Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3546: Chaos Out

"Fighting Saint King, don’t care, he can’t really come, and there are corresponding restrictions, otherwise he would have come. It is expected that the ancient emperor of the prison burned his body and god, although it can build a bridge through the barriers of the universe, But what is needed is the Dzogchen Emperor Realm. Before the death of the prisoner ancient emperor, the strength is far less than before. Therefore, the foreign giants can't fully arrive at all. He still needs a certain amount of time, and even his shots are extremely limited."

The Great Emperor Profound God spoke. As the Great Emperor of the Ancients, he was wise and understood a lot, and knew the flaws of the ancient bridge black hole.

"it is good!"

Ye Chen didn't hesitate, manipulated the reincarnation of the emperor, and swept the past with the power of the heavenly sun.

The Buddha Emperor Ge and Emperor Star have fully recovered, with unlimited power, making the supreme heart tremble and attack fiercely.

This is the strongest attack, that is, the supreme of the Great Perfection Emperor Realm is in front of his eyes, and he will be blown by life.

The old bridge was shaking, and the black hole was on the verge of collapse.

Obviously, as the Emperor Profound God said, it can't be completely stable at all.

He saw hope.

"Even if you understand all this, being able to become a great emperor is indeed a bit extraordinary." The figure of the giant on the ancient bridge seemed to sigh, and his voice suddenly became indifferent and arrogant: "But even if you wait to know what? He is the strongest emperor, and the invincible one who is overwhelming forever, who can stop him."

Boom boom boom boom boom--

On the ancient bridge, in an instant, there is an immeasurable force that surpasses the supreme and turns into the most terrifying power of a giant. If the real supreme giant personally walks across the ancient and modern, a gourd appears, gushing with infinite chaos. Qi, hit hard with the reincarnation body of the great emperor.

The reincarnation of the emperor kicked and retreated, and blood was seen on his body from time to time, but after all, it was not able to explode because of the protection of the sun.

And that mouthful of gourd is also blurred.

After all, this is not a soldier of a real giant, but an alien giant is condensing from a long distance with infinite mighty power, isolating the universe from time and space. In reality, there is still a big gap.

However, even as before, it can also stop the reincarnation of the great emperor who is comparable to the quasi-giant.

How to do?

Everyone is a little anxious, and if this continues, perhaps the supreme giants of foreign races can really come to Pangu universe.

"Although I still need some time to really come, but this time, it is enough to solve your waiting."

The foreign giant opened his mouth, and his voice was full of endless coldness. At the same time, the mouth of the gourd's gushing endless chaotic light was croaking, and all of a sudden a full ten lightsabers flew out, each as if it were full. Like the resurrected supreme emperor, he rushed to Ye Chen in an all-round way.

In an instant, ten lightsabers cut towards the reincarnation of the great emperor.

The emperor's reincarnated body fought ten lightsabers, holding two supreme imperial soldiers that had recovered to the extreme, bravely crowning his contemporaries, crushing the sky and the earth, as if the eternity would be completely shattered, unimaginable.

In the end, the reincarnation body of the great emperor who mastered the sun of heaven also coughed up blood continuously, seeing blood all over his body, and finally shattered ten lightsabers, but the eternal giant on the black hole of the ancient bridge became more powerful, and the supreme eternal giant was fast. Close.





The emperor's reincarnated body constantly heard bursts of clicking sound, which was a sign of cracks in the bones and bones, which were almost broken.

After all, the power of Tiandao Tianyang was too domineering, and the emperor's reincarnation could not bear it for a long time.

"Hahaha, junior, you can't stop me from coming, die."

A strong and incomparable magical power blasted out. At a critical moment, the emperor's reincarnation used the emperor's forbidden magical power-eternal emptiness, which weakened part of his power, but it still couldn't be completely offset. There was an absolute gap between them.

That magical power eventually fell on the reincarnation body of the great emperor, with a bang, and the physical body was torn apart in the sky, blood stained many large areas, some foreign areas, and there were also the camps of the Pangu universe, and even the Immortal Pass had many thousands of miles red.

The rain of blood is flying.

The heavenly sun also fell down.

"Ah-do you really want the sky to destroy my Pangu universe?"

"The supreme ancient emperor, please come out wherever you are, and save the common people."

All beings mourn, hoping that the ancient emperor who is still alive in the mythical era will appear to save the situation.

But the world was silent, and only their screams and the sneers of foreign powers echoed.

"Hehe, the Taishenghuang, Douzhan Shengzu, Yandi, etc. of the Pangu universe are all on the ancient road of origin. They don't know this at all, and even if they know what, they can't return. Other giants in the ancient universe of our own will stop , When it really returns, the Pangu universe is in ruins, how to stop it."

The alien giant on the ancient bridge seemed to be in a good mood, and responded with a chuckle, but with an absolute indifference of the ruthlessness of heaven and the ruthlessness of everything as a dog.

Earlier, they were worried that they could kill all of them by mastering the power of the heavens and the sun, but now, the ancient emperor of the prison does not hesitate to burn his body and **** to force through the barriers of the universe, causing the supreme giants of foreign races to come strongly, and everything has already happened. Reversed.

Now, it is the Pangu universe rather than the alien party that is in absolute crisis.

"I am still here!"

Although the emperor's reincarnation body is torn apart, Ye Chen's deity is still there, even if his body is cracked, he still forcibly rises to the sky, summoning the heavenly sun to come, and wants to forcibly merge.

Only now, and only he can truly prevent the arrival of the foreign giants, otherwise it will not be possible to change to the phaseless emperor, the Profound God emperor, and the emperor of the early emperor.

"Hehe, do you want to struggle to death at this point?"

When the foreign giants were coldly exposed, and were about to take action to kill this potent fighting sage king, at this moment, the immortal heaven that was bombed violently trembled.

The blood light on the walls of Immortal Tianguan was roaring and burning.


There was a sound that shook the eternal years, the magnificent immortal heaven closed, and it was that countless ancient chaos was slowly emerging.

In an instant, it turned into a chaotic ocean.

At this time, Ye Chen stared at the ocean of chaos, he felt that the chaos in his body was resonating, and the injuries on his body surface were repaired at an astonishing speed.

"this is--"

He sensed the very familiar source power, and even this power was at the same source, as if it had a source.

"Could it be—" Ye Chen was shocked. Could it be that the supreme self in the future is coming to this time and space?

This is not impossible, because it has appeared several times all the time.

This time, maybe the same.


Suddenly, from the boundless chaotic ocean, the supreme emperor's way bloomed.

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