Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3561: Go to the Lair of Forbidden Soul Temple

The Lord of the Forbidden Soul Hall snorted: "Fighting Saint King, this hall knows that you have reached the end of the ancient road hundreds of years ago, and the countless Tianjiao overlords who crossed the two ancient roads, but you were only a quasi-monarch level. Now it’s only a few hundred years later. Even if the golden age comes, you cannot become the Primordial King in just a few hundred years."

Having said that, a surge of heavenly majesty surged from him, like the ruler of God, and like the overlord of the starry sky, pressing across the vast sky.

Under the majesty of these kings, the three quasi-kings and the nine gods around him were overshadowed!

He is the King of the Ancients and has the most say.

The quasi-sovereign seemed not far away from the Primordial Emperor, but it was only at this point that he realized how big the gap was. It was divided into the four realms of primary, secondary, later, and Dzogchen. In this way, it was the Primordial Emperor.

In fact, the Primordial King can be promoted so easily, even the Dzogchen King needs a long time to accumulate and condense the rules of the king, so that it can be promoted to the greatest success.

Hundreds of years are said to be short, but not long, especially for ascetics, it is just a mere moment.

Wanting to attack the Primordial King within hundreds of years is undoubtedly a foolish dream, even no matter how enchanting Tianjiao is.

"Oh, is it so?"

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised an arc, and immediately from his body, a majestic majesty that was beyond the quasi-monarch, suddenly bloomed, and then enveloped the vast star field at an astonishing speed.

"Monarch Tianwei? Impossible!"

Forbidden Soul Hall Master's expression changed drastically, and the other Forbidden Soul Hall powerhouses around him also changed color.

"Nothing is impossible, and what if you are a king? As a king, I am far more powerful than you!"


When the words fell, at this moment, the Emperor Tianwei on Ye Chen was rising at an astonishing speed, exploding rapidly, shaking the entire starry sky, like an ancient emperor awakening from a long sleep.

Under the supreme and invincible king's heavenly power, the king's heavenly power on the Lord of Forbidden Soul immediately retreated like a tide, and could not even be maintained.

The two were both the Primordial Kings, but compared to Ye Chen, the Lord of the Forbidden Soul Palace's King Tianwei was as weak as an ant, and could not withstand a single blow.

"Super King? No, peerless king, you have become a peerless king!"

The Lord of Forbidden Soul was completely horrified. Peerless kings, all kings above the eighth heaven, were far better than ordinary kings by many times.

He couldn't imagine that the little young supreme in those days, just a few hundred years later, not only became the primordial king, but he also walked so long on the road of kings, and even his old king could hardly be expected.

"A peerless king?"

Ye Chen gave a faint smile without explaining. He stepped forward and swept it with a slap. Under the rumbling, endless power suddenly multiplied. There are densely packed rules of the king, millions of which are so shocking. , Turned into a torrent to hit the past.

"Do not--"

The Lord of the Forbidden Soul Palace and other powerful people in the Forbidden Soul Palace screamed in horror, but they couldn't stop them.

Ye Chen opened his mouth and swallowed, and the Soul Forbidden Palace Lord's form and spirit and the original world in his body were all swallowed, swallowed by the original universe.

At this point, although the king's world is strictly prohibited, it will not have much effect, but no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat, and it can expand a little. It is better than nothing.

He raised his hands and killed thirteen strong people in the Forbidden Soul Palace, and Ye Chen still kept his face unchanged as before.

Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at the distant starry sky, showing a smile: "Since the fellow Taoists are here, why hide and hide? What if you don't come out for a while?"

"Zhou Shan has seen the fighting king!"

The Eternal Sky City Lord walked out of the hidden starry sky with a numb scalp. When he saw the scene just now, he didn't think he could hide it.

There is a sense of respect in the words!

"Why fellow Taoists come?" Ye Chen asked.

"Come here, I wanted to stop the Soul Forbidden Palace powerhouse from attacking the first level a little bit, but I didn't expect that the Fighting Saint King had already been resolved. I am a world-famous arrogant, I am ashamed."

Facing the fighting holy king who strangled the Primordial King while raising his hand, the Eternal Sky City Lord's words were somewhat restrained.

Suddenly, Ye Chen smiled, clasped his fist and said, "So thank you for your kindness. It is a great blessing to have such a conscientious person as a Taoist in the ultimate ancient road."

He could see that the Eternal Sky City Lord was false.

"Fighting Saint King and Daoyou are worthy of being the number one arrogant of the Chaos Sea. In just a few hundred years, he has reached such a realm in one fell swoop. It really makes my generation far behind and feel ashamed."

After a while, the Eternal Sky City Lord let out a sigh, not knowing how many complicated emotions it contained.

When the fighting king came to the ultimate ancient road back then, although he was enchanting enough at the time, he broke into the sub-temple of the Forbidden Soul Hall of Eternal Sky City alone and rescued many ultimate ancient road Tianjiao.

But at that time, he was nothing but a king of heaven after all, not even a mighty man.

At that time, I still needed this fighting saint king to look up.

Just a few hundred years have passed, it is the most terrifying promotion speed, and it suddenly becomes the legendary existence. Raising the hand can strangle the Primordial King, and countless powerful people will be wiped out.

With such a method and such a realm, he, a veteran strong man who has set foot in the **** king for tens of thousands of years, has to sigh, he is old after all, and this life belongs to young people after all.

Ye Chen comforted: "Friends of Taoism don't need to sigh like this. With the golden age, I believe you can go further and climb higher levels."

"hope so."

The Eternal Sky City Lord gave a wry smile. Now, wherever he has ambitions, he has been shattered by the fighting holy king.

"Friends of Taoism are interested in following me to the Lair of Forbidden Soul Palace?"

Suddenly, Ye Chen pointed at the black hole that was still there and smiled like this.

Forbidden Soul Hall?

The Eternal City Lord was horrified at first and finally relieved after a while. After a little hesitation, he made a decision. He laughed: "Today I am willing to go to the forbidden city together with the fighting holy kings and daoists. The old nest of the Soul Hall, kill the power of the Forbidden Soul Hall."

You can kill the Primordial King by just raising your hand. Such a method is not something ordinary kings can do. It can be seen that this fighting saint king's cultivation level has reached what level, and he will follow him, even if he goes to the lair of the Forbidden Soul Palace. , I can’t guarantee that it will be extinct horizontally, but it’s okay to retreat whole body.

"Let's go."

With the Eternal Sky City Lord, Ye Chen's figure sank into the black hole with a sigh and disappeared.

Half an hour later, the airspace door on the first level opened, and the Primordial King who had the ultimate ancient road came personally. There were several quasi-kings and a dozen **** kings behind him. The lineup was not generally strong. All this is just to deal with. Forbidden Soul Palace.

PS: Happy Valentine's Day. I don’t know if you have any lovers. Anyway, I’m staying at home hard today. The code word, emmmmmm, will break out in a few days!

(End of this chapter)

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