Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3534: Invincible

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Wan Dao exploded, and there were three people in the alien camp, two kings of the nine heavens, and one king of the ten heavens. The lineup was extremely terrifying.

But the emperor has not yet appeared, making people wonder that the foreign race did not take the initiative to send the emperor to fight against the holy king.

When the Immortal Heaven is closed, the Emperor of Pangu Palace has already appeared, is prepared, and is waiting.

Even Emperor Wuxiang and Emperor Taichu watched this battle. Once the emperor of the foreign race or even the great emperor took action, they would certainly not sit idly by.

Of course, they wouldn't make a move until they were really last resort, they knew Ye Chen's methods deeply.

"Battle Saint King, die!"

With a loud shout, an alien Nineth Heavenly King took action. Apart from anything else, his Emperor Immortal Soldier also flew out. It was a magic mirror, shining a thick magic light, and tens of millions of kings' rules followed by flying out. , Vaillant is too terrifying.

The magic light beam is extremely thick, and lightning strikes, exploding the mountains and valleys.

This is the Lingtian blow of the Nine Heavens King, not to mention the ordinary monarch, even the Eight Heavens Peerless King is likely to be crushed by this blow.

It can be said that the opponent has already used the strongest combat power when it comes up.

Obviously, Ye Chen has the heart to kill!


Ye Chen laughed loudly, looking up to the sky, laughing, fighting spirit boiled, and the endless chaotic energy exploded on his body, and immediately the chaotic sky pointed out. It was also huge, much larger than the big domain, and it was fiercely with the magic mirror destruction beam. Bump together.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The magic mirror beam was finally disintegrated, but the Chaos Heaven Intercepting Finger never shattered. Although the light had dimmed many times, it was still there, just like an ancient emperor's finger, descending from the sky, and slamming on the alien Nine Heavens King.

"Wan Hua Guang extinct the world!"

The alien Nineth Heaven King roared, the magic mirror rotated, shining a light beam of extinction once again, and after colliding with it, they were wiped out.

After this collision, everyone knows that the fighting saint king is stronger than the alien nine-layer heaven king.

"Impossible, the Lord of the Night has stepped into the Emperor's Ninth Heaven for many years, and is he at a disadvantage when he fights with the Saint King of Fighting?"

"Doesn't it mean that the Fighting Saint King is at least the Nine Heavens King, and it is not an ordinary Nine Heavens King!"

Countless people on the alien side were shocked.

At the same time, Ye Chen took the initiative to move forward and collided with the Monarch of the Night, squeezing his fist marks, and all kinds of good fortune contained in the palm of his hand.

With a bang, the sky broke and the earth broke, and many large domains were beaten down.

Mo Ye, the Nine Heavens King of the foreign race, retreated, vomiting blood, and looked at Ye Chen in shock. This fighting saint king was as strong as he was, stronger than him.

You must know that three hundred years ago, he was only at the level of a peerless king of the eighth heaven. In just three hundred years, he was even stronger than the king of the nine heavens.

He has set foot on the Ninth Heaven for many tens of thousands of years, but it is comparable to the first step on the Nine Heaven.

At the same time, on the other side, another Nine Heavens King of the alien race was killed, his power was even stronger, belonging to the peak of the Nine Heavens, and almost becoming the Ten Heavens.

Ye Chen stood up and snorted coldly, his power also increased sharply, using Chaos Taoism to collide with it.


The alien king at the peak of the Nine Heavens was also invincible, and was bombarded into the starry sky, annihilating the infinite stars.


The two camps are all shocking, so powerful, it can be compared to the tenth heaven king.

"In just three hundred years, you have grown to this point, making my Jie Gu Universe look down upon you, fighting the saint king."

The tenth heaven king of the alien race was killed, and his power was far superior to the two nine heavenly kings.

At this step, it can be said that the real emperor is in the extreme state, and the next step is the emperor, trying to touch the corresponding emperor realm to prepare for the demonstrative supreme.

The rules of the king he mastered were counted in the tens of millions, and he mastered the absolute power to easily kill ordinary kings with one punch and kick.

Facing the peak king of the alien race, Ye Chen laughed loudly, his aura was even more terrifying, he could actually fight against the opponent!

"Ten Heaven!? Has the Fighting Saint King become the Peak King?"

"How could it be that he was promoted to the Primordial King not long before the Lower Realm, and the speed of promotion is too exaggerated."

"It has reached the peak king in three hundred years. This kind of cultivation speed is unprecedented."

"There is nothing impossible, don't forget, the fighting sage king is a person of infinite potential comparable to the emperor and the first generation. It is impossible for others, but it is very possible against the fighting sage king."

When the Immortal Sky closed, the Pangu Palace powerhouse was shocked again and again. Compared with the road, the alien camp was extremely gloomy, and even had unlimited killing intent.

In just three hundred years, how could they have imagined that the Saint King of Fighting would have reached this point and truly grew up, making them quite regret that they had not been able to truly stifle in their cradle of growth.

"What a fighting saint king, the growth rate is really amazing. This is just a blink of an eye, and it has grown to this point."

In the deepest part of the foreign land, there is an emperor's shadow emerging. Looking at this place, the emperor-level killing maneuvering and chaosing the heavens and the universe is extremely terrifying.

But they did not act rashly, because the immortal heavens were closed, and the phaseless king stood still, the emperor-level auras also bloomed, and the original blessings of the Pangu universe were more superior to them.

Ye Chen fought against the peak king of the alien race, and the terrifying might overflowed arbitrarily, breaking the sky and the earth, and it was unimaginable.

During the war, he showed unparalleled combat power, he was actually no less than a foreign race's tenth heaven peak king, killing inextricably.

However, it was not absolutely safe, because other alien kings watched and surrounded them to carry out siege.

Especially the two Nine Heavens Kings, they are very powerful, quite close to the Ten Heavens.

At this point, the aliens don’t even care about this detrimental face. The potential of fighting the saint king is terrible. Once promoted to the supreme, I am afraid that the future will also be a supreme giant overlooking the eternal possible, Even if all of them are sacrificed, this son will be killed.

Two nine heavenly kings, seven seven-eighth heaven top kings, and many more powerful kings surrounded Ye Chen, constantly attacking and killing them.

This is an absolute dead end, terrifying and infinite, it can be said that the tenth heaven king will die forever here!

The Immortal Sky closed, but the Xeon of Pangu Palace seemed relatively calm, or it could be said that he believed in Ye Chen.

For example, Emperor Hun Yue and others even knew Ye Chen's hole cards, so there was no need to worry about his safety. On the contrary, it should be a foreign race and should worry more about himself.

"Alien, the jealousy of me is really deep enough."

Ye Chen didn't have any fear, and he was indifferent. Even if the crisis is full now, it is still the same. With a thud, he slammed away and used the most powerful Chaos Taoist technique, strong collision, constant collision, one person against many foreign kings . ()

Please remember the first domain name of this book: .. m.

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