Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3568: Ask for a world stone

Although there are not many cosmic origins of this group of Eight Desolate Ancient Universes, it is still of great benefit to Ye Chen, especially after the realization and refining, it also has great advantages for the growth of the origin universe.

Now, it is directly integrated into the origin of the small universe.


The Chaos Little Universe has grown a lot in an instant, overflowing with even more powerful cosmic power, and the light of the universe sank into his limbs.

It is faintly visible that the power of the Heavenly Dao Sun has been suppressed a bit better again, and Ye Chen can use more strength.

He guessed that under the current situation of suppressing the power of the Heavenly Dao Sun, the maximum power that can be used is afraid that it can reach the level comparable to the rules of seven million Dao Kings, and reach the peak level of the Eighth Heaven King, which is no less than that of the previous year. In the Primordial Realm, it was even stronger.

"Very good, it is not bad to be able to use the power of about seven million Dao King rules, enough to cross the universe." Ye Chen was quite satisfied with the result.

What's more, his real trump card is the reincarnation of the great emperor, the great cauldron of chaos, and the emperor star.

At this time, his gaze swept towards the old emperor of the Dan Emperor clan outside the imperial formation, and smiled and said: "It has been resolved, fellow Daoists can come in."

The old king hesitated for a while before he entered, and with a wry smile, he held his fist towards Ye Chen: "The holy king and Taoist friends have deepened their studies. Although the old man has cultivated for many years, he is far inferior to you."

After truly witnessing Ye Chen's strength, the old emperor's attitude quietly became respectful, and even his name became "you".

There is no complaint about the latter's charge of Tiandao.

"Cut the last chaotic rough stone."

Ye Chen said that it was also very simple and direct, because the rough chaotic stone that made him most threatening had been solved, and the next last piece would not be too threatening.


The chaotic rough stone exploded, and a stone the size of a millstone fell from it. It looked simple and unpretentious, but it was filled with a few ray of chaos, and there were waves of world heaven and earth fluctuations, as if a world was hidden. However, Ye Chen couldn't sense the world inside.

"World Stone!"

The old king of the Dandi clan exclaimed and recognized the origin of this stone, which is a world stone.

The world stone, as the name suggests, is related to the world.

However, unlike the heart of the world, only a world that is huge enough can give birth to a world stone, and its value is much more precious than the heart of the world. It can accelerate the development of the world, even for the original emperor realm and the primitive world of chaos. The growth of has greatly helped, and even the expansion has become even greater.

Generally speaking, these world stones have a certain chance of being born after the Primordial Chaos World and the Great World of Eternal Giants die out.

To put it bluntly, unless it is the origin world of the eternal giants, it is impossible for the Supreme World to give birth to the World Stone, unless it is the Supreme Master of the Tao of Space.

In front of him, the world stone the size of a millstone is a peerless rare, worth no less than a supreme imperial soldier.

"World Stone? World Tree?"

Ye Chen was overjoyed, he naturally recognized it, turned to look at the old king, and said, "I want this world stone."

Such a world stone, if given to Ya Ya, can make Ya Ya, the world tree creature, grow faster, and even the world condensed by the world tree in the future will be more vast and stable, and more powerful.

Legend has it that the reason why the world ancestor tree is so powerful is because of the world tree on the one hand and the world stone on the other.

Therefore, Ye Chen is very concerned about World Stone, how can he not be more concerned about his children after the relationship.

Hearing this, the old king's expression changed, because he heard the meaning of the other party's words, with a hint of demand, not a request, and his attitude was much stronger.

"Battle Saint King, this" the old king is very embarrassed, the world stone is of incomparable value, he can't call the shots.

Ye Chen said: "I'm not deceiving you either. It's either the undead emperor medicine seedling or the world stone. You can only choose one of the two."

The old king's face sank a little, choose one of the two?

Obviously these chaotic rough stones belonged to the Dan Emperor, but the Fighting Saint King wanted to go alone. What's more, the previous Chaos Kong God and the grievances of the heavens were suppressed and collected by him. The Dan Emperor has not said a word yet.

In the emperor hall, the Dan emperor clan powers also looked ugly, and the fighting holy king looked a little ugly.

At this time, the patriarch of the Dan emperor clan opened the emperor array and stepped forward. He was a majestic and majestic middle-aged man. After the golden age came, he became a powerful king of a party, becoming more and more unfathomable, although he could not talk to Ye Chen. On par.

The patriarch said solemnly: "Fighting Saint King, although you have advanced your skills, you should understand that all the chaotic rough stones are owned by my Dan Emperor clan. You suppressed and collected the previous chaotic Confucian Gods and the grievances of the heavens. I will wait. Without mentioning it, this is enough to give you face, but now that you speak like this, what is the difference between you and the act of a robber?"

At the same time, several quasi-monarch-level old antiques also appeared, guarding the patriarch, with rotten energy looming on his body, extremely old, and near the limit of life.

They are all of the Dandi clan's town clan heritage, but they are really old, especially for the Dandi clan who masters the highest level of alchemy in the Chaos Sea, they have taken countless pills, unless they break through the realm, or are the tenth emperor. Pill, otherwise the general pill will no longer be effective.

Within the Dan Emperor Clan, they undoubtedly have a high right to speak, no less than the patriarch. At this moment, they have also spoken: "Fighting Saint King, you are very strong, even in the heart of the Dan Emperor Clan, they dare not say that they can be suppressed. I have you, but I hope you will not be too impulsive."

Behind them many Dandi clan powerhouses are very nervous, their palms are sweating, and they have quietly communicated with the town clan's supreme soldier Dandiding.

Because of this opening and reproaching the Holy King is no doubt.

You must know that the fighting sage king is no longer the mighty younger generation back then. He has deepened his skills and reached a position above the old kings in the clan. If he gets angry, I am afraid that the entire Dan Emperor clan will most likely suffer. A major blow, and even heavy casualties.

They must be prepared for the worst.

Hearing, Ye Chen was silent for a while, and immediately raised his head without getting angry, because he also knew that he was a little bit unreasonable, and sighed softly: "Sorry, this world stone is too useful for me, I have to. I know it will Lose some of the benefits of the Dan Emperor. In that case, it is better to come up with a compromise proposal. The World Stone will give me. In the future, I will repay the treasure of the same value and return the Dan Emperor. I owe you a favor from the Dan Emperor. You can make an oath of heaven."

I have to say that Ye Chen has to pay a great price.

He made a small promise, not to mention making a favor, which is even rarer.

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