Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3582: Ultimate Ancient Road VS Forbidden Soul Palace

In particular, I learned that its strength has reached a state that is extremely against the sky. Even the overlord-level cosmic forces such as the Forbidden Soul Palace have also compromised many Primordial Kings, shocking the world and secretly shocking the strength of the Saint King for hundreds of years. It has grown so much.

Now, it can be called the real overlord of the starry sky.

On the ultimate ancient road, there are the strongest figures from all the ancient chaotic universes, and there is no shortage of supreme arrogances. However, even if hundreds of years have passed, a generation of newcomers will be replaced by old ones, but the fame of the King of Fighting is always as bright as the sun. In the hearts of all the outstanding people who tried the Gulu.

Overpowering the two ancient road invincibles, all the ancient road overlords in the past have been pushed horizontally, showing their invincible power.

Today, I don't know how many idols and goals to test the outstanding person, hoping to catch up with him.

Knowing the return of the fighting king, countless trial heroes were extremely excited, hoping to see the idol side.

There are also people who walked on the traces of the fighting sage king in the past, trying to understand his way.

For a time, the ultimate ancient road seemed very boiling and prosperous.

It's just that Ye Chen's figure has no location, the world can't know its exact location, nor can the Primordial King.

Gradually, some special news also spread.

The emperor Rudan hopes to use the world stone and the seedlings of the undead emperor medicine to attract the fighting sage king to become the husband and son of the emperor daughter's ancestor. I don't know who spread it out, and it suddenly became a joke of the universe.

Who is the Saint King of Fighting? The young generation is absolutely invincible. I don’t know how many emperors and daughters and heirs of the immortal Dao were killed. There are also a few stunning wives around the world. The Dan clan wants to attract fighting. The holy king enters the family, and the so-called Xu Yi World Stone and Immortal Emperor Medicine are nothing but empty glove white wolves.

Who doesn't know, the fighting saint king is really going to join the family, the world stone, the undead emperor medicine seedlings will eventually return to the Dan Emperor clan.

Such a thought can be figured out, do you really think that the fighting king is stupid?

The Dandi clan remained silent. This was indeed a stupid plan that lost his wife and broke down.

Fighting Saint King returns to the ultimate ancient road, it can be said that some people are happy and some are worried.

Especially the Forbidden Soul Palace, it was extremely furious. Because of the fighting of the Saint King, the death of many king-level heavenly hall masters and the awakening of the No. 5 weapon caused the Forbidden Soul Palace to suffer extremely heavy losses.

At the very least, such a blow, I am afraid that it will not be possible to recover in an era.

To know the existence of the Primordial King, the Forbidden Soul Palace has accumulated several epochs before reaching its current scale. As a result, the Fighting Saint King only took two shots, causing the Forbidden Soul Palace to suffer such a heavy loss.

"Battle Saint King, my Forbidden Soul Palace will kill you!"

In the depths of the universe, the Forbidden Soul Hall issued a terrible roar and issued the most terrifying hunting order in history, vowing to hunt and fight the Saint King without stopping.

Ten thousand races in the universe trembled, and all the great emperors were also frightened. They knew better than any other force the terrifying aspects of the Forbidden Soul Palace, which was definitely countless times more terrifying than on the surface.

The ten Primordial Kings who died just because of the battle of the Saint Kings can know the level of horror that the Forbidden Soul Palace has accumulated over the endless years.

Although the Fighting Saint King is indeed very strong and amazing, he is not necessarily an opponent in the face of the Forbidden Soul Palace.

Especially some of the strengths are known through the secrets of the ancient era, the Forbidden Soul Palace can hide a shocking follow-up that can destroy the emperor.

"The Hall of Forbidden Souls has been doing evil for countless years, not to mention that it is the Holy King of Fighting. The ultimate ancient road will not spare you. Today, I will start to eradicate the Hall of Forbidden Souls!"

On this day, the ultimate ancient road that had been silent for many years suddenly uttered the strongest sound, challenging the Forbidden Soul Palace.

At the same time, many more defenders of the ultimate ancient road shot, down to the heavenly king, up to the ancient king, and shot at the Forbidden Soul Palace at a known location.

This battle killed the Forbidden Soul Palace by surprise. In just three days, the Forbidden Soul Palace suffered a heavy loss, damaging a total of thirty-eight temples. Naturally, countless Soul Forbidden Palace experts were killed.

The ancient temple collapsed and blood stained many star regions.

Even, one of the Lords of the Temple of Heaven was too weak to defend and was also shot by the two Primordial Kings of the Ultimate Ancient Road. He was almost killed and paid a heavy price to escape the catastrophe. However, eight quasi-kings died and were completely shaken. universe.

At this point, the cosmic races, the forces of the heavens felt that the original turbulent undercurrents had all surfaced.

The Great Universe may have a huge shock this time, and there may even be a change in the overlord level.

Under the terrible duel, perhaps one of the Ultimate Ancient Road and the Forbidden Soul Palace will disappear forever.

Fighting the Saint King’s shot was just a fuse. In fact, the Ultimate Ancient Road and the Forbidden Soul Palace have been opposed for countless years. There had been a battle hundreds of years ago, but they all collided slightly, and now they are completely broke .

In particular, the timing of the choice of the ultimate ancient road was very good. The fighting saint king beheaded many ancient kings in the Forbidden Soul Palace with his feet, and rescued a forbidden weapon, so that he was sober, the invincible overlord of the stars Bingyan. The return of the monarch is definitely a heavy blow to the Forbidden Soul Palace.

The ultimate ancient road on the back foot shot, and did not give the Soul Forbidden Palace a chance to react.

Now the declaration of war in the Ultimate Ancient Realm is undoubtedly an absolute threat to the Forbidden Soul Palace.

Unprepared to be blocked, the Palace of Forbidden Soul was furious.

"Ultimate Ancient Road, good, good, good, since you are willing to declare war, my Forbidden Soul Palace will not be afraid, let you wait to understand the real terrible part of my Forbidden Soul Palace!"

On this day, in the cosmic starry sky, I don't know how many Forbidden Soul Temples were born. Each of them has terrifying strong men, the weakest are also powerful guards, and the strong are even more ancient kings.

Almost all the Forbidden Soul Palace were dispatched to attack all ancient trials on the ultimate ancient road, vast and terrifying.

The halls of forbidden souls descended from the sky, attacking the ancient pass, and the battles were amazing.

Fortunately, the ancient gates of the major trials were well prepared. Many ancient road protectors appeared, and the ancient kings were born one after another from their slumber, fighting with them, and powerfully crashing down the Forbidden Soul Palace.

It's just that the Forbidden Soul Palace seems to be endless, even if the Primordial King shot down many seats, there are still more Forbidden Soul Palaces.

There is no doubt that at this moment, Soul Forbidden Palace showed an absolutely terrifying side.

On the bright side, even the ultimate ancient road is weaker.

In the depths of the universe, many forces watched, many of the great emperors, etc., all exclaimed: "The Forbidden Soul Palace is too terrifying, and even covers the ultimate ancient road."

" The Ultimate Ancient Road has survived every epoch, and even the supreme has walked away from the Ultimate Ancient Road. The traces of the past have turned into emperor relics and manifested forever, making the ultimate ancient road terrifying but still Weak one."

"I have to admit that the Forbidden Soul Palace is indeed terrifying!"

"Throughout one era after another, the Palace of Forbidden Soul has always been inherited, and the endless years have captured so many Tianjiao characters, and even the overlord of the starry sky. Is it simple? Now it truly shows the powerful side of the Palace of Forbidden Soul. What I saw was just the tip of the iceberg."


The heavens and thousands of races watched, but few dared to participate.

Whether it is the Ultimate Ancient Road or the Palace of Forbidden Soul, it is far from being able to contend with any force, even the emperor should be extremely jealous!

You know, in the past, even if the starry sky overlords who could suppress the temperless emperors of the universe, such as the Ice Flame Monarch, have become taboo weapons, it is conceivable that if a battle is really to be waged, the emperor will most likely be destroyed! ()

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