Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3560: Early Yuan Dynasty and Wanyan

Killing thousands of powerful people in the Forbidden Soul Palace with a finger, including the most powerful Soul Forbidden Palace God King, Ye Chen didn't blink his eyes, as if only killing a few small ants, it was not worth mentioning.

Now, the so-called king of God does not even have the qualifications to become his slave.

After a while, the void was gradually repaired intact, and Ye Chen's eyes flashed slightly: "Is it finally here?"

At this time, with a slight tremor, a black hole suddenly emerged, and it turned into a huge one in a flash.

A wave of terrifying power that trembles the starry sky came out of the black hole, and even the strong people in the first pass a few star fields away felt it.

The Eternal Sky City Lord guarding the first level, the contemporary **** king immediately changed his expression, looking at that direction: "What a strong breath, super **** king? No, not only super **** king, even peak **** king, and even quasi king , And even vaguely sensed the unprecedented strong aura. That aura is as powerful as the heavens, infinite, overwhelming the power of our gods and kings, that is the king of heaven, the kings who were on the ultimate ancient road I felt it on my upper body."

"How is it possible, that is the existence of the Primordial King, the Primordial King of the Forbidden Soul Palace, how could he choose to come suddenly at this time, why on earth?"

He was shocked, unable to maintain the composure he deserved.

It should be understood that whether it is the ancient king or the quasi-prince, it is far beyond his ability to contend, that existence is so powerful, a single finger is enough to severely injure or even kill him, the **** king.

What makes him wonder is that whether it is a quasi-king or a more powerful Primordial King, looking at the entire Forbidden Soul Temple, it is absolutely the highest-level existence, and these existences are basically at the end of the ultimate ancient road. Without a reason, how could it happen suddenly.

He doesn't think there is anything in the first pass that attracts the quasi-king of Soul Forbidden Palace.

"Damn it, for no reason, how could the Forbidden Soul Palace send a quasi-prince and even an ancient king, there is no news about the ultimate ancient road."

"Could it be that the Ultimate Ancient Road and the Forbidden Soul Palace are going to start the final battle, so the quasi-kings and even the Primordial Kings of the Forbidden Soul Palace will come, starting from the first level?"

The Eternal Sky City Lord cursed secretly in his heart, and he didn't know what to do, but it was the first time that the king-level antiques were sent to the ultimate ancient road.

There is no doubt that he can no longer solve the situation in front of him, and he needs the same level of Primordial King to come to face it.

But before the Primordial King of the Ultimate Ancient Road arrives, he needs to face it alone, otherwise all the trials of the first level will be wiped out.

"Delong, the Lord led me to wait for the admiral to come here, and did not appear to greet him quickly?"

There was a majestic shout.

At this time, in the black hole that suddenly emerged from the place where the Soul Forbidden Palace was originally located, there were more than a dozen powerful auras beyond the ordinary God King.

Not long after, a full 13 strong people of the Forbidden Soul Palace came.

Among them, there are nine **** kings, three quasi-kings, and one of them is indeed the ancient king.

Such a lineup, looking at any place on the ultimate ancient road, is definitely a majestic lineup that shocks the stars.

In the first pass, Eternal Sky City Lord sensed it from a distance, and suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Although I had expected it for a long time, I felt that my scalp was tingling.

The weakest God King is also above the Five Tribulations God King. Compared to him, he is only strong or not weak, not to mention that there are other strong people. With such a lineup, he really has no resistance.

The other trials Tianjiao in the first level also changed color, and there was a sense of crisis facing death.

They didn't know, nor could they perceive Ye Chen's existence. He was too strong, so powerful that the King of God could not sense his existence.

"Delong, is that the name of the king who was killed by me just now?"

At this moment, Ye Chen spoke softly, looking at the Forbidden Soul Palace Zhu Qiang coming out of the black hole with a smile.

Hearing that, the thirteen strong souls of the Forbidden Soul Palace immediately looked at Ye Chen, and their expressions suddenly cooled down: "Your Excellency is the legendary fighting king? Really a cruel method, dare to kill my Forbidden Soul Palace strong , Aren’t you afraid of being condemned?"

Ye Chen sneered: "The people in the Forbidden Soul Palace have done countless times more than I, Ye. You should be the one who will be condemned by the heavens, let alone kill the people in the Forbidden Soul Palace, how about it, I think Kill or kill, who can stop it."

"It's a good one who can stop, hahaha, fighting holy king, you have not seen for hundreds of years, the greater your courage." The ancient king of the forbidden soul hall, who is also a palace master, is so cold and cold. Looking at Ye Chen, a scaly armour emerged from his body.

Ye Chen stared at each other for a moment, and then smiled: "It turned out to be you. When you were fighting for the reincarnation body of the emperor, you, the palace master of the Forbidden Soul Palace, came here. I didn't expect to see each other hundreds of years later. It's still a fate. ."

That was the time of the birth of the emperor star. At that time, many Primordial kings competed for the emperor body of the early Yuan Dynasty, and the Primordial Lord who came to the Palace of Forbidden Soul was the Lord in front of him.

and many more……

Ye Chen's expression suddenly sank.

Emperors in the early Yuan Dynasty!

The emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty is not broken!

The ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty!

Emperor Wanyan!

The reincarnation of the emperor...

He remembered all the things he had in those days, and remembered that the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty and his disciple Wanyan the Great, who had been summoned by the ancient emperor of Zhen Prison decades ago at the expense of burning the spirit, suddenly had a kind of enlightenment.

Before this, he had no idea about the existence of the ancestors of the foreign giants in the early Yuan Dynasty, nor did he know the existence of the Emperor Wanyan, but he thought of the early Yuan Dynasty emperors who were on the ultimate ancient road, and suddenly felt.

The hands and feet of foreign races have penetrated into the ultimate ancient road for many thousands of years.

If he didn't guess wrong, the emperor clan in the early Yuan Dynasty was very likely to be the emperor clan of the emperor's ancestor in the early Yuan Dynasty, perhaps one of its branches.

Even the great emperor at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty may be a supreme Taoist body transformed by the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty.

In the early Yuan Dynasty, the emperor's family had the surname Wanyan.

In other words, the quasi-giant Emperor Wanyan was not only as simple as a disciple of the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty, but also his parent and child.

Of course, this information looks very messy, but in fact it is looming, pointing out a point.

As early as tens of thousands of years ago, alien races were laid out on the ultimate ancient road, even at the expense of a giant emperor.

Ye Chen recalled that many years ago, the emperor left with a part of the emperor body without breaking his face in the early Yuan Dynasty. His whereabouts are still unknown.

Perhaps these years have also come to the end of the ultimate ancient road, the ultimate ancient realm, it is time to compete for the supreme opportunity.

What an emperor at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, what a foreign race, it was actually arranged like this, if it weren't for suddenly remembered, and had faced it, he really didn't know that the foreign race still had such a back hand.

It’s a long story, but in fact, it’s not a short time to think. Ye Chen looked at the King-level Forbidden Soul Palace Master and said: "Back then, I was just stepping on the power level. It's the opposite."

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