Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3589: Forbidden Tianjun

"The Palace of Forbidden Soul is indeed terrifying. What I was exposed to back then was only the power of the tip of the iceberg. Over the years, it has been thoroughly demonstrated. If I were not promoted to the king, I am afraid that I would be captured by the Palace of Forbidden Soul."

Even Ye Chen was a little frightened secretly, after all, the power displayed by the Soul Forbidden Palace made him marvel at it.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

There are a total of 108 Soul Forbidden Halls across the sky, according to the layout of 36 heavenly gangs and 72 earthly evil spirits. Among them, there are nine heavenly halls that resemble the stars. Nine Great Ancient Kings sit in town and block this land of stars. .


The chain of Forbidden Soul God, which used hundreds of millions of dollars at every turn, flew out, densely packed, and shot Ye Chen with electric shots for capture.

And while the forbidden soul chain swayed, the forbidden soul chain exuded a strange power that made the soul tremble, and it was straightforward to scare people.

"Battle Sacred King, I advise you to be obedient and catch it, otherwise I really want to take action, you will suffer extreme pain, and the final price will still fall into the hands of my Forbidden Soul Palace." Open up.

"Oh, is it? I would like to see the methods of your Forbidden Soul Palace."

Ye Chen smiled and didn't care. During the conversation, the incomparable and peerless king bloomed, directly turbulent the entire universe and the starry sky, and overwhelmed all races.

With just one punch, the great soul-forbidden formation formed by the 108 soul-forbidden halls was broken apart and torn apart.

Shocked the world!

This is the invincible Fighting Saint King, and the Soul Forbidden Array of the Forbidden Soul Palace cannot imprison this peerless character at all.

"how is this possible?"

Forbidden Soul Palace Zhu Qiang was shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Nothing is impossible, as long as the fist is big enough, everything can be broken."

Ye Chen sneered and punched again, his fist condensed the beam, tearing everything apart.

"Go back to my lord!"

Suddenly, there was a loud roar, that was the starry sky overlord of the Forbidden Soul Palace. He returned, and made a strong shot and shook Ye Chen hard, causing Ye Chen's figure to stop for a while and unable to smoothly leave the Forbidden Soul Array.

"Today, I forbid Tianjun to personally take action to suppress the Fighting Saint King!"

The starry sky overlord shouted, and he showed his identity, which shocked the starry sky.

Forbidden Sky Monarch, but a generation of Xeon Sky Overlords, once displayed boundless glory in the last era, overshadowing the universe kings, becoming the overlord, and then disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years.

Unexpectedly, he actually became a member of the Forbidden Soul Palace, and looking at his status, the lord of the nine heavenly halls would respect his orders, and his status was definitely not low.

Monarch Frozen changed his expression slightly, and slapped the No. 4 weapon back with a slap. He transmitted his voice to Ye Chen and said: "Faldiary Dao, be careful, Forbidden Heaven Monarch is very strong, much stronger than I was back then. Rumor has it that he was the peak of the Eighth Heaven King many thousands of years ago, and now it is very likely that he has become the Ninth Heaven, and even the Tenth Heaven Peak King!"

Or the supreme king of nine or ten?

Ye Chen’s eyes also flashed a dignified meaning. The strongest combat power he can currently exert is at the level of the nine million rulers, which is not as good as the nine-day king, if this forbidden king is the nine or ten-day king. The absolute king is not a good thing for him.

Of course, he wouldn't necessarily be afraid of Forbidden Heaven, but he just tried his best not to expose other backhands.

Forbidden Tianjun entered the Forbidden Soul Great Array, and the Forbidden Soul Great Array suppressed Ye Chen, but did not suppress the former at all. On the contrary, it continuously transmitted a stream of power and submerged it into his body, making the Forbidden Tianjun breath more For long.

The dark mist was dispersed and the main body was exposed, but it had three heads and six arms, wearing thick armor, three heads totaling nine eyes, looking at Ye Chen coldly, and said: "Battle Saint King, I have to say that you are really amazing. , Being so young is already the overlord of the starry sky, maybe it's just a great power to change to a prince of the same age."

Being able to become the King of the Ancients is truly stunning, not to mention the existence of the overlord of the sky, and at least the Super King of the Seventh Heaven is eligible for this title.

At the same age, King Tianjun had to admit that he was far less stunning than Ye Chen.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Forbidden Tianjun shot violently, with three heads and six arms, it could be said that it turned into an endless attacking method, overwhelming and submerging, completely covering Ye Chen's whole figure.

Under the terrifying attack, I am afraid that even the peerless king of the Eighth Heaven will also be damaged, because the forbidden heaven's attack is perfect, covering every inch of the corner.

"Do you dare to hurt me by this means?"

Ye Chen sneered. His fighting consciousness and fighting instincts are almost at the supreme level. What's more, he masters the most powerful first attacking holy method of the Chaos Sea-the holy method of fighting. Thunder strikes past, collides with it, and fights. .

Forbidden Heaven's attack was also difficult to work, frowned, and he was ready to use the power of the Nine Heavens level to shoot.

What he is playing now is only part of his power.

But if you want to exert the power of the Ninth Heaven level, you need to pay a certain price, which he is currently unwilling to pay.


Suddenly, the feather sword of the ten great immortal kings trembled, and Ye Chen's speed surged, as if driving a long river of time, he came to the forbidden heaven in an instant.


The ten great fairy king feather swords erupted, unleashing the most terrifying murderous intent of the fairy king, even if there were only a few threads, it still made the Forbidden Heavenly King's heart tremble, and it shocked the soul in an instant, unable to move.


Under the control of Ye Chen, the Ten Great Immortal King Yujian attacked and killed the Forbidden Heaven Monarch by surprise, and even pierced his body. Ten sword wounds appeared, piercing back and forth, and the blood flowed endlessly.

Forbidden Tianjun changed color and looked at the ten Immortal King Feather Swords solemnly. He felt that the ten wings that looked like Holy Wings were not simple.

During the crisis, the Qi Tianjun's body surged, reaching the level of the Ninth Heaven, and he hurried back.

However, he looked ugly to discover that the ten sword wounds on his body could not be healed, and the wounds contained strands of peerless and terrifying murderous intent, surpassing the level of the emperor: "Extreme murderous intent? Impossible, fighting the saint king is the emperor level , Even the emperor can't have supreme murderous intent?"

But how could he know that the Immortal King's feather sword was refined from the feathers of the supreme immortal king, and it contained the immortal king's murderous intent.

"Chaos crushes the world!"

With a big drink, it was the Great Chaos Cauldron, rushing out of Ye Chen’s eyebrows, shining hundreds of millions of chaotic lights, and the mighty heavens collided with the attack of the Forbidden Sky. Under the loud noise, the Forbidden Sky was formed. Flying upside down, the body is cracked and bloodied, almost exploding.

The Great Chaos Cauldron is close to the emperor level, terrifying and unparalleled. Under the control of Ye Chen, he has no scruples at all. Under the strong shock, it broke the forbidden soul formation.

Moreover, Ye Chen tried his best, and the ten great fairy king feather swords rose to the sky, and he even sacrificed the simplified version of the ten square absolute formations. With the upper fairy king feather sword, it was instantly terrifying and contained in the fairy. All the murderous intent of the immortal king in Wang Yujian was directly released, covering the Forbidden Heaven Monarch.

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