tier king, and there are many super kings of seven or eight heavens.

There are aliens, and there are also big murderers who were once imprisoned in prison in the past, and demons have deterred the past and the present.

Originally, they were all in a deep sleep room, raising elite animals, preparing for the final battle of the two camps.

Now, because Ye Chen stepped into the world unscrupulously, he was awakened and born.

A dozen powerful foreign kings were born, looking at Ye Chen who came alone, they also had great killing intent, and each shot, and cast each other's strongest ancient soldiers, containing the most terrifying rule of the king.

Deeper, there are the peak kings of the Nine Heavens and even Ten Heavens. The Heavenly Emperor is countless times stronger. He looks at the fighting holy king with cold eyes. The infinite killing intent makes the void collapse, giving out countless killing lights and rushing over. .

"Your Majesty, it is too dangerous for Lord Fighting Saint King to get in by himself, so quickly contact Lord Emperor and rescue Lord Fighting Saint King."

When the Immortal Sky was closed, some experts in Pangu Palace exclaimed, worried about Ye Chen's situation.

Although they know that the fighting king is very powerful, but after all, he is not the ancient emperor. Such a person will go to the depths of a foreign land alone, and there is no doubt that he will die.

Fighting the saint king has unparalleled potential, possessing the posture of proving Dao to become an emperor, is the hope of Pangu universe, no one wants to watch him fall like this.

"It's okay, not only the emperor, but the emperor also sees it, nothing can happen."

An Primordial King opened his mouth and looked into the depths of the alien camp, also shocked.

Fighting Saint King is crazy!

However, as the king of the ancient times, he has a lofty status. He also vaguely understands some inside stories. The fighting king looks young, but his strength is far from the world's imagination. It is inevitable to dare to enter the territory occupied by foreign races alone. Be dependent.

What's more, when the Saint King of Fighting Battle appeared in Pangu Palace, the words of the Wuxiang King were still vivid: "With his current strength, it will not be a problem to deal with an alien emperor alone."

Fighting the holy king has the ability to contain the ancient emperor!

Boom boom boom boom boom

The killing of a dozen foreign kings suddenly shattered the boundless sky, causing many large areas to sink, and the sky full of stars outside the area exploded.

At this point, the realm is too high, the range involved at every turn is unimaginable, and the spread is too wide.


With a soft drink, Ye Chenshi stayed in the universe.

"You dare to stop me with your choppy?"

His eyes flashed with cold electricity, and he glanced at the kings of the foreign races, not putting the slightest in his eyes, extremely powerful.

One hand squeezed the seal, and the chaos of the ten thousand worlds was played out, and the phantoms of the heavens and ten thousand worlds appeared in an instant, as if the real heavens and ten thousand worlds had come, swept the past, and strongly collided with many foreign kings.

Almost immediately, the offensive of the foreign kings was over half broken.

During this time, Ye Chen did not invade all the laws, and all evils did not enter. If the body was immortal, he was never shaken.

He is too strong, his cultivation base is unfathomable, far better than ordinary kings.

No matter how many powerful kings of foreign races attacked, they couldn't hurt them in the slightest, and the invincible chaotic body showed its magnificent place.

At the same time, a divine sword appeared in Ye Chen's hand, heaving the rules of tens of millions of kings, and one step was to shuttle infinite distance, and the whole world was flowing backwards.

A Sixth Heavenly King who was the first to bear the brunt was cut in half. Both the flesh and blood and the King's Heavenly Soul were annihilated into ashes by the sword qi in an instant, and he could not die again.

Raising his hand, behead the Sixth Heaven King.

This is Ye Chen's majesty, and he couldn't do it so easily a hundred years ago, but now he is enough to do it.

After a hundred years of retreat, his cultivation has become more and more like a deep sea, and it is difficult to estimate the true depth.

At the same time, as soon as the handprint came out, it was as if the heavenly burial monument of the legendary emperor, reaching the height of the 33rd heaven, stained with the blood of the emperor, fell on the super king of the seventh heaven who appeared behind him.

The alien super king couldn't bear it either, and his body was shattered and his body exploded.

But after all, the vitality was much stronger than that of ordinary kings, and he did not die in the first time.

But in front of Ye Chen, he couldn't escape at all. With a big hand, the King's Heavenly Soul was caught, cast his seal, imprisoned it, and immediately poured its boundless divine power and rules of the king into it, then threw it out and exploded in the distance.

How terrifying is a super king to blew himself up, the explosion of the form and spirit is simply a catastrophe, affecting dozens of large areas and causing heavy losses to the foreign army stationed here.

Ye Chen didn’t worry about harming the creatures in the Pangu universe. In the past few years, the infinite territory occupied by alien races has been swallowed by refining, or demonized by the devil energy. They have long been completely unrecognizable and do not exist. A real creature in the Pangu universe.

That's why I didn't care about it when I shot it.

Such a shot detonated the super king’s heavenly soul, directly causing most of the alien kings to be hit hard by their origins, and three weaker alien kings were affected and perished, even if there were two peerless kings of the eight heavens. He coughed up blood because of being too close.

It's just that a stronger alien king hasn't been smashed, making Ye Chen somewhat disappointed.


Ye Chen sighed lightly, but it made the alien party even more angry, and the Pangu universe camp was shocked.

After nearly three hundred years, I saw him once again to make a shot, still so strong and domineering.


At this time, many big domains trembled, and Wandao wailed.

That is the appearance of the peak kings of the Nine Heavens and Ten Heavens of the alien race, who are in the world, and really come over.

Although it was originally located on the edge of ten thousand domains, the distance of hundreds of large domains is so far away, hundreds of millions of miles can't describe it.

But for such a supreme king, just a few moments are enough to cross over.

Their power is far superior to countless other kings, and they are in charge of even more terrifying Taoist soldiers and magical powers, causing many big domains to collapse directly and shake the sky.

"Haha, only you are qualified to make me serious. It's time to verify that my cultivation level has grown over the past century."

Ye Chen smiled, not only fearless, but also full of fighting spirit.

After a hundred years of retreat, the cultivation base is better than the past, he is looking forward to the peak battle.

At this time, Ye Chen took another shot, and the probe almost simultaneously grabbed two alien kings, one with six heavens and one with five heavens. They belonged to the top powerhouses among the kings, but there was no resistance in front of them. force.

Ge Shiwei showed his strength and directly killed two foreign kings.

This is random.

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