Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3583: Fighting Saint King is a tortoise?

The terrible battle of overlord-level forces lasted for half a month.

During this period, countless strong men on both sides have fallen, and the ultimate ancient road, including many Tianjiao, has also fallen because of World War I.

Because the ultimate ancient road is to test the ancient road, it is about themselves, they also want to test, fight, and improve themselves to the greatest extent.

Even the strongest Tianjiao who stepped into the Eight Desolate Ancient Territory have returned to fight one after another.

It can be said that a long section of the ancient road collapsed, and many ancient gates of trials were exploded, causing heavy casualties.

Of course, the Forbidden Soul Palace was also severely damaged, and the price paid was no less than the ultimate ancient road.

Over time, more and more deaths and injuries occurred on both sides.

The war is gradually escalating.

On this day, blood filled the sky, shining on countless star regions.

Accompanied by the vision of the infinite universe, sentient beings wailed, one of the ancient kings of the ultimate ancient road fell, and the three heavenly masters of the Forbidden Soul Palace secretly attacked him.

From the ultimate ancient road down to the trial of outstanding people, up to the protector, there are no exceptions.

The king of the ancient road, who has guarded the ancient road for most of his life, is a sage, respected by all parties, but ultimately ends up like this, making the ancient road all powerful.

"Ultimate Ancient Road, if you dare to fight against my Forbidden Soul Palace, you will have to pay a price you will never forget. My Forbidden Soul Palace wants the ultimate ancient road to break permanently."

There is the Primordial King standing high above the sky of the starry sky, indifferent declarations, the king has immense power, summoning the infinite stars in the depths of the starry sky, and even the stars are moved, moved to the sun, and directly bombarded.

The terrible battle is becoming fierce.

On the ultimate ancient road, King Xuelan rose into the sky, also showing the immeasurable power belonging to the Primordial King to fight against it.

The two great ancient kings rushed into the depths of the starry sky and opened up a king-level battlefield alone to avoid affecting the king.

They are all too powerful, and they can break the galaxy and smash the eternal sky at every turn.

Subsequently, the two sides also appeared one after another with many Primordial Kings, confronting each other!

The terrible battle lasted for a full month, and both the Ultimate Ancient Road and the Forbidden Soul Palace paid an unimaginable price, and each of them had their Primordial Kings perished.

The most terrifying thing is that the Forbidden Soul Palace has secretly formed some terrifying forces, such as the evil spirit family, which is naturally evil and powerful, and has a king-level existence. It has always been very worried about the land of the imperial ruins mastered by the ultimate ancient road. Taking the opportunity to take action and looting, brought huge casualties to the ultimate ancient road.

Of course, the ultimate ancient road also formed many big forces.

Generally speaking, both sides are very strong, but forbidden Soul Palace is even better.

And the world feels that there are still many terrifying backhands in the Forbidden Soul Palace that have not been fully revealed.

"What should I do? My Ultimate Ancient Road is not an opponent of the Forbidden Soul Palace. For a long time, I am afraid that even if I defeat the Forbidden Soul Palace, I will pay a heavy price."

"The Forbidden Soul Palace is crazy, and I don't hesitate to take action on the Ultimate Ancient Road. It has only been a month and a half. The entire Ultimate Ancient Road has collapsed and destroyed more than 30 ancient trials, and it is already in a state of half collapse. "

"Are there any reinforcements?"

"If the king doesn't come out, who will fight?"

"Where is the Saint King of Fighting? Why is it that so many days have passed and I still haven't seen him? This incident almost happened because of him."

"Does the Fighting Saint King have escaped? Knowing that he is not an opponent of the Forbidden Soul Palace?"

"Impossible, the fighting sage king is supreme and invincible. He has already killed many of the gods of the Forbidden Soul Palace, but he will never die. How can he escape alone."

"It's hard to say that when the Forbidden Soul Palace is pouring out of the nest, even the Fighting Saint King is absolutely not an opponent. At this time, when will you wait for it to escape?"

"Shameless fighting saint king, we are only like this because of him, but he dare not come out and act as a turtle."


On the Ultimate Ancient Road, countless trial heroes were frightened and angry. At the critical moment, the Fighting Saint King as the source of everything did not appear, allowing the Ultimate Ancient Road and the Forbidden Soul Palace to fight each other, causing heavy casualties.

Gradually, many of the testers who used to regard the Fighting Saint King as their idols have changed.

Many people believe that the sage king of fighting is hidden, most of them want to hide in the dark, and ultimately take advantage of the fisherman.

They didn't know that Ye Chen didn't know the matter. He didn't rush to the end of the ancient road, but walked away from the starry sky, trying to simply explore the ancient chaotic universe where the ultimate ancient realm was located.

It is certainly not simple to be selected as the host of the "Ultimate Supreme" celestial fate of the ancient Chaos Universe, left by the Supremes of the Heavens.

In the past, Ye Chen was not strong enough, and exploring the universe would waste time, but now he has become an invincible existence like a peerless king, who can cross the starry sky with a single thought. The universe is so big and feasible that he can explore this chaotic ancient universe in more ways.

Along the way, I have discovered many emperors, and I feel more and more about the unsimplifications of this ancient chaotic universe. It is extremely difficult for the ancient chaotic universe to have more than the number of emperors and royal families, but this chaotic ancient universe obviously has more .

However, what made him quite puzzled was that along the way, he hadn't discovered the strangeness of this ancient chaotic universe, which was not much different from other ancient chaotic universes.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon."

Ye Chen shook his head, and then asked Lord Bingyan, who was once the overlord of the starry sky in this chaotic ancient universe for an era, and he must know more.

Just based on the understanding of Lord Bingyan, it still felt quite common.

As I walked, I came to the edge of the universe without knowing it.

The universe is vast and boundless, with an end.

Mighty can not reach the end in a lifetime, but for peerless emperors like Ye Chen, it is not a problem. After a month and a half, he unconsciously came to the edge of the edge of the universe. Compared with the center of the universe, the barrenness appears barren. There are very few races or creatures that can inhabit again. The starry sky is bleak and very barren, and the borders and desolations are filled with endless chaos and ancient atmosphere, without knowing the end. .

"The ancient chaos universe and the ancient ten-day realm where the ultimate ancient road is located are relatively special places. Even in the chaotic sea, they don’t have accurate coordinates. They are always in an infinite state of exile, constantly shifting positions, because It involves the reason of the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate." Ye Chen secretly said, the whole person plunged into the chaotic zone on the edge of the universe.

The ancient chaos here is not pure, but it already contains infinite beauty, which can derive the heavens and all things, the heavens and the ways.

If you are lucky, you may be able to find the treasures that open up the world, such as the chaotic fairy gold.

Of course, often accompanied by infinite danger, there will be terrible creatures born in the Chaos Zone. Although they are not comparable to the creatures born in the Chaos Sea, they can easily destroy the stars of the universe.

Relying on the absolutely powerful strength, Ye Chen came directly to the end, with the barrier of the universe in front of him.

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