Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3547: Jian Duan Ancient Bridge

In a trance, I saw a figure of Gedai slowly appearing across the ages. I can’t see the true face. Only the ancient aura of chaos descends. I am suffering from a broken universe battlefield. The heavens and stars are dying. Sinking, hundreds of millions of creatures burned.

  The great emperor passed away, the ancient emperor fell, the supreme immortal fell...

   It seems that the most terrifying ultimate battle has ever been, involving the supreme, and even the eternal giants.

   All this is not true and quite vague, but the blood-stained universe still makes all the strong in the two camps frightened, including the Supreme.

   What kind of person is that, it is so terrifying, the perished supreme position seems to have died because of him.

   At the same time, the eyes of the alien giants on the ancient bridge were also blazing thousands of times. Looking at it from a distance, a touch of shock was revealed: "There are still eternal giants in the Pangu universe?"

   The figure of Gaidai who hides the chaotic air, and an emperor sword appeared in his hand. The chaotic brilliance is extremely bright, and it seems to shine forever.

   glanced at the black hole of the ancient bridge and waved lightly.


   An impossibly thick chaotic sword light soared into the sky, pressing across the heavens of the ten thousand domains, letting the ten thousand ways retreat, and one dominating the world.

   This chaotic sword light is extremely terrifying, contains ten thousand ways, and also involves time and space, and it is about time. It soars into the sky, and it is cut to the ancient bridge and the black hole.

   "How dare you!"

   The alien giant on the ancient bridge was furious, and also shot, rushing out of unimaginable force to block it.


However, the Chaos Sword Mang is truly unparalleled, and it was cut directly, and then severely cut on the ancient bridge. The ancient bridge that the heavenly sun contained quasi-giant-level power and could not be broken was cut off like this, the black hole Also cracked.

split into two!


   The ancient bridge is collapsing, and the black hole is collapsing.

   All this happened so quickly and it was incredible.

   That chaotic sword glow is as horrible as it is.

   "You are-the person in the Chaos Ultimate Battle!"

   Suddenly, the voice of an alien giant came from the disintegrated black hole of the ancient bridge, with a deep and solemn voice.

   Wuxiang King, Xuanshen Great Emperor, and Taichu Emperor are at the supreme level. Naturally, they also understand the ultimate chaos battle, and they understand that the person back then once attracted the entire Chaos Sea and the various ancient Chaos universes to fight him together.

   That is a taboo in the true sense. It is not this era, it seems to have come across time and space, just to find certain people or things, which caused many supreme people of that era to be bloodied.

Unexpectedly, the forbidden invincible who still met the ultimate chaos battle here also cut out a chaos sword light, involving the power of the taboo level, unimaginable, immeasurable, and directly make the arrival of the supreme giant of the foreign race have no choice. It stopped.

"Unexpectedly, it was just a mark left by that person back then, imprinted on this immortal heaven, isolated from the eternal years, but was activated, and possessed such incomparable power, which made me look down upon it." The Shang tycoon sighed like this, even if he was an eternal tycoon like him, he had to sigh.

   The strength of those characters is beyond common sense, and he must be dignified.

   Back then, it was rumored that there were even the supreme giants who died because of this.

Ye Chenming realized that it was not the future supreme self who came across time and space at all, but the chaos sword light that the person who used to stay in the immortal Tianguan of the ultimate chaos battle was activated. The sword that was cut out also belongs to the origin of chaos. Yes, he just made him mistakenly think that he is the supreme self in the future.

   shocked the world!

The imprint left by the invincible who led to the ultimate chaos battle in the past reappeared, and he waved a sword light that penetrated the ancient and modern times, through time and space, across the years, and collapsed in this life to show its supreme power, directly preventing the alien The advent of the giants.

   It is hard to imagine how invincible the invincible existence of the ultimate chaos war was.

   After cutting out that chaos sword light, the figure of the invincible slowly faded, and the chaotic ocean gradually disappeared, and it was going to be gone forever.

   After all, this is just a brand after all.


The alien supreme giant on the ancient bridge turned and suddenly cooled down: "If your deity really comes, I would still be a little jealous, but I just want to change all of this with a mere mark of the past. It is too much to put me in the beginning. In the eyes."

   This supreme tycoon of the alien race is the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty, who has proclaimed the true antiquities of many epochs, and his strength is unfathomable.

   Even if there is a reappearance of the invincible brand that led to the ultimate chaos battle and cut off the black hole of the ancient bridge, after all, it is an eternal giant-level existence, how simple it is.

   The power of the supreme giant against the chaos of the past and the present is displayed, and the incredible supernatural powers are displayed, and the ancient bridge black hole is temporarily anchored in the disintegration.

   "Too strong, the invincible of Chaos Ultimate Battle reappears in the world with a sword light, and it still can't stop the arrival of this supreme alien giant!"

   "Is this the method of the supreme giant? How to fight it?"

   Everyone changed color, and this method made them feel unable to compete.

   The Unphased King calmly said: "You don't need to be so panicked. Although he temporarily anchored the collapsed ancient bridge and stabilized the black hole, it is not that easy to truly descend into the Pangu universe."

   As expected, although the black hole of the ancient bridge no longer collapsed, the supreme alien tycoon no longer descended, as if it stopped there.

   "As expected, he is the great disciple of the Fighting Saint Ancestor, with a good vision, I can see it."

The supreme alien giant glanced approvingly at the Wuxiang and then beside him, a strong figure appeared. It was very powerful, not as strong as the ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty, but surpassed the Dzogchen Emperor. It is also a quasi-giant-level existence.

   "Now that the channel is on the verge of collapse, the origin of the universe is suppressing, I am too strong to really come, otherwise this connecting ancient bridge ratio will inevitably be shattered for the first time, today my disciple will come and sweep the Pangu universe!"

   The ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty spoke coldly, and beside him was his disciple, named Wanyan, an extremely terrifying existence, famous in the ancient alien universe.

   It is rumored that Wanyan has proclaimed Dao Cheng Emperor three epochs long ago, and he is also the ancestor of the eternal magnate Yuan Chu.

Three epochs have passed. Under the guidance of a generation of supreme giants, he has gone extremely far in the road of imperialism, far surpassing the past, surpassing other supreme ones, and now he has become a quasi-giant-level existence. It's only a short line.

Now, because the ancient bridge black hole was cut off by the chaos sword light left by the invincibles of the ultimate chaos war, the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty was too strong to really come, otherwise it would aggravate the further rapid collapse of the ancient bridge black hole. Now he can only call his outstanding disciple Wanyan to come.

  PS: Once again, follow the public account qianxunyue1314, red envelopes will be issued tonight, and I wish you all a happy new year and all success!


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