Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3559: Meet the Forbidden Soul Palace again

The ultimate ancient road is the place where all the young generations of outstanding Tianjiao and leaders in the entire Chaos Sea compete. Even though hundreds of years have passed, the competition for Tianjiao still has not ended. On the contrary, with the passage of time, it is also because of the golden age. Coming, there are more chaotic ancient universe Tianjiao joining one after another.

The entire ultimate ancient road has become more prosperous.


Ye Chen appeared in the first level, but because of the disaster of the Forbidden Soul Palace, it became a ruin, and a new first level was rebuilt.

Tianjiao came out in large numbers, and Ye Chen looked at those burning zealous Tianjiao, fighting against each other, fighting for glory, and sighed.

For hundreds of years, although he is still very young, for the long years that he has at this level, he is definitely young and messed up, but his experience is comparable to those countless thousands of years of old antiques, and his mentality is also a lot older. The eyes are deep, with a meaning of vicissitudes rare in the young Tianjiao.


He saw the place of the first pass, there were familiar fluctuations, it was the Palace of Soul Forbidden, he was almost imprisoned back then.

For hundreds of years, the Temple of Forbidden Soul has no idea how many princes of the ultimate ancient road have been plundered. They are all the princes of heaven from the ancient chaotic universe. The souls are imprisoned and their bodies are trafficked. This is for the ultimate A catastrophe on the ancient road.

Obviously, in these years, the guardian forces behind the Ultimate Ancient Road have always been in the same water and fire as the Forbidden Soul Temple. Although the Forbidden Soul Temple was once hit hard, it has never destroyed this long-lasting veteran power for thousands of years.

"Hey, the **** king has also appeared."

Ye Chen was surprised. It is indeed a golden age. This is the ultimate ancient road where power was scarce in the past hundreds of years. Now there is a **** king in the Forbidden Soul Temple. Of course, there is also a **** king in the first pass. A family of Eternal Sky City.

Want to come is invited to be the protector of the ultimate ancient road.

The so-called gentleman's revenge is not too late for ten years. Ye Chen, who was hostile to the Forbidden Soul Palace, would not take revenge today.

Silently, he entered the very hidden Soul Forbidden Palace in the void outside the first level.

There are many magic formations laid out here, even the king of gods is difficult to find, but it is too obvious in front of Ye Chen today, and the eyes of God penetrated it in the next glance.

He smiled, without any secretive thoughts, entered the star field where the Soul Forbidden Hall was righteously, and with a loud crash, the strongest Chaos Saint Body directly penetrated all the powerful magic circles and came to the front of the ancient Temple of Forbidden Soul Hall.

"who is it?"

The breakdown of various magic formations directly shocked all the powerhouses in this Soul Forbidden Hall, and they appeared one after another, including the powerful God King who was sitting in the town, a powerful God King's might spread, accompanied by a majestic voice Slowly opened: "Which fellow daoist is coming, you can speak slowly if you have something to say."

The God King of the Forbidden Soul Temple who sits in this temple looks calm and calm on the surface, but he is shocked in his heart, because he knows better than others how amazing the arrays are arranged outside, even if the real king comes It is difficult to do so easily to penetrate and enter.

In front of him, this man who is as rich as jade and flawless, is more detached than the banished immortal, just who is sacred.

However, looking at his face like this, there was a faint smell of deja vu.

It's no wonder that he didn't recognize it. Since becoming the eternal king, Ye Chen has changed completely, and has become perfect, like the most perfect thing in the world, with such a temperament, no one can compare and impossible forget.

Naturally, the face is somewhat similar to the past, but it is much more perfect.

Ye Chen calmly looked like an immortal, and smiled faintly: "I and the Forbidden Soul Palace are old friends. I have had many friendships hundreds of years ago. It is impossible to forget me."

As he spoke, a cloud of ancient chaos appeared between his fingers, overflowing with majestic light.

The God King of the Forbidden Soul Temple who had witnessed all this suddenly realized, although his expression changed drastically: "Battle Saint King!?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the powers of the Forbidden Soul Palace changed their expressions.

Although the King of Fighting Battle suddenly disappeared from the ultimate ancient road, there was a lot of news from the ultimate ancient realm in the deepest part of the ancient road. It was known that he came from another supreme ancient road no less than the ultimate ancient road. The road has reached the end, and the king and hegemony, all the arrogances of the two ancient roads have become true invincibles.

However, he left at that moment and disappeared for hundreds of years.

Unexpectedly, now the Fighting Saint King unexpectedly returned and went straight to here.

"You guessed it right, I didn't expect the Forbidden Soul Palace to remember me like Ye someone." Ye Chen said with a smile, but that smile fell in the eyes of the Forbidden Soul Palace, but it was so cold and ruthless.

The scalp of the God King in the Forbidden Soul Temple is numb, and the fighting holy king who left the ancient road that year is heard to be invincible. Although I don’t know how far it is, I am afraid that it is one of the best in the realm of the **** king, and it may even reach the **** king. The level of quasi-monarchs.

He calmed down forcibly, and said, "Battle Saint King, what's the matter if you come here? If you intrude unintentionally, I can call the shots and forget the past, but if you want to find trouble in the Forbidden Soul Palace, you must forget it, even if you It is the pinnacle of the **** king, even if it is the quasi-king in the legend, don't forget that there is a Primordial King in my Forbidden Soul Palace, and there is more than one person. It is definitely not something you can afford."

Now, the king of the Forbidden Soul Palace can only threaten the Primordial King who poses in the town hall.

Moreover, the communication jade was crushed secretly, the quasi-kings in the temple, and even the primordial kings came in the first time, otherwise they would not be the opponents of the fighting holy kings.

Hearing this, Ye Chen smiled lightly, not saying, "I believe you have secretly informed the Primordial King of your Forbidden Soul Palace."

"What do you mean?" Forbidden Soul Palace God King's expression changed, with a bad feeling.

"It doesn't mean anything. If it doesn't, how can you attract more powerful Soul Forbidden Palace powerhouses, and even find out where your true nest is."

With a smile, Ye Chen said.

All the powers in the Forbidden Soul Palace are all disillusioned, they are leading the wolf into the room!

"In that I won't keep you anymore."

"By the way, let me tell you a word--"

"Prince King?"

"The ancient kings who have died in my hands over the years are no less than ten fingers!"

Ye Chen's words seemed to be light and windy, and it sounded like a thunder falling in the ears of everyone in the Forbidden Soul Palace.

Before their horrified expression completely appeared, Ye Chen was blowing his sleeves at them.


An immeasurable force exploded immediately, and immediately turned into the most terrifying force of the torrent, and it flooded the land of the Forbidden Soul Palace with lightning speed.

Thousands of powerful people, including the **** king, have not really recovered, and they have suddenly turned into powder in a short period of life and death.

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