Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3590: Kill the king

"The murderous intent of the eternal giants is impossible. How can you master the fighting holy king?"

Forbidden Heaven Monarch was frightened, his whole body exploded, and the power of the Nine Heavens Monarch was enough to penetrate the heavens, but the Great Chaos Cauldron descended from the sky, and the earth suppressed his strength explosion.

At the same time, the Ten Swords attacked absolutely, and the unparalleled killing sword light flooded the heavenly monarch.

It can be felt that Heaven Forbidden Monarch can't break free from the Ten Swords Array, and even the deathly suppression of the Chaos Dading Cauldron, the sword light containing the murderous intent of the Immortal King is constantly piercing his body, killing the soul real spirit inside.

Losing the most powerful Forbidden Heavenly Lord, even if there are No. 3 and No. 4 taboo weapons, it is not enough.

Under Ye Chen's powerful attack, the No. 3 Weapon suffered heavy damage and was finally suppressed.

Weapon No. 4 was also directly suppressed by Lord Bingyan.

It can be said that after losing the most powerful Forbidden Heaven Monarch and the No. 3 or 4 Taboo Weapon, the remaining Forbidden Soul Palace powerhouses are not to be feared.

They didn't dare to take action at all, and even fled.

With the flick of Ye Chen's fingers, the door of ten seals flew out, sealing a starry sky and dealing with the lord of the nine heavenly halls.

This kind of Primordial King was still a little threatening to him, and he naturally had to solve it.

The ten king puppets attacked, cooperated with the sealed gate, and killed the lord of the nine heavenly halls one by one, dragged the corpse of the king who annihilated the true spirit, and returned to Ye Chen.

All the races in the universe looked at Ye Chen with absolute awe.

The Jiuyan Emperor clan was fortunate, but the Dan Emperor clan regretted it.

Within the Ten Swords Jue Formation, the Forbidden Heaven Monarch is struggling, unleashing the power of the world-class Nine Heavenly Kings, with three heads and six arms, and six Immortal Soldiers of the Strong Emperor, constantly fighting against that one. Wang Yujian.

However, the material of the fairy king's feather sword is against the sky, and it is itself made by the supreme fairy king's fairy king feather. It is even more contaminated with the blood of the fairy king and the murderous intent of the fairy king. Among them, there are also the long river of mixed yuan and the ancient beasts. The power of time, combined with countless divine materials, was re-made.

To put it bluntly, every fairy king feather sword is enough to be the main battle weapon of the peerless king.

Now the ten Immortal King Feather Swords, combined with the Ten Swords Absolute Formation, are powerful enough to make it difficult for the Ten Heavenly Kings to break free and suffer severe injuries.


The great chaotic cauldron above Ye Chen's head entered the killing formation, and the King of Heaven, seeing his presence, suddenly shouted: "Battle Saint King, this king will kill you!"

Boom boom boom boom boom--

He rushed over frantically.

But in an instant, the light of immeasurable killing suddenly flooded him, leaving wounds on his body, with blood flowing.

The feather sword of the fairy king is invincible, and contains threads of murderous intent of the fairy king, and it is an absolute weapon that the Ninth Heavenly King cannot bear, and the wounds are dense.


Ye Chen sacrificed the Devil Emperor's horns, which was even more terrifying than the Immortal King Feather Sword. He found the opportunity to directly hit the brows of one of the heads of Forbidden Heaven Monarch, pierced directly, and killed the spirit inside.


Forbidden Tianjun screamed, the three heads in his body were transformed into three heads, and now one of them was killed. The devil emperor’s horn contained the power of the horrible eternal giant of the holy demon emperor, not much, only a few points, but Activated by Ye Chen to revive and kill!

"What is that thing, more terrifying than those fairy swords." He changed his color.

Ye Chen said indifferently: "You are bad luck. This is the devil horn of an eternal tycoon. It contains the power of an eternal tycoon. Although it is not much, even the emperor will never dare to be stabbed. The king's heavenly soul with a three-pointed head is hit, and he will definitely die."

While speaking, he also shot at lightning speed, dealing with Forbidden Heaven Monarch again and again.

Forbidden Heaven Monarch is undoubtedly extremely jealous, the terrifying of such Devil Emperor Horn can be described as fatal, comparable to the Supreme Emperor's Soldier, and even more terrifying.

He did not dare to touch it. The Devil Emperor's horns were extremely sharp, containing the power of an eternal giant, and truly indestructible. The strong armor on his body could not be resisted, and deep scratches were cut between the hands.

Even the six Immortal Soldiers of the strongest kings in his hand had many damages.

What's more, there are ten Immortal King Feather Swords, equally sharp, causing him to have many wounds.

Forbidden Heavenly King looks jealous. Although he is the Nine Heavenly King, his combat power is amazing, but the Fighting Saint King controls the two peerless murderous soldiers related to the eternal giants. The chaotic cauldron above his head is shining with billions of chaotic lights. It is even more terrifying, suppressed to a sharp decrease in breath.

Because of this, he threw a rat avoidance weapon, and had a world-class combat power that was so suppressed.


Ye Chen spit out indifferently.


Three hours later, the wounded figure of Forbidden Sky fell from the Ten Jian Jue Formation, turning into an incomparable huge body, much larger than the stars, with three heads and six arms like the galaxy, huge.

"Dead, there is no vision unexpectedly?"

Ye Chen frowned, he could accurately sense that the Heavenly King Soul in Forbidden Heavenly Monarch had been completely There was nothing left, but why there was no heaven and earth anomaly, this was very abnormal.

"It is rumored that King Forbidden cultivated the ancient and mysterious Dao body secret method. He once killed other starry sky overlords and refined it into his own strong Dao body. It is very likely that this three-headed six-armed body is one of the strong Dao body. "Sovereign Bingyan came over and revealed some ancient secrets.

Ye Chen frowned, such a secret method of the body, most of it is very difficult, especially if the Lord of Heaven did not die for one day, one day is always a big disaster.

"Well, if you have the opportunity, you will directly kill Forbidden Heaven Monarch."

He is not afraid, not to mention that there is a real trump card-the reincarnation of the emperor and the emperor star never used it.

Putting away the three-headed and six-armed body of the Forbidden Heavenly Monarch, Ye Chen felt that if he went deeper, he might have a certain chance to realize the forbidden heavenly monarch's most powerful Dao Body secret.

In the starry sky, with the separation of the peak level, Jintianjun, the strongest of the Forbidden Soul Palace, was killed. The morale of the ultimate ancient road party increased greatly, while the Forbidden Soul Palace was demoralized and defeated.

Ye Chen never intervened in these low-level fights.

He is here alone, enough to frighten the starry sky.

"Fighting Saint King's supernatural power is great, killing the Forbidden Heavenly Monarch to the strongest Taoist body, and killing many of the Lords of the Temple, it is invincible, and the starry sky is invincible. I am so impressed!"

All the races in the universe who had watched the game appeared one after another, holding their fists to congratulate Ye Chen, their expressions were unusually flattering and in awe.

Although these cosmic races sat and watched, they never really intervened, but after all, they did not hit the smiley people with their hands, not to mention helping to restrain the soul hall, Ye Chen nodded lightly.

Ten thousand people didn't dare to be angry, they still laughed.

Even if the Saint King of Fighting is extremely young, but his cultivation base is already perfect, and he can kill the Primordial King by raising his hand, who dares to make a mistake?

(End of this chapter)

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