Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3551: Emperor Jinwu comes

"How long have I been in a coma?"

Ye Chen asked. He didn't know how long he was in a coma and couldn't judge the exact time.

"Thirty years."

After learning the time of the coma, he was silent, and then looked inside, and found that his originally strong and immortal Chaos Saint body was full of scars, the power of the terrifying heaven and the sun was everywhere, and there was a terrible supreme emperor who was suppressed. Then, it is a lot beyond the ordinary supreme, extremely terrifying.

He sensed the familiar aura, that was the Great Emperor Wanyan, the power left by the last blow from the past, like a curse, sticks to the body and spirit, and remains persistent.


Ye Chen tried to shoot with all his strength, but under such operation, the suppressed power of the sun in the body and the power of destruction by Emperor Wanyan suddenly rippled away, numerous cracks appeared on the surface of the body, and blood overflowed.

If it is not stopped in time, I am afraid that Xingshen will explode on the spot.

He had to admit that the injury was too serious and prevented him from fully exerting his strength. Otherwise, if he was a little careless, his body and spirit would probably be crushed.

In addition, after the First World War, the reincarnation of the emperor was also torn apart, thanks to the shots of a few supreme, reorganized, but not as much as before.

Now placed in Chaos Tianfu, the whole body is covered with cracked blood and scars.

The origin of the emperor's way is already mutilated, the body is also cracked, and the Nirvana Emperor Realm can't bear to disintegrate the part.

However, thanks to the Jiuyin Supreme World Weiyang Great World, which was obtained from the giant-level battlefield back then, the Jiuyin Divine Realm gradually merged with the Weiyang Great World, and it was about to evolve into a stronger Primordial Realm. .

It is a pity that because of the injury, the Origin Emperor Realm is also in the deepest part of the body, and it is difficult to use it.

Ye Chen seemed to be abandoned.

How sad it is. He is full of potential, comparable to the young emperor and the first generation, but after the First World War, he was so badly damaged, like a waste.



Everyone around him was looking at Ye Chen, and felt helpless and distressed.

Ye Chen, who was once unparalleled in the world, is now almost abolished. Although he can still master the power of the Primordial King, it is far too far behind his peak state can be compared with the Ten Heavenly Kings after the first battle.

This is enough to completely suppress anyone.

"You don't have to be too sad. It is a great blessing to survive, not to mention that it is not unsolvable."

Ye Chen spoke comfortably, smiling, not much sad.

Over the years, he has experienced many life and death dangers, and even died several times, and he is still alive. As he said, it is indeed a great blessing. How can he complain too much.

He is thinking.

Because the current chaotic body has thousands of holes and hundreds of holes, many meridians are shattered, and the hegemonic power of the heavenly sun still remains, containing the regular power of no less than the supreme emperor, and even transcendence, constantly eroding his physical body.

If it were not for the suppression of the endless power of belief, there was also the supreme-level sacramental origin of the unphased king infused with blessings, and the emperor undead medicine had taken root in the body and would have been annihilated.

As for the reincarnation of the great emperor, it was also scarred and undamaged on the surface, but in fact there were endless cracks in it, which seemed to be exploded at any time.

This shows how terrible Ye Chen suffered this time.

Naturally, he can't be in this state forever, and he must find a corresponding method when he has the opportunity.

Ye Chen was thinking, now that the alien races in the Pangu universe have been expelled and extinct, it can be regarded as a solution to the troubles.

Now, it's time for him to take the ancient path of origin. Tai Sage Emperor, Fighting Saint Ancestor, Defying Warlord, and Yan Emperor are all four great eternal giants, and there must be a way to solve his injuries.

And he had a bold idea. If there is no way for the giants of the ages, he may try this idea. Although the success is weak, it may not necessarily fail!


Pangu universe, the universe is scarce.

The tenth Grand Emperor Pass.

After Ye Chen's attack on the Tribulation that year, the invading army of the alien ancient universe was completely hit, and it has not yet recovered its vitality, so that it has been very peaceful over the years without any intent to invade.

What's more, in the land of the heavens and ten thousand domains, the alien race was completely extinct. Including the five ancient emperors, how could the alien race not know the slightest news.

However, the tenth emperor pass still dare not care about it all the time, guarding this place.

The Seven Primordial Kings are like seven mountains, guarding the Imperial Pass, motionless, as if eternal.

It’s just that everyone knows that once there is a crisis in the Ten-Layered Imperial Pass, the Seven Primordial Kings will inevitably awaken and suppress them in the first time.

On this day, a dazzling golden light fell outside the Tenth Imperial Pass, like a round of brilliant golden sunset, shining endless golden brilliance.

Alarmed the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass.

Outside the tenth emperor's pass, the chaotic sea territory set off a stormy chaotic ancient atmosphere.

The guarded seven kings awakened for the first time, and their momentum rose to the extreme, preparing for a battle.

When I took a look, I found that it was an extremely huge golden crow. I don’t know how many thousands of miles away. The stars looked so small in front of it. They were covered in blood and breathless. They were outside the tenth imperial gate. The Diwei who belonged to the supreme level with the strands was terrifying.

"Is it an alien supreme?"

The seven kings changed their colors, they suspected that it was the supreme foreign race, and they were about to attack the tenth imperial gate again.

After all, in recent years, Alien Supreme has attacked many times.

Even if there was a heavy hit by the fighting holy king Dujie a few years ago, there is no doubt that the alien race will invade the Pangu universe in a big fight.

Although he has not waited for the seven kings to inform the supremacy of the human race, the huge golden crow that can crush the star field suddenly turns into a figure, wearing a golden robe and wearing an emperor crown. Although he is covered in blood, his emperor's prestige is undiminished, and his eyes are bright. Of course, he raised his head and looked at the seven kings, and said: "Please tell the human race Wuxiangzhizhi, I am the old origin ancient road Jinwu Great Emperor, there are important events to inform!"

Emperor Golden Crow?

Old origin ancient road?

Although the seven human kings did not dare to open the tenth emperor gate, the information was sent immediately.

In a short while, the infinite bright golden light appeared, and a supreme avenue stretched across the sky, straight into the ten-fold imperial gate.

Human Supreme is here!

That is the unphased king, who personally crossed from the heavens and tens of thousands of domains, descended to the tenth emperor pass, and confirmed the identity of Emperor Jinwu.

"Emperor Golden Crow, you are"

The unphased king immediately changed color when they met.

Emperor Jinwu was an extraordinary emperor, and he has taken an extremely important half step in these years, and is about to enter the field of eternal giants.

Today, even if it is not an eternal giant, it belongs to the level of quasi-giant, far stronger than other supreme ones, but the situation in front of him has suffered terrible and severe damage.

For the first time, he thought of the big event that must have happened on the Old Origin Ancient Road, and said in a deep voice, "Could it be?"

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