Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3569: Forbidden Soul Palace is coming

The old emperor still frowned, the value of the world stone was too great, and the Dan Emperors were unwilling to give up. Apex X23US

The greatest value of the world stone is the refining of weapons. It can be sacrificed to produce weapons that contain the vast world. The value is no less than that of the chaotic immortal gold, and even more rare. So once the world stone is refined into the supreme imperial soldier, it can belong to The treasures in the Supreme Emperor’s Soldier are rare.

If the emperor in his Japanese clan proves that Dao becomes emperor, undoubtedly, this world stone can be smelted in it, so that the emperor’s Dao soldiers can be upgraded to several ranks and become the strongest supreme emperor.

But similarly, the favor of the fighting king is also rare. At such a young age, he has become a peerless king-like figure, and his combat power is against the sky, and he has also obtained the alchemy inheritance of the emperor, with unlimited potential. It is not impossible for him to become a giant like Dandi in the future. Such kind of favor is priceless.

What's more, the fighting king is willing to repay the treasure of equal value in the future.

All the powers of the Dandi clan are faintly loose.

Seeing that everyone was loosening, Ye Chen hit the railroad while it was hot: "The world stone is immortal, even the emperor can hardly destroy it. It will take a long time for your emperor to prove that the Dao is supreme in the future. During this time, I can I promise that I can find treasures that are no less than the world stone. And I am not afraid to tell you that in the old days on the ancient road of origin, I have met Senior Dandi. He is kind to me and helps me. I know where he is. place."


Hearing this, the old king could no longer remain calm, and looked at Ye Chen in surprise.

The same is true for other Dandi clan powerhouses.

Has he seen Emperor Dan?

The old king said in surprise: "My clan emperor is on the ancient road of origin?"

"Not bad!" Ye Chen said, "Senior Dandi is in the deepest part of the ancient road of origin. He is the venerable in ancient and modern times. He is the supreme of the heavens and has unparalleled prestige. I am fortunate to have the help of Senior Dandi. I have deep friendship with several supreme giants in the Pangu universe."

All the powerful Dan Emperors burst into tears, because since they saw an incarnation of Dan Emperor Zongtian on the battlefield of the Fallen Emperor, the people of the Emperor Clan have not known how many thousands of years they have not seen Emperor Dan and have disappeared. Where is the place, I only know that Emperor Dan is still alive, doing a great thing.

Unexpectedly, he was actually on the ancient road of origin, the mysterious ancient road leading to the land of origin in legend.

"Dare to ask the fighting king, the emperor once said, when will he return to the emperor?" Suddenly, the old king asked.

Other Dandi clan powerhouses also looked at Ye Chen hopefully.

With a sigh, Ye Chen shook his head: "I never said it."

Everyone was disappointed. Did Emperor Dan have forgotten the emperor?

"You don't need to be so disappointed. Who is the Emperor Dan, the strongest emperor, the giant of the ages, the stalwart existence that really overlooks the age of the ages, what he needs to do is in the world, it is immeasurable that he did not return to the Dan Emperor clan, just knowing Worried about drawing boundless blood to the Dan Emperor." Ye Chen advised, "He also has enemies that need to be faced at the forefront of the Ancient Origin Road, as powerful as the enemies he needs to face. If it returns to the enemy and finds the presence of this ancient universe, the entire Dandi clan will inevitably suffer annihilation."

The powers of the Dan Emperor clan suddenly became awe-inspiring, and naturally understood what Ye Chen's words meant.

However, I was very excited when I learned that Emperor Dan was still alive. At the moment, the old emperor said: "The fighting saint king, please move to the guest seat and wait for a while. The world stone matters, let my clan consider one or two."

"Okay." Ye Chen nodded and left the imperial formation. Someone had already been in the emperor hall and was ready to take a seat. Ye Chen sat on the seat and tasted the tea, silently waiting.

One night passed, and the Dandi clan still did not give a corresponding answer, but the world stone matter is very important, and it is impossible to decide immediately.

Suddenly, the Dan Emperor Clan’s gateway to the outside world shook dramatically. Under the loud roar, the Xiongguan gate exploded, and blood spattered. Many powerful Dan Emperors were killed, including a **** king and two and a half people. The King of Buddhism was suffering heavy casualties.

"Who is it? Dare to invade my Dandi clan!"

There was a loud shout of majesty, that was the patriarch. After sensing the terrible fluctuations of the portal, he immediately led a group of high-level Dandi clan powerhouses to appear.

In the shattered male gate, a figure with a disheveled hair stands, like a savage lunatic, his body is filled with terrifying and boundless fluctuations, accompanied by the rules of the kings, dancing and rippling, causing the fragments of the pill world to collapse. Thousands of miles of turmoil in an instant, with heavy casualties.

"It's the Primordial King!"

The patriarch's discoloration changed, and he immediately sent a message to ask the old king to be invited, otherwise even if there are a few quasi-king old antiques here, it will be difficult to stop an ancient king.

At the same time, it is to communicate with the origin of the alchemy world, maintain stability, and even communicate with alchemy.

When necessary, don't mind to sacrifice the Supreme Imperial Soldier for a lore.

"What happened?"

At this time, the old king appeared, and he saw the figure with the disheveled hair, and his body exuded tyrannical aura, like a peerless fierce, incredibly powerful, it made him be frightened by it, this is by no means an ordinary ancient king.

All the powers of the Dan Emperor clan were dark, and they were also puzzled, even if they did not understand, why this mysterious Primordial King suddenly broke into the Dan realm.

Far in the sky, there are magnificent dark ancient temples ups and downs, accompanied by the sound of clattering, the Emperor of the Ancients manifests, making the Dan Emperor clan change color.

They recognized that they were from the Soul Forbidden Palace, and they were actually driven by such a terrible tyrannical King Hope Dan Emperor Clan.

The Dan Emperor clan was angry, and the patriarch shouted on the spot: "Forbidden Soul Palace, my Dan Emperor Clan and your river do not violate the well water, you dare to attack my Dan Emperor Clan, really think that my Dan Emperor Clan is afraid of your Forbidden Soul Hall?"

A king-level hall master of the Forbidden Soul Hall appeared, covering himself in the black mist, Senhan’s voice came out: "Emperor Dan, I have no intention of making trouble for your Emperor. I came here this time for the sake of fighting saints. king."

"Battle Saint King?"

The powerful Dandi clan were surprised Forbidden Soul Palace came to find the fighting sage king like this, it is impossible to chat with him, but Xingshi moved the crowd like this, it is also rare.


Feeling the crisis, the figure radiating from the Beatles roared, fierce and mighty, shocking the entire Pill Realm.

Having said that, Ye Chen is now the guest of the Dan emperor family, and is valued by the Dan emperor. How can it be easily handed over? The old emperor snorted and said: "Forbidden Soul Palace, even if you are looking for the fighting saint King, but if you dare to take action in the realm of our Dan Emperor Clan, how can my Dan Emperor Clan give up, or else the people of the entire ancient universe would think that my Dan Emperor Clan is good for you."



A giant cauldron appeared, which was even larger than the stars, suspended in the sky, engraved with infinite patterns, the red fragrance was thin, layer upon layer, blooming like a thousand colors, very special, but with the infinite supreme emperor's prestige in the pan Now.

The whole Pill Realm shook, and suppressed the Peerless Might of the Beatles exuding that fierce existence.

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