Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3587: No. 3, No. 4

Ye Chen looked into the depths of the universe.

There are many Primordial Kings fighting fiercely there, there is the Forbidden Soul Palace, and there is also the ultimate ancient road. The battle has become fierce, and how many stars have been broken continuously and how many stars have been crushed.

Many sun-like stars are also unable to withstand the power of the king, and they are blown to pieces, and are permanently extinguished.

"Fighting Saint King, you dare to kill the king of the Heavenly Palace in my Forbidden Soul Palace, you should die, my Forbidden Soul Palace will not let you go!"

A king of the Forbidden Soul Palace shouted, extremely angry.

Every ancient king is extremely precious to the Forbidden Soul Palace.

If it were not for the Forbidden Soul Palace to survive in multiple eras, and the continuous accumulation of one era after another, it would be impossible to have so many Primordial Kings.

Now, the Primordial King, who was killed by the battle of the Saint King, lost more than his hands.

This is not just a wound to describe the bones, but the vitality!

"Don't worry, even if your Forbidden Soul Palace is willing to let me go, I won't let you go easily."

Ye Chen smiled, but didn't care much, and even threatened Soul Forbidden Palace in turn.


What a joke, he is not even afraid of the eternal giants, not to mention it is only a forbidden soul palace.

While speaking, the sword of his right hand pointed out and cut out a chaotic sword light, which is the master of his kendo, which is more magnificent and magnificent than the galaxy, cutting into the starry sky deeper.


Countless blood surges up, and I don't know how many star regions are dyed red.

A huge figure fell from it, and was cut in half. There was a dark Forbidden Soul Palace around it.

The infinite vision resurfaced!


King again!

I was cut out by Ye Chen across countless star fields with a single sword, and I couldn't avoid it, just fell away!

Forbidden Soul Palace was full of anger, but also had deep panic.

The Fighting Saint King is too strong. In a short moment, he has already killed two Forbidden Soul Palace kings. What else can stop him?

The ultimate ancient road also had to be shocked.

Such an invincible fighting king, fortunately, is standing on the side of the ultimate ancient road. Otherwise, if he is an enemy, who can match?


Not long after, on the other side of the battlefield in the depths of the starry sky, Soul Forbidden Palace once again lost an ancient king, and the vision spread for thousands of miles.

That was the action of Lord Bingyan, although he was not as fast as Ye Chen, but it was very simple to kill the ordinary king.

The two shots, within a short time, caused severe damage to the Soul Forbidden Palace, and the Lord of the Temple of the Primordial King level was killed by three people, severely injured.

The few Primordial Kings on the side of the Ultimate Ancient Realm, because of the appearance of the two, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and their pressure plummeted.

At the same time, it was also deeply shocked, especially for the Fighting Saint King. Although they all heard that the Fighting Saint King had become a starry hegemonic figure, it was better to meet each other after hearing this, and only a closer look can understand His strength.

Even if he was the king of the ancient times, he still could feel how big the gap between him and the fighting king was.

"Sovereign Bingyan, you really recovered!"

The Primordial King on the side of the Forbidden Soul Palace was frightened and frightened. A fighting sage was scary enough to cause the Forbidden Soul Palace to suffer a serious blow, not to mention the other starry sky overlord who had a **** feud with the Forbidden Soul Palace. .

The combination of the two makes Soul Forbidden Palace a headache.

"The Palace of Forbidden Soul, the endless years of imprisonment of the Lord in the past, and the restoration of the Lord today is also the day when the Hall of Forbidden Soul is destroyed!"

Monarch Frozen snorted coldly, but he shot out with anger. Under the endless years of imprisonment, he was so angry that, under the shot, the starry sky between his hands was raised and collapsed in an empty space. Many Forbidden Soul Halls and all the strong people in the Lotus Hall were all wiped out. exist!

The two shots made Ultimate Gulu relieved greatly and the pressure was greatly reduced.

Even the ultimate ancient road basically doesn’t need to be shot. The two shots directly present a one-sided crushing advantage. There are few people in the world to contend. The Forbidden Soul Palace is losing ground, one after another. The hall was continuously blown up, and countless soul-forbidden hall experts followed and were killed.

One-sided rolling!

At this time, the cosmic races finally saw the incomparable strength of the Fighting Saint King, all of them sucked cold, and they were terrifying.

In the depths of the starry sky, the Dandi clan was also watching the battle.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of the Heavenly Palace of the Primordial King was so vulnerable, a slap was squeezed, and a sword light was cut open. It was an absolute strength to destroy and stand, and it was enough to seriously threaten the survival of the emperor. .

Everyone, including the old king, regretted it.

If it weren't for the original request, the relationship between them and the fighting holy king was definitely not the case.

Invisibly, the old king seemed to be a lot older, and he sighed: "The old man is ignorant and shouldn't choose at the beginning. If it can be done again, the old man is willing to exchange the world stone and the seedlings of the emperor medicine in exchange for the trust of the fighting king. "

Unfortunately, there has never been a if in the world.

On the other side, the Jiuyan Emperor Clan also appeared, and after the shock of the Nine Profound King, he was also deeply grateful.

Fortunately, it was true that he had never been an enemy of the Fighting Saint King, otherwise the Jiuyan Emperor Clan might really be annihilated. He also asked himself that he was far from an Gushen was also deeply shocked.

King Jiu Xuan glanced at the contemporary patriarch Yan Wushuang next to him, and said kindly: "Wushuang, in the future you will communicate with your master a lot, and my Jiuyan Emperor Clan will fully cooperate."

Yan Wushuang nodded slightly, and also had a strong yearning in his heart, hoping that one day he could become a supreme being like a master!

"Sacrifice forbidden weapons, be sure to kill the Fighting Saint King and the Bingyan Monarch!"

Similarly, because of the appearance of the two, the Forbidden Soul Palace can be described as a complete earthquake and rage, with more terrifying characters appearing, and even forbidden weapons no less than the Bingyan Monarch are dispatched, sweeping the starry sky, and breaking a dozen trials along the way. Refining the ancient pass, leaving the blood-stained land of the star field, came with great strength.

"Battle Saint King!"

"Sovereign Ice Flame!"

Under the roar, the overlord-level existence of the Forbidden Soul Palace appeared in person, and brought two major forbidden weapons, namely No. 3 and No. 4, which can be said to be stronger than the original No. 5 weapon of the Frozen Monarch!

"Today you two will definitely fall into the hands of my Forbidden Soul Palace and become forbidden weapons!"

"Number Three!"

"Number Four!"

"go with!"



Both of them were forbidden weapons. They were the former overlords of the starry sky. They were no less than the ruler of the forbidden area of ​​the Primordial Realm. They may even be stronger. At this moment, they were ordered to take action, and they immediately tore open the boundless starry sky and killed both. .

"Forbidden Soul Hall's town hall has been dispatched. Throughout the ages, there can be a total of seven statues, one of which is Lord Frozen. At this moment there are also No. 3 and No. 4, but they are more terrifying Star Overlords than Lord Frozen! "

The tens of thousands of races in the universe who watched the battle from far away were shocked. Once those taboo weapons were released, even if the emperor clan confronted them, they would immediately close the emperor realm and not exit the closed realm, otherwise they would most likely be destroyed!

(End of this chapter)

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