Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3588: Forbidden Heaven

"Battle Saint King, Lord Bingyan, please be careful!"

King Xuelan, the protector of the ultimate ancient road, spoke solemnly, facing the taboo weapon, he also asked himself that he was far from an opponent.

Only the overlord of the ultimate ancient road can come forward to check and balance.

Ye Chen's eyes flashed coldly: "Forbidden Soul Palace, but I underestimated me. How can I be afraid of such so-called taboo weapons that have lost their minds!"

The celestial body of chaos illuminates hundreds of thousands of chaotic lights, as if a chaotic sky across the sky, it directly collides with a forbidden weapon head-on, tearing open the boundless starry sky, and disintegrating many star fields.

He showed his own invincible means, slammed past, fists like imperial bombardment, horror is boundless, there are boundless chaos king rules on the fist, the horror is incredible, and the direct hit is enough to crush everything.

All the world's attention was focused, everyone watched in shock as Ye Chen fisted out, and the No. 3 Taboo Weapon of the Forbidden Soul Palace was blown into flight.

These methods are shocking the past and the present!

It also shows the terrible battle of the saint king, far better than the past, belonging to the category of starry sky overlord, and much more powerful than the ordinary primordial king.

On the other side, Monarch Frozen snorted coldly, confronting the No. 4 Forbidden Weapon, infinite flames rose up, the fire of ten thousand ways could burn everything, the frozen throne appeared, and the ice locked the starry sky.

The No. 4 Forbidden Weapon is even stronger than his No. 5 Weapon in the past, but now he is fully recovered, and he does not know how much stronger than the No. 4 Weapon, so he has no fear in the face of the No. 4 Weapon. On the contrary Shot, want to suppress, and awaken the mind of No. 4 weapon.

The battle was breaking out, and in a faint time, the Bingyan Monarch overwhelmed one end of the No. 4 weapon, screaming the sound of the Great Dao, trying to wake up.

I have to say that this really has some effect. Weapon No. 4 is slightly stunned, confused, and there are pauses in the battle from time to time, and it is obviously sensitive to the call of the outside world.

"No, Lord Bingyan wants to wake up the No. 4 weapon, this is absolutely impossible, otherwise once he is awakened, that person will be stronger than Lord Bingyan in the past."

The strong in the Forbidden Soul Palace changed color.

"Fourth, the world of life and death, kill Lord Bingyan!"

The starry sky overlord of the Forbidden Soul Palace shouted, manipulating the No. 4 weapon across the sky, making his will tyrannical again, and no longer called by the Lord of Ice Flame's Great Seal, and more fierce, fighting in the past, shattering the sky, and extremely terrifying.

The Frozen Monarch must also be cautious when fighting against each other, because such a forbidden weapon with disordered will can be extremely terrifying under fierceness, and can easily tear and shatter everything, even if the Frozen Monarch is a starry hegemon in his heyday, If you are not careful, you will suffer heavy losses.


At this time, a series of stars exploded, but the No. 3 weapon was bombed.

Compared to the ordinary Emperor's Immortal Soldier, his body was even harder and immortal. There was a terrible depression in his chest, which was almost penetrated back and forth.

That was Ye Chen's shot, and the chaotic light that rushed into the sky overflowed between his fists. It was invincible and could penetrate everything in the world.

If it hadn't been for the invincible starry sky overlord of the No. 3 weapon, it would have been innately powerful, otherwise the blow would have penetrated the front and back of the chest.


Ye Chen walked in the star space, chaos surging, scanning the Forbidden Soul Palace, his eyes fell on the Forbidden Soul Palace starry sky overlord, indifferently said: "Don't you dare to fight with me? I don't mind you all ."

The calm words contained the absolute domineering look at the world.

What forbidden soul palace, what starry sky overlord, can be suppressed!

Forbidden Soul Palace’s starry sky overlord’s body is submerged in the endless dark haze. He can’t see his true appearance, nor can he know what his body is. He only knows that it is majestic and majestic. Cross the starry sky and look at Ye Chen.

"What? Don't you dare to do this?"

Ye Chen sneered, including sarcasm, and immediately stepped forward, swiftly and quickly, across the sky, and came to the starry sky overlord of the Forbidden Soul Palace, without saying a word, his fist blasted out, displaying the supreme magic power that overwhelmed the world.

The entire starry sky quaked, and the slightest amount of horrible power escaped, and it was the starry sky that collapsed into pieces. I don't know how many stars have collapsed.

This is Ye Chen's majesty, a little bit can cut the stars.

Under his shot, it was enough to push the Ten Thousand Realms!

"Battle Saint King Junior, how dare you fight against your opponent!"

The overlord of the starry sky in the Forbidden Soul Hall roared, bursting into the starry sky, and under the boundless dark mist, a weird big hand appeared, covered with dark scales, shining with weird evil light, colliding with it, and suddenly shattered. A land of boundless stars.


Neither party has regressed, standing in the middle of the destruction storm, motionless.

Ye Chen's eyes condensed slightly, even though it was not his full blow, but with such a blow, it was easy to kill the ordinary king. Even the super king of the seventh heaven will be injured, and the king of the eighth heaven will also be slightly careless. Suffering But the starry sky overlord of Forbidden Soul Palace was resisted.

However, he didn't know, the starry sky overlord of Soul Forbidden Palace was even more shocked.

Who is he, who ran the starry sky for endless years, and even the forbidden weapons in the Forbidden Soul Palace, some of them were taken down by him personally.

It can be said that he is absolutely powerful. In the past, the Star Overlord played against him and suffered a big loss. Now he personally takes action to show the mighty power of the Star Overlord, which is more powerful than the No. 3 weapon, and it actually failed to repel. Fighting Saint King even one point.

"It's interesting. The Soul Forbidden Palace can capture so many starry sky overlords. There are indeed some means."

Ye Chen smiled, but still didn't care very much. As his eyes turned back, he shot again, showing the power of seven million kings' rules, and struck out.

The extremely terrifying power blasted the starry sky, and the Forbidden Soul Palace overlord raised his arms for one stop.

Under the rumbling noise, his arms folded, and the figure flew out horizontally, a little bit of blood turned into a monstrous blood, dyeing the Boundless Star Territory red.

"Sacrifice out the Forbidden Soul Array, this time, I will capture the Fighting Saint King!"

There was a great shout from the Lord of the Temple of Heaven, and many Temples of Forbidden Souls flew out, with a total of 108 seats, and each of them had a king of gods. Among them, 27 had quasi-kings, and nine had real ones. The Primordial King thoroughly demonstrated the extremely terrifying background of the Forbidden Soul Palace, enough to shake the starry sky.

"With so many primordial kings coming out, the Forbidden Soul Palace is indeed a domineering force that spans several epochs. The background is unfathomable, but I don't know if this battle is exhausted."

"That is to say, the starry sky overlord like the Fighting Saint King, otherwise, how could the Forbidden Soul Palace dispatch so many powerful people!"

The spectators of the universe and all races also secretly guessed that the Forbidden Soul Palace sent so many strongest people, it might be possible that the background was exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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