Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3541: The real horror of Supreme

Emperor Wuxiang, Emperor Profound God, and Emperor Taichu were also taken aback. Although he knew that Ye Chen had the means to counter the Supreme Emperor, he never expected that these methods were so powerful.

Even if it is changed to them, it is not as good.

The alien camp is full of unspeakable panic.

"Impossible, no matter how amazing the Fighting Saint King is, it is only the Primordial King, how can it be stronger than the Great Emperor?"

"This is not only stronger than the Great Emperor, but also one of the two great emperors at the peak of Dzogchen. How can the Fighting Saint King be so strong?"

"Could it be that in just three hundred years, he has obtained an unparalleled opportunity in the land of the lower realm? Yes, I heard that the land of the lower realm contains the legacy of the emperor, and I am afraid that the fighting holy king has obtained such a method. Ascended to such a level within."

Compared with other people, the alien emperor can clearly feel the majestic supreme-level aura in Ye Chen's body, not just one, but two full, as if two ancient emperors entered the body of the master, then wait The power is so powerful that it is naturally more than twice as powerful as the ordinary emperor.

And the fifth alien emperor was beaten to blood. On the one hand, it was indeed because Ye Chen's power was more powerful, but a large part of the reason was that he was killed by surprise, otherwise he was the Supreme Emperor. With his combat experience and consciousness, even if Ye Chen had two supreme powers, it would be difficult to achieve this.

"What a fighting saint king, he hides so deeply, it really makes me wait for fear."

The fifth alien great emperor spoke slowly, and his voice echoed throughout the heavens and tens of thousands of domains, and it even revealed boundless killing intent.

"However, what you have is not your own power, just external force, even if it is stronger than the Dzogchen Emperor Realm, what about it? You still can't really command like an arm, how much can you exert? "

"In the final analysis, you are just a little ant with the power of a giant dragon. Your realm is simply not enough to master this power beyond the supreme."

"Even if the emperor is not as powerful as yours, you must not forget, I am the supreme, invincible in this world!"

I have to say that the words of the Great Alien are not wrong at all. Ye Chen can indeed master such incomparable power, which is more powerful than the Dzogchen Emperor Realm, but cannot be perfectly controlled.

In the final analysis, this power is too strong, and Ye Chen's realm does not match, and it is difficult to master it perfectly.

"Yes, you are right."

Ye Chen admitted, but there was a smile on his face: "But you have forgotten one thing. What if I can't command this force like my arm? You have to understand that there is an old saying in my Pangu universe, chaos. Killing the master, with enough strength, it is enough to crush everything, including the ancient emperor like you!"

Boom boom boom boom boom

When the voice fell, Ye Chen turned into a beam of light, and in the blink of an eye, it penetrated the distant sky, as if reversing the long river of years, before the fifth alien emperor, madly shot, surpassing the unparalleled power of the ordinary supreme emperor to continuously attack .

Without the slightest fancy means, he just attacked frantically, with one punch after another, and each punch was bombarded with 33 layers of heaven, crushing eighteen layers of hell, crushing the past, and attacking with absolute power.

Even the ancient emperor must be suppressed strongly!

Under the terrifying offensive, the chaotic operation rules in the underworld were directly triggered, and a vast sky slowly descended, covering the half of Ye Chen and the fifth alien emperor.

Supreme realm!

When the displayed power reaches the supreme level, the supreme realm will come autonomously, drawing people of relevant levels into it, and avoiding excessive destructive power.


The fifth alien great emperor coldly snorted, his eyes flashed coldly and retreated, forcibly stabilized the emperor's body, only entered halfway, never fully entered.

At the same time, a trident appeared in his hand, revealing absolute darkness and devilish energy. The Supreme Emperor was surrounded, faintly, and seemed to be able to set foot on the long river at any time, saying: "I am the ancient emperor of the prison, and I am In an era, you have never feared everything. How can you be intimidated by a junior in your area today. Today, the emperor will let you see what is the real ancient emperor's method."

"Split the sky!"

With a loud shout, the ancient emperor made a move and stroked the trident, while the Immeasurable Supreme Emperor swept across the heavens, stroked the path of the emperor's path, which is mysterious and mysterious, and surpasses all paths. Suddenly attacked Ye Chen.

This is a true imperial way, and it is also one of the peerless magical powers used by the ancient emperor to suppress the ages.

The trident waved, and the nine heavens split immediately, and the ten square earths broke apart.

If it wasn't for the two of them to enter the supreme realm halfway through the battle, if the blow really falls, I don't know how many large realms have completely collapsed.


The collision of the emperor-level peaks illuminates the supreme realm, which is extremely intense.

During the period, Ye Chen benefited from the unparalleled power of heaven and sun and the power of endless faith, and was not injured much, but what shocked him was that the ancient emperor of prison was only a dozen steps backwards. There is also no damage.

This changed Ye Chen's color, his own power surpassed the opponent by more than twice, but he couldn't take much advantage.

Soon, he realized that this is indeed the terrible thing about Supreme.

Anyone who can become the supreme is not the true prince of heaven, who has fought countless battles throughout his life. All aspects of combat experience, combat awareness, combat instinct, etc., are all at the pinnacle, especially in the control of power. Ye Chen didn't know much.

Even if Ye Chen's power is strong enough, when it is used, the power beyond mastery will continue to dissipate all the time, and the power that can be truly exerted can have six or seven achievements.

The ancient emperor's power mastery is flawless, and with supernatural powers, it can increase a lot.

Therefore, in the real duel, in fact, it is often not equal.

What's more, if it goes on for a long time, it is very likely that one will go down, and Ye Chen may not be able to really kill the emperor.

"The supreme is invincible, it is not simply to put it simply. At that level, all aspects are the most extreme, and in terms of combat consciousness and combat instinct, they are all supreme. I only rely on the power of the heavens and the sun and endless beliefs. The strength was barely achieved, but in reality, it was not as good as that, so the ancient emperor of the prison made up for this disadvantage."

Ye Chen muttered in his heart, and continued to take action. The power comparable to the two supreme-levels was displayed between his fists and feet, and it showed all the peerless magical powers to attack, slam the heavens, and angrily kill the ancient emperor.

With such a mighty force, it was enough to explode everything, the emperor would be crushed to pieces in front of him, and Xing Shen was easily torn to pieces.

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