Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3574: I lost my wife and broke down

At this time, the old emperor looked at Ye Chen and smiled with his beard. He was quite confident: "Fighting Saint King, what do you think? You have also seen my emperor and daughter's ancestor, she is unique in the world, and has inherited it. The strongest bloodline of the Emperor Ancestor may not be as enchanting as you are, but it is also extremely talented, and it is very possible to prove Dao to become an emperor in the future."

"And you don't need to worry about this. The old man will try his best to persuade the emperor young ancestor on this point, and believe that the emperor young ancestor will be very satisfied with the amazing Tianjiao like you."

While speaking, the eyes that looked at Ye Chen were a bit hot.

Undoubtedly, he had already thought that he would definitely agree to become a parent, and the more he looked, the more satisfied.

Monarch Bingyan looked at Ye Chen and asked himself whether he could marry the emperor's ancestor. This was indeed very tempting, even he could hardly refuse.

On the one hand, because the emperor is indeed gorgeous, but all the sons of the supreme are all beautiful to the extreme, and they have a somewhat special imperial charm, which adds countless charms compared to other women.

Secondly, the emperor inherited the power of the strongest bloodline of the emperor Dan, and her future achievements are destined to be not bad, at least above the Primordial King.

What's more, the identity of the emperor is enough to control a party of the emperor, above the real 10,000 people.

His appearance, talent, and status are all impeccable.

Even if it's an affair, if the news is released, there will definitely be countless heroes who are willing to bow.

It has to be said that in order to attract Ye Chen to join the family, the Dan Emperor's sacrifice was also quite large.

Of course, Sovereign Bingyan and others admitted that Ye Chen did have the ability to be worthy of the Dandi clan at all costs.

"Thank you for the importance of Emperor Dan's clan to Ye." Ye Chen looked at the old emperor with a smile, and asked instead: "But I have a question, I really want to ask, I already have several wives, and some My sons and daughters, if I marry your emperor and join the Dan emperor clan, what should they do?"

The old king was stunned. He didn't expect that this fighting sage was also a kind of style. He had his wife and children, but if you think about it, many years ago, I heard that the lords of the Moon Palace on the Ultimate Ancient Road were their wives.

This question really stumped him.

Is it difficult to let the Fighting Saint King divorce his wife and daughter?

It is a bit unkind.

After pondering for a while, the old monarch said: "This is not considered old, but it does not matter. If you join my Dan emperor clan, naturally my emperor daughter and young ancestor will be the oldest, and your other wives must respect the emperor young ancestor. , As for other children, they can also naturally become a member of the Emperor Dan clan. However, you and the daughter of the emperor’s ancestor will be born in the future, and other children will be honored by this heir."

"Of course, since you are the heir of the fighting sage king, my Dan emperor clan must also focus on training, second only to the descendants of you and the emperor's ancestor in the future."

In the rear, many high-ranking emperors of the Dan emperor clan grumbled, letting the dignified emperor young ancestor and other women serve and fight the holy king, which would make the emperor young ancestor a part.

If possible, it is best to let him divorce his previous wife and daughter, and there will only be one emperor and daughter in the future.

But they only dared to whisper one or two in private, but didn't dare to speak in person.

"I understand." Ye Chen nodded, "The Dandi Clan has a pretty good idea."

The old king smiled and said: "In this case, the fighting king has agreed."

He did not have the slightest surprise about this. After all, the Dandi clan is the descendant of the eternal giants, and the emperor's ancestors are extremely noble, and she is also a beautiful woman of the generation. Since this life, many supreme Tianjiao have pursued it. , And even the pursuit of the ancient road overlord in the past can be imagined.

Other Dandi clan powerhouses also smiled knowingly.

With the joining of the Fighting Saint King, the Dan Emperor Clan will inevitably be stronger.

After all, the old king said with a smile: "The Fighting Saint King, please wait a few days here. After the world stone and the seedlings of Undead Emperor Yao return, they should be the betrothal gift."

Ye Chen smiled when he heard that, did the Dan Emperor really think he was married?

He raised his eyes a little, but his expression on his face gradually became indifferent, and said, "I think the Daoist fellows of the Dandi clan should have misunderstood. I'm sorry, I never agreed, and I will never agree, so I suggest you find another good son-in-law. Right."

"Friend Bingyan, let's go."

Turn around and leave without any muddle.

Haha, the Dandi Clan really planned to take it, but let him be in the family?

Do you really think that the mere ancestors of the emperor are great?

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Dandi clan was stunned, and the Fighting Saint King refused?

This is very different from what you imagined.

The old king hurried to catch up and said: "Fighting Saint King, please stay, we can continue to talk about the relevant conditions."

"No need to talk about this." Ye Chen's tone was very cold, "I hope you understand that it is impossible for me to join any forces, even for the Dandi clan, let alone my wife and children. others."

"The noble emperor is indeed amazing, but my wives are not inferior, and in my heart, they are countless times more important than the emperor."

"And you have to understand one thing, I, Fighting Saint King, will not succumb to anyone."

"The Dandi clan is indeed very strong, but my Fighting Saint King is also not weak."

"The seedlings of World Stone and Undead Medicine are very precious, but they are not necessarily obtained, let alone Undead Medicine"

"Sorry, I have it too, and it's more mature."

While talking, opening a corner of the supreme world in the emperor's reincarnation body, a sacred tree appeared in front of everyone, and the majestic vitality was diffused, shaking the heavens and the earth, shocking everyone.

That is the real undead medicine, and it is comparable to the seedlings of the undead medicine in the hands of the Dandi clan.

That is the emperor emperor medicine that eternal giants can only be qualified to hold, and the fighting saint king actually has one in his hand! ?

Where did he get the Immortal Emperor Medicine?

The powers of the Dandi clan were shocked and surprised.

"Also, this Dandi clan's first guest clerk status, forgive me that someone Ye can't afford it, I have accepted the grace of Dandi predecessors and cut the chaotic rough When the repayment is exhausted, I will The Dandi clan, kindness and grievances, wiped out!"

After leaving a sentence indifferently, Ye Chen turned and left without nostalgia.

Sovereign Frozen sighed slightly: "The Dan Emperor Clan actually used the enthusiasm to ask the Fighting Saint King and Dao friends to exchange for the world stone and the undead emperor medicine seedlings. Do you really think he doesn't know? The game was overturned."

After that, he turned and left.

What was left were the powerful Dan Emperor clan with regrets.

They thought that by relying on the World Stone and the seedlings of the Emperor Undead Medicine, they would be able to attract the Fighting Saint King to the Zudan clan, but they forgot, who is the Fighting Saint King? Its merits are deepened, and its strength is far superior to other Tianjiao. Even among the older generation, even among the Primordial Kings, only the oldest group of horror beings are qualified to be compared with it.

They actually wanted to open up the heavens and asked the Fighting Saint King to join the Judan clan, which was undoubtedly offending the Fighting Saint King.

As a man, it is a disgrace to succumb.

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