Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3573: Entering?

Hearing that, Lord Bingyan nodded.

He was just dazzled by anger. After years of imprisonment, he has been weakened in all aspects. It is far less than the peak period. He rushed to the headquarters of the Forbidden Soul Palace. The greater possibility is to be captured and imprisoned again. Quite dangerous.

Missing this, I had to sigh: "If it weren't, I don't know where to go. I am confused. For countless years of imprisonment in the Hall of Souls, my relatives may have long since disappeared."

There is a bit of sorrow in the words, even as the overlord of the starry sky, but alone, dominating the starry sky is not much fun.

Ye Chen said, "If you don't hate fellow daoists, if you and I are on the road together, it's also considered a company, and I can resolve all the injuries in your body and help you restore your peak, how about it?"

Monarch Frozen pondered slightly and nodded: "Alright, Daoist is young, but his cultivation level is against the sky. Compared to my peak period, I am afraid that I will not succeed. If I go on the road with Daoist, it will not be so empty. bored."

"That's great."

After simple exchanges, Lord Bingyan decided to follow Ye Chen on the road together, which amazed the Dedan emperor, the fighting saint king's skill is extraordinary.

With such a strong fellow, who is the opponent on the ultimate ancient road?

But when you think about it carefully, the Fighting Saint King had logged into the Transformation Realm, otherwise how to defeat the Ice Flame Monarch and awaken his lost mind.

After destroying the powerful forces that came from the Forbidden Soul Palace, Ye Chen felt that it was not suitable to stay here, and worried that he would incur even more terrifying enemies for the Dan Emperor.

He is not personally afraid, but he can't hurt others. He stepped forward and said, "Friends, how do you think about it?"

He asked about the world stone.

The old king was a little silent, and said: "Okay, this matter is okay, I can promise fellow Taoists on behalf of the Dan Emperor Clan, and I promise you that I will also give you the seedlings of the Emperor Yao.

Hearing this, not only the powerful Dandi clan were surprised, but Ye Chen also showed shock.

The World Stone was fine, but the Undead Emperor Medicine seedlings were also given to him, which was beyond Ye Chen's expectation.

"Ancestor, this—"

Behind him, a group of Dandi clan high-levels tried to admonish, and the world stone was nothing but the undead medicine seedlings were not good enough. They were so precious, how could they be given out? Only the eternal giants could master this undead emperor. medicine.

"Xiu has to mention it again at this time, I believe the emperor daughter Xiaozu will also recognize my decision here." The old monarch said.

After hearing this, everyone gave up the admonition. They all understood that since the ancestors did this, he must have his own considerations.

Ye Chen didn't agree immediately, but looked at the old king deeply and said, "What are your requirements?"

There has never been a free lunch in the world, and he doesn't believe that the Dandi clan will give him a seedling of undead emperor medicine for free, even if he is the heir of the Dandi.

The old king laughed and said: "The fighting king is worthy of being a wise man, and the old mind cannot hide from you. Since you speak, the old will not hide it. If you want to get the seedlings of the emperor medicine, there is a corresponding price, and this price is not It's hard for you, the old man hopes you can join the Emperor Sui Dan clan."

As soon as this statement came out, both parties' eyes widened.

Soon, the eyes of all the Dandi clan leaders brightened.

Fighting Saint King is so invincible, if he can join the Dan Emperor Clan, he can undoubtedly enhance the Dan Emperor Clan's strength in all aspects.

What's more, he is so young, he already has such extraordinary achievements, even if he is a chaos practitioner, but in the future there is no hope that chaos will prove to be an emperor!

At that time, the seedlings of Undead Emperor Medicine still belonged to the Dandi clan.


Ye Chen bluntly refused. Although the seedlings of Immortal Emperor Medicine are precious, it is impossible for him to enter the Emperor Sui Dan clan.

The old king had expected it, no accident, and he smiled slightly: "Don't refuse so fast, the holy king of fighting. The enchanting generation like you, the ordinary goddess of heaven will definitely not be able to enter your eyes, but if you are old The person who you are talking about is the emperor ancestor of my Dan clan?"

The emperor?

Ye Chen was stunned, the Bingyan Monarch was stunned, and everyone in the Dandi Clan was shocked.

Let the emperor little ancestor marry the fighting sage king?

Subconsciously, the Dandi clan's first thought was to refuse, and it felt impossible.

What kind of identity is the emperor's little ancestor, and her identity is still higher than that of the old emperor. She is the daughter of Emperor Dan, how can she become a victim in order to attract the fighting king.

However, he did not expect to speak, and the old emperor took the lead in passing through: "Although the emperor's little ancestor is noble, she can't be alone after all. With her noble status, even ordinary emperors will not look at it. Jutian. Below, how many people can enter the eyes of the emperor's little ancestor?"

All the powers of the Dan emperor clan were silent. The emperor daughter's young ancestor was too noble because of the blood, especially the blood of the eternal giants, which was even more terrifying.

Those who can become their husbands and sons must not be ordinary people.

Even the general supreme Tianjiao is not necessarily in his eyes.

But the Fighting Saint King must be qualified, and he is also known as the number one arrogant of the Chaos Sea.

It is also the alchemy inheritance of Emperor Pill.

Such a generation of Tianjiao, naturally qualified to be the husband-in-law of the emperor daughter's ancestor.

It can even be said that if the Fighting Saint King is not qualified, then looking at the Chaos Sea, no one is qualified.

The old emperor also spread the voice: "Although no one who has cultivated the Great Chaos Dao has ever truly proved Dao to become an emperor in the past, this fighting sage is among the most heaven-defying evildoers in ancient and modern times. Even if he cannot become an emperor in the future, he will probably achieve success. No less than the true supremacy, enough to protect my Dan emperor clan for endless years. If he and the emperor daughter’s young ancestor’s heirs can inherit the blood of the two, they will definitely be against the sky and be enough to cultivate into a true ancient emperor."

"Don't forget that the Hunyuan Emperor of the Pangu Universe in the past years, the ultimate accomplishment is no less than that of our emperor, mastering the two avenues of Chaos and Yuanshi."

"If the heirs born can cultivate the avenue of Chaos and the Dan I am afraid they can cultivate a supreme existence no less than Hunyuan Emperor."

"If our Dan emperor clan can give birth to a supreme giant that can be compared to the emperor's ancestors, it can be described as a supreme glory that has not been seen in ancient or modern times, and even a clan that can be comparable to the chaotic ancient universe. Ten thousand races worship and follow the supreme, who dare to provoke!"

Speaking of the last, whether it is the old emperor or other high-level Dandi clan, all eyes are hot.

Undoubtedly, in their eyes, the Fighting Saint King is the most qualified to join the Judan Emperor, and even his Chaos Saint Body bloodline is against the sky and cannot be ignored.

Once he and the emperor's ancestor gave birth to heirs, most of them can inherit the strongest bloodline of the two, and the future achievements will be amazing.

I have to say that this requirement is really worth a try!

PS: Hou~hou~hou~, today’s seven changes, this is the first one, Xiongqi, I would like to ask you for a wave of subscription support, it is best to subscribe to the whole book, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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