Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3540: Want to kill

"not good!"

The powers of the foreign race, seeing the burning emperor and the emperor chariot, all felt frightened, and the first time they retreated, they would be hit hard by the enemy.

Because they have a hunch that if they don't rush away at this time, they will most likely be perished.

The ignited alien emperor and the emperor chariot exploded in front of the fifth alien great emperor.


The terrifying explosion immediately shook the land of boundless alien races, and endless bright flames spread across the sky. In the blink of an eye, it spread to unknown large areas, at least more than a thousand large areas, almost comparable to the area of ​​the entire Primordial World.

Even the outer starry sky was also affected, and the star fields collapsed, and the infinite stars were drowned in flames and disappeared, turning into the land of star ruins.

And all of this, the three great princes of Pangu Palace who had known Ye Chen's actions for a long time had already taken action to protect all Pangu Palace powerhouses. They were tightly protected and never suffered any harm.

On the other hand, the alien side was killed by surprise, was affected by the emperor's self-destructive power, and lost many powerhouses.

In the blink of an eye, there were heavy casualties.

The army of foreign races, from bottom to top, reached the level of the Primordial King, and they have also fallen.

It can be said that more than 30% of the alien army was killed by the imperial emperor’s explosion and the pond fish were killed. The rest were sheltered by the alien emperor at critical moments, but they could not protect everyone in the first place.

Naturally, the first person to bear the brunt was the fifth alien emperor who tried to go to the human palace. The emperor's self-destructive power was burned by the gods, so terrifying, even the ancient emperor did not dare to ask if it was intact.

After the terrible explosion, the flames were overwhelming and the curtain slowly ended, and the figure of the ancient alien of the alien race slowly appeared in front of the world.

I saw the unparalleled alien emperor, at this moment, his whole body was scorched, and bursts of scorched fragrance were faintly revealed. It is conceivable that the ancient emperor was burned by the burning caused by the self-detonation.

Today, it is extremely embarrassing.

However, the ancient emperor is the ancient emperor after all. Even with such a terrible attack, the emperor will certainly die, but for the ancient emperor, it still can’t hurt its roots. They are just some external injuries. As for its roots, there has never been any damage. The slightest hurt.

But the Supreme Emperor, how majestic, is now so embarrassed that it is more difficult to accept than serious injuries.

"Battle Saint King!"

The fifth alien emperor turned to look at the culprit Ye Chen and roared.

He never expected that a fighting saint king would climb to that level in an instant.

Between the heaven and the earth, countless forces are quickly gathering, condensing into a killing light, containing the Supreme Emperor, rushing to Ye Chen.

Such an emperor's way to kill the mind is that the emperor is extremely dangerous, and he dare not face it.

This scene was unexpected by everyone.

Ye Chen's palm was far away, and it shattered all the light of the Emperor Dao's killing.

"What's wrong, are you embarrassed? Do you want me to take revenge?"

He smiled coldly, without any fear. On the contrary, the sun phantom of the heavens sank into the body and resonated with it, and the power of his body skyrocketed countless in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he reached the point where he was no less than the ancient emperor.

Feeling that his body is far superior to the strength brought by the previous promotion secret method, Ye Chen also has incomparable confidence, and said: "I really think that only your alien tribes have a hand, and my Pangu universe will not have it. And today, I will kill you! "


When the words fell, Ye Chen shot suddenly.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him has always been one of his goals, but he won't just watch the foreign race emperor recover before making another move. That is not a gentleman, but stupid!

The incomparable power of the Heavenly Dao and the Sun is in the palm of your hand, although it is not as strong and invincible as in the Primordial Realm, it is still extremely terrifying.

With a punch, it is like a real ancient emperor attacking, crushing the ancient and modern, shattering the time and space, and coming in mighty.

At this moment, the heavens and all paths must be far away and cannot be approached.

Although the Great Alien Emperor was furious, he could clearly feel the terrifying power brought by Ye Chen's punch, and he did not dare to easily stop it.

The same is also an attack.

Naturally, that was the true attacking method of the ancient emperor, and this was also the emphasis on Ye Chen.

The Great Emperor-level collision is naturally extraordinary, far superior to countless others, directly causing signs of collapse in many large foreign regions.

Ye Chen had never fallen under the wind, and under the collision of the Great Emperor, he still occupied a considerable advantage, shocking the strong on both sides.

The fighting sage king has actually reached the level of the ancient emperor?

"Hahaha, what about the ancient emperor, see how I kill the emperor today!"

Ye Chen laughed, with a domineering look at the heavens, facing the ancient emperor of the alien race, he was unparalleled.

The world has changed color, and the words of the Fighting Saint King are so arrogant that they want to kill the emperor! ?

You must know that the ancient emperor should not be mentioned lightly, and even if it is blasphemy, he will receive a clear condemnation, let alone the Tu emperor, speaking as a king, it is an insult to the emperor.

However, the dark punishment of the condemnation did not appear, because Ye Chen also reached this level, even more terrifying, the invisible force disintegrated the secret punishment of the condemnation.

At the same time, he no longer hides anything at all, and the power of endless faith rushes out. Another power comparable to the supreme class fills his body, and his power rises again, reaching an unimaginable level.

In an instant, the unparalleled power overwhelmed the alien races, and all the visions that belonged to the legendary heavens all appeared one by one, all showing Ye Chen's invincible invincibility!

After another attack, under the banging collision, Boundless Cangyu led an unknown number of star domains to collapse. Under the horrified eyes of the two camps, the figure of the Great Emperor of the Great Perfection of the alien race flew upside down in countless great areas, The light of blood is rushing into the sky, filling the 33rd layer, and it is actually invincible.

"Oh my God, is this true?"

"The Great Alien was actually blown away by the Fighting Saint King!"

"Unbelievable, that is the ancient emperor, and the Dzogchen ancient emperor who is truly at its peak. How powerful and invincible in the world, who can defeat him without his Majesty the Emperor, but he was beaten by the fighting king. It's flying!"

"Could it be that during the three hundred years of fighting the saint king, he has long become the supreme?"

"No, this incomparable power is simply much stronger than the Great Peak of Dzogchen!"

Countless powerful people in Pangu Palace were shocked, but they were shocked by the past, and there was joy that was hard to hide.

A supreme powerhouse who is stronger than Emperor Dzogchen, and belongs to the Pangu universe. This is definitely a great blessing, enough to crush all the alien races that invade the ancient universe.

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