Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3570: No. 5 Taboo Weapon

"Dandi Ding!"

Seeing the Pill Emperor Cauldron, the powers of the Forbidden Soul Palace were also very jealous. The great cauldron was even more extraordinary than the ordinary supreme imperial soldiers. It is rumored that the Pill Emperor transcended the supreme level and established himself in another supreme realm.

But the same thing is that this time, the Forbidden Soul Palace is here for the sake of power, otherwise the fighting holy king will destroy an old nest in the Forbidden Soul Palace, and all six Primordial Kings will be killed. If they don’t take action, the entire ancient universe People will think that the Forbidden Soul Palace is good for bullying.

One of the Lords of the Forbidden Soul Palace said in a deep voice: "Friends, the Fighting Saint King shot my Forbidden Soul Palace not long ago, and also killed several of the Lords of the Forbidden Soul Palace. This matter must not be stopped. , As long as your Dan Emperor clan lets the Fighting Saint King come out, my palace can leave the Dan Emperor realm, otherwise I can’t blame my Forbidden Soul Hall for being ruthless."

"In that case, you are threatening me?" The old king was also angry. He has lived for tens of thousands of years, and he has not tried to be threatened like this.

The Lord of the Forbidden Soul Palace said coldly: "You can think so, but you are not afraid to tell you that this is a forbidden weapon in my temple, named No. 5, and its origin is not simple, even if your Dan Emperor Clan can hold the Pill Emperor Ding and other supreme emperors Soldiers, it is impossible to fully recover, and this No. 5 taboo weapon is not necessarily afraid."

"No. 5 Taboo Weapon!?"

The old emperor was shocked. As the emperor of the Dan clan, he is also the ancient emperor in this chaotic ancient universe. He naturally understands a lot of secrets and knows that the Forbidden Soul Palace is preparing an amazing plan for thousands of years. , Has taken a shot to capture the existence of a few incredible overlords, for which he paid a huge price.

The forbidden weapon named No. 5 in front of us is very likely to be one of the Gedai overlords who used to shake the starry sky.

And he understood that this class of Gedai hegemons is not comparable to the average Primordial King.

"Ancestor, the forbidden weapons of the Forbidden Soul Palace are extraordinary, not to be provoked. In the past, the emperor was almost wiped out." There are high-level figures in the Dan emperor's clan who are very jealous.

In the past, the emperor clan and the Forbidden Soul Hall were hostile and fought, but in the end, under the anger of the Forbidden Soul Hall, one of the horrible existences called forbidden weapons was released, and the emperor was almost destroyed.

If it weren’t for the final emperor’s background, the consequences would be really unimaginable, but since then, everyone has known the horror of the forbidden weapons in the Forbidden Soul Palace. Even the Primordial King has been slaughtered by more than one person, blood-stained many stars, and his name Hehe.

"Old Patriarch, this matter has nothing to do with my clan, or else—"

The words are not finished yet, but the other Dandi clan powerhouses understand that this person means to hand over the fighting king.

The old emperor snorted coldly: "This matter is not allowed. My clan is descended from Emperor Dan. I have never been afraid of anyone. Even if it is a so-called taboo weapon, it is a big deal. If the Forbidden Soul Palace wants to deal with my clan, I have to weigh it. Can afford it."

The emperor can still overwhelm the starry sky, not to mention the descendants of the eternal giants such as the Dandi clan, with the real background dispatched, it is far superior to the ordinary emperor.

Moreover, the current fighting sage king is not what it used to be, that is, his old king can't see through, unfathomable, how can such a character be easily offended.

"But the ancestor--" the senior elders in the clan wanted to continue to speak, but the old king stopped him with a stare, and shouted: "This matter will not be mentioned again. The Fighting Saint King is the first guest of the Dan clan. This status will always be Yes. Since the Soul Forbidden Palace wants to attack my Dan Emperor Clan's first Ke Qing, I have to ask my Dan Emperor Clan if he wants it!"

His voice was not hidden in the slightest, it rumbling, resounding between the heavens and the earth, and also told the Forbidden Soul Palace to know.

At the moment, the powers of the Forbidden Soul Palace knew what the Dan Emperor meant, and their expressions sank one by one, especially the king-level temple master who came there could be as many as four people.

One of them said: "Daoist fellow of the Dan Emperor Clan, you have to think about it. Can some things be decided casually, otherwise, even the Emperor Clan would not be able to afford the consequences."

"Really? The old man has lived for many tens of thousands of years, but this is the first time someone has dared to threaten the emperor Dan clan." The old emperor smiled, calmly and ordinary, and said: "But you must also understand. My Dan Emperor Clan is by no means unusual. My ancestor is Dan Emperor, the first person to make alchemy in the ages, and even set foot in the realm of the supreme giant. If you do anything against my Dan Emperor Clan, it’s nothing but dare. Don’t you fear that the ancestors and his elders will be angry and attack the Forbidden Soul Palace across time and space?"

In the seemingly calm words, there is a strong arrogance!

Emperor Dan, an eternal giant, if he is angry, who in the world can compete?

When the supreme comes, he must avoid his edge, and never dare to shake it.

The four kings of the Forbidden Soul Palace looked condensed, obviously they also had fear in this regard.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

The name of Emperor Dan is too loud, and it is a mountain that cannot be crossed over time.

If you dare to take one or two shots against the Dan Emperor, the Dan Emperor may not pay attention to it. At most, the power is the training for the Dan Emperor. But if you want to destroy it, I am afraid that the Dan Emperor will also be angry. As strong as the Palace of Forbidden Souls, it is also unbearable to withstand such a blow!

Just as the two sides were confronting each other, Ye Chen appeared silently, standing with his hand holding his hand, looking indifferently at the powerful people who came to the Forbidden Soul Palace, and said: "Forbidden Soul Palace, I didn't expect you to take the initiative to find it. Do you think it was not enough for me to kill six heavenly masters not long ago?"

The Dan Emperors were shocked, and the Fighting Saint King killed the six heavenly masters of the Forbidden Soul Palace.

It is necessary to know that the Lord of the Temple of Heaven is all at the level of the Primordial King, which means that the Ming Douzhan Saint King has the ability to easily kill the Primordial King, and there are still many.

The faces of the Lords of the Forbidden Soul Palace sank on the spot, and coldly snorted: "Battle Saint King, you must not think that the world is Although you are indeed better than many Primordial Kings It's powerful, but the forbidden weapons in my Forbidden Soul Palace are equally terrifying. Today, I brought them out and let them die. Number five, shoot!"

The taboo weapon named No. 5 was shot immediately, with a loud roar and a disheveled, but it was indeed extremely powerful.

With a scream, No. 5 came across the sky, and the brutal power directly shattered the sky, and shot a big hand without the slightest magical powers. However, a simple big hand is even more terrifying than the ancient kings' magical powers. Much, as if the entire starry sky was crushed down, terribly terrifying.

The old king of the Dandi clan immediately changed color, and quickly resonated with the Dandi Ding, and wanted to suppress it.

But Ye Chen took the first step and let out a shocked cry: "Some doorways, this person is very strong."

He flicked his sleeves and collided with it.

The great world shook, and the divine might exploded like a prison, but they were all suppressed by the Dandi Cauldron, confined to the corresponding area, and never spread.

Otherwise, the existence of this level will play against each other, and the impact will be too extensive.

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