Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3552: Join Pangu Universe

Emperor Jinwu was pale, covered in blood, and his injuries were extremely serious. He smiled bitterly: "Friends of the Wuxiang Daoist, you guessed it, the ancient road of the old origin is gone, and the chaos burial site is completely unblocked!"

The supreme human race like Rao is the Wuxiang King also directly changed color.

As a supreme, there is nothing in the world that can make such a change, but Chaos Burial Ground is definitely one of them.

Naturally, he would not think that Emperor Golden Crow was joking.

But this incident was too shocking, because it involved the chaotic burial ground, which was the most terrifying chaotic ancient universe that had destroyed an era of an era, the terrifying ancient universe known as the chaotic burial ground.

More importantly, when the ancient road to the old origin was built, Qin Shihuang led the Jinwu Emperor and many other supreme ones, who inadvertently tore a corner of the seal of the chaotic burial ground, so there was a shocking battle.

At that time, many supreme sacreds of both sides were killed, and five ancient emperor sacreds were also perished in Chaos Burial Ground.

Even the eternal giant Taishi Emperor who belonged to the chaotic burial site was born, and he almost succeeded in leading the chaos burial ground to be unsealed, but in the end he was sealed in the chaotic burial ground by Qin Shihuang.

Many years ago, Chaos Burial Ground tried to use the emperor **** to sacrifice the five ancient emperor burial grounds. To unseal the Chaos Burial Grounds, it was also prevented by the joint efforts of the Wuxiang King and the Golden Crow Emperor. The Emperor Qin Shihuang wanted to return, the eternal giant Soldiers suppressed and were again suppressed.

It can be said that Chaos Burial Ground and the Pangu Universe have formed a huge enmity invisibly.

If Chaos Burial Ground is born, according to the overbearing of this terrifying ancient universe that has destroyed an era of era, ten will find the trouble of the Pangu universe.

The Pangu universe in its peak state is like the mythical era. What's more, the Pangu universe is far less than the mythical era. There are only a handful of supreme ones, and there are no eternal giants. Once the Chaos Burial Grounds attack, it will be huge. Disasters, and even the crisis of the collapse of the universe.

"Although I felt it many years ago, I was cut off by the Ancient Chaos Universe, and couldn't know the real situation. I didn't expect it to be a sign of the birth of Chaos Burial Ground."

The King of Wuxiang looked a little ugly, he had felt it back then, but due to various reasons, he couldn't really hear him clearly.

Only now did I learn that it was actually a sign of the birth of Chaos Burial Ground.

Emperor Golden Crow said: "Although the Chaos Burial Site was born, it was sealed for many years. For the supreme and even the eternal giants of the Chaos Burial Site, the original source is lacking. It takes a lot of time to recover, so there will be no accidents in a short time. But. We must also make complete preparations. I am worried that after Chaos Burial Ground is truly born, it will find trouble in the Pangu universe."

King Wuxiang looked solemnly: "I understand this. Thank you Jinwu Daoist for not hesitating to tell me about your injury."

He could see that Emperor Golden Crow's injury was quite serious and it had hurt the origin.

A quasi-giant-level supreme emperor has been injured in this way, one can imagine what terrible battle he has experienced.

"The Emperor of Chaos Burial Ground takes action."

After being silent for a while, the Great Emperor Jin Crow sighed lightly, with a bit of bitterness that could not be concealed. "I'm afraid I won't be able to take the other half of my life."

He told that the Chaos Burial Ground was born, and although he wanted to re-enable it, he knew it was impossible.

Moreover, even though the Emperor of Chaos Burial Ground had fallen sharply in the endless years of being sealed, he was still too strong, and Emperor Taishi himself shot it.

Emperor Jinwu fought with him, but he was not an opponent, so he turned around and retreated to the ancient road of old origin.

It is also fortunate that Emperor Taishi has never been in his peak state, and fortunately he has taken a crucial half-step, and his strength is stronger than that of many other sages, otherwise he will undoubtedly die.

It is a pity that although he escaped a catastrophe, he suffered an unimaginable injury in the end, hurting the most foundation, making it difficult for him to take the other half step, and hopeless forever in the domain of the eternal giants.

Undoubtedly, this is quite fatal, especially for a quasi-giant who aspires to be a giant of the ages, it is extremely painful.

Emperor Golden Crow said: "Although the chaotic burial ground has not recovered, you must be careful. The eternal giants are eternal giants after all. Since the endless years, they have chosen to sleep, avoiding the excessive passage of strength, and still far superior to the supreme. But no one is an opponent of the eternal giants."

The Wuxiang King nodded, but his expression was very solemn. He didn't expect such unfavorable news to appear before the alien races in the Pangu universe had been completely expelled.

On this day, a piece of news that shook the universe came.

The Golden Crow Emperor from the Chaos Sea will enter the Pangu Universe and become a member.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately shook the universe.

The powerhouse of the Pangu universe was surprised and delighted, because the addition of an ancient emperor is definitely good news for Pangu universe.

Originally, the Pangu universe had a certain advantage. If an ancient emperor was added, it would completely crush the invading alien army in all aspects.

In Chaos Tianfu, Ye Chen was surprised and delighted when he heard the news.

Emperor Jinwu was also a teacher and a friend to him.

Being able to join the Pangu universe is definitely great news.

It's just that Ye Chen is also a little confused. Back then, he learned that Emperor Golden Crow was preparing to attack the strongest emperor and other giants, but now only a few hundred years have passed. Has he successfully attacked and become a giant that overlooks the past and present?

Hiddenly, belonging to the unique intuition of the eternal emperor, he felt that the sudden appearance of Emperor Golden Crow was not necessarily an absolute good thing.

"It looks like I have to meet Senior Emperor Golden Crow."

Ye Chen decided immediately.

Soon, news from the Wanyu Center will host a feast to welcome Emperor Jinwu in another magnificent Tiangong Pangu Palace built in Renhuangzhou tonight and invite all major forces from the world to come.

That night, Pangu Palace was quite lively, and the top powers from all sides came.

This is currently the peak and top feast in the Pangu universe.

Ye Chen came, leading a group of top powerhouses from Chaos Tianfu, and attracted attention from all quarters.

"Palace Master!"

"Palace Master!"


Many primordial kings have paid attention to the past, with absolute In the first battle, if it were not for the battle of the saint king to forget his life, the Pangu universe camp wanted to exterminate the powers of the foreign races, it is far from simple, and it is still Need to pay an unimaginable huge price!

Even if he is far from being able to compare with the peak period, he still needs to be revered, one of the Pangu Palace Masters who can sit on the same level as the Supreme Human Race!

Ye Chen also met many acquaintances and said hello one by one.

"The Emperor!"

In Pangu Palace, the emperor was also there. He didn't know when he woke up, sitting on the main seat, majestic, majestic, and awe-inspiring. The whole body was submerged in a cloud of purple-gold brilliance, and a very noble figure appeared.

Next to him, Emperor Wuxiang, Emperor Profound God, Emperor Taichu, and Emperor Golden Crow were all in the list, and his expression was quite good at this moment.

There are also many emperors.

ps: Send a red envelope on the seventh day of the year, convention, public account announcement!

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