Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3572: Conquer the monarch


All the chains of order of the No. 5 Weapon disintegrated, and the Qi machine suddenly increased to the extreme, terrifying to an unimaginable level, covering the entire Dan Realm to shake.

The infinite creatures in the Pill Realm were frightened, and the old king was ready to sacrifice the Pill Emperor Ding to suppress.

In any case, the No. 5 Weapon cannot be allowed to smear hundreds of millions of creatures in the pill world.


However, Ye Chen cut off his power directly, and the palm knife smashed down from top to bottom. The extremely powerful No. 5 weapon flew directly upside down, and a bone-bearing wound appeared on his body, and blood splashed.

Everyone was shocked that the return of the Ice Flame Monarch of the past was not actually the opponent of the Fighting Saint King?

You must know that the Bingyan Monarch walked far and far on the road of the king, and was about to come to an end. He was extremely powerful. Although for some reasons, he could not truly fully display the combat power of the past heyday, but It is also far superior to countless ordinary kings.

They have been dispatched several times in the past, but they easily slaughtered several hostile primordial kings, blood-stained the boundless starry sky, and left a reputation.

Today, I ran into a terrible hard rock.


The No. 5 weapon was disheveled, his eyes were blood red, his will was quite chaotic, he was almost out of reason, only one instinct remained.

He instinctively felt Ye Chen's horror, but his tyrannical instinct made him fearless, and he rushed forward, smashing the latter's body into pieces, as if looking at his prey.


But under Ye Chen's action, all the brutal methods of the No. 5 Weapon were completely ineffective, and it could slaughter the general Primordial King, but it didn't look enough in front of the former.

Charged forward several times, without exception, they were all blown away.

"The Tianyin of Chaos Town, he turned into the imperial tower!"

The Zhentian Seal, one of the holy methods of fighting war, turned into a 33-story Human Emperor Tower, where the ancient chaos poured out, and the No. 5 weapon was sealed in it, and countless chaotic king rules blessed it, just like the chaos immortal gold. to make.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The No. 5 Weapon roared angrily in the Tian Pagoda of Chaos Town, and constantly shot at the ancient tower.

However, even if it was as powerful as the No. 5 weapon, it could easily tear open the Primordial King, raising a hand to destroy a star field, but it was still unable to shake the Chaos Zhentian Tower.

This kind of sky-reaching means naturally horrified the two great forces of the Dan Emperor Clan and the Forbidden Soul Palace deeply.

Almost raised his hand to suppress the Ice Flame Monarch, who is known as one of the forbidden weapons in the Forbidden Soul Palace, what kind of strength is the Fighting Saint King?

In particular, the powers of the Forbidden Soul Palace recalled that the Fighting Saint King alone entered a nest in the Forbidden Soul Palace not long ago and killed six king-level palace masters. They thought they were already high enough to watch the Fighting Saint King. Only the No. 5 weapon was dispatched, but now it is discovered that it is still underestimated.

"It's a pitiful, invincible overlord of the universe, but now he has ended up like this."

Ye Chen shook his head, thinking of the Primordial Heaven Realm's generational masters of the Heaven Realm, isn't it also so pitiful?

"Wake up, return to the self, awaken everything!"

With a soft drink, it was like the divine sound of a great road, and countless cultural works actually rushed out, one by one submerged into the sea of ​​knowledge of the fifth weapon.

Gradually, the tyranny of the No. 5 weapon in the Tian Tower of Chaos Town slowly calmed down, a trace of soberness in his chaotic will, and he stared at everything in front of him: "Where is this? Who am I?"

"You are Lord Bingyan, have you forgotten all this after a long period of confusion?" Ye Chen said.

Weapon No. 5 murmured: "I am Lord Bingyan? Who is Lord Bingyan?"

As he talked to himself more, his chaotic will gradually calmed down and he recovered more sober.

"No, the No. 5 Weapon will break free from the Soul Seal and come back from awakening?"

Forbidden Soul Hall all the strong secretly frightened, hurriedly tried the curse seal, wanting to let the will of the No. 5 weapon fall into chaos again.

It was just that Ye Chen snorted coldly, blocking the control of the curse of the Forbidden Soul Palace, and hitting a divine light, so that the will of the No. 5 weapon was more sober, and gradually regained the rationality, and said: "I am Bingyan The monarch, the overlord of the universe who was invincible in the past."

He straightened up, faintly seeing the heroic and majestic appearance of the past years, and he paid a big salute to Ye Chenyao in the Tianta of Chaos Town, clasped his fists and said seriously: "Thank you for helping me to recover."

Ye Chen said: "It should be."

Between the sleeves, the Chaos Zhen Tian Tower dispersed, turned into chaotic light, and returned to his body.

The Frozen Monarch, who had regained his freedom, looked at the powers of the Forbidden Soul Palace suddenly, and his expression became cold. On the seemingly ragged figure, suddenly there was the boundless King Tianwei, swept away and enveloped them, coldly. Authentic: "Forbidden Soul Palace, it is really despicable. I was invited to a feast in the past, but I didn't expect to dared to ambush me and plunge me into chaos for countless years. This hatred is not shared. I swear by the Ice Flame Lord!"

"Hurry up!"

The four king-level hall masters of the Forbidden Soul Palace did not dare to neglect at all, turned and left.

The strength of the recovered Bingyan Monarch was far beyond what they could resist.

It was just that the old emperor of the Dan Emperor shook the Ding, and the Dan Emperor Ding instantly banned the entire Dan Realm, preventing them from leaving the Dan Realm for the first time.


Monarch Frozen shot, the boundless ice and flame swept all the strong people in the Forbidden Soul Palace, and many strong people under the king were directly turned into ashes.

It was as strong as several king-level Forbidden Soul Palace Masters, and they were terribly severely injured.

This is the terrifying strength of the Ice Flame Monarch who was invincible in the entire starry sky in the past, even if it was not in its heyday, it was enough to slaughter the ordinary kings.

Under one-sided crushing, the four kings of the Forbidden Soul Palace were very strong, but they were killed one by one during the war.

Seeing this scene, the Dan Emperor clan's powers took a breath, really worthy of being the invincible Ice Flame Monarch who dominated the starry sky in the past years.

"Friends ~ thank you for helping me today and awakening my spiritual wisdom, such a great kindness, I will surely give a big report if I have a chance in the future."

Monarch Bingyan is grateful to Ye Chen again.

Ye Chen waved his hand, saying that it was just a matter of raising his hand.

He asked, Lord Bingyan's next plan, Lord Bingyan did not hide it, saying: "The Hall of Forbidden Soul has imprisoned me for many years. How can I hold back this hatred if I can, if I can, I will find the Hall of Forbidden Soul soon. revenge."

A thick flame of hatred shot out from his eyes.

A generation of starry sky overlord was actually ambushed and imprisoned, and became a puppet-like forbidden weapon. It was a shame and great shame. How could Lord Frozen expose this, he must take revenge.

But Ye Chen stopped him, saying: "Friend of Daoist, although you are strong and you have recovered soberness, your current state is not as good as your heyday, and the Hall of Forbidden Soul is extraordinary. You call it the No. 5 Weapon, which proves the Hall of Forbidden Soul. It is not only imprisoned with one or two cosmic hegemons like you, who rush to go, it is easy to suffer.

.. m.

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