Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3591: Regret of the Dandi Clan

"The fighting saint king's skill is shocking the world, the starry sky is invincible. I and the elders are not ashamed. No wonder we can teach Wushuang such outstanding and talented disciples."

Emperor Jiuxuan led the Jiuyan Emperor to step forward, smiled and clasped his fists, very happy.

The stronger the Fighting Saint King is, the happier they are, because his disciple is the contemporary patriarch of the Jiuyan Emperor, and to some extent it is also a protection of the Jiuyan Emperor.

Wan Clan was surprised that Yan Wushuang, the patriarch of the contemporary Jiuyan Emperor, was actually a disciple of the Fighting Saint King?

"Master." Yan Wushuang looked at Ye Chen excitedly.

Ye Chen glanced at the Nine Profound King, making the latter feel a little trembling, afraid to face it.

Did he not know the mind of the Nine Profound King? Ye Chen didn't care too much. After all, the disciple was still in the Jiuyan Emperor Clan, and he needed to use the power of the Emperor Clan to spread his faith and better embark on this road of belief in the emperor.

He said to Yan Wushuang: "You have to work hard, as a teacher, I hope you can successfully embark on this special emperor road."

"The student will definitely live up to Master's expectations." Yan Wushuang said quickly.

"it is good."

Ye Chen turned and left, even turning a blind eye to the Dan Emperor who was greeted with a smile, making the old Dan Emperor froze with a smile on his face.

The other tens of thousands of ethnic forces were all surprised.

A while ago, I heard that the Saint King of Fighting Battle had entered the Dan Emperor Clan, and there were even rumors that the emperor and daughter of the clan would be betrothed to the King of Fighting Battle.

Right now, this is a bit weird.

"Ancestor, the Fighting Saint King is too arrogant. Didn't he just kill Forbidden Heaven Monarch? He is so defiant!"

Behind him, the Dandi clan members were very upset.

The old king of the Dandi clan glanced at these clansmen and said, "Then, what do you want him to do to us? Do you want to provoke him? Is he defiant?"

Everyone in the Dandi tribe suddenly suffocated.

Provocative battle against the Saint King?

Unless they want to die.

Even the Forbidden Soul Palace had such a miserable end in the hands of the Fighting Saint King. The Forbidden Heavenly King of the Nine Heavens King also died with a strong Taoist body. Although the Dan Emperor Clan is very powerful, it is impossible to tell. The situation is difficult to contend with the current fighting king.

The old emperor of the Dandi clan sighed deeply and said: "If there is a chance in the future, we must fight against the holy king at all costs."

Simple words represent the extreme importance of fighting the king, even at all costs.

With a faint smile, he dealt with the tens of thousands of people in the starry sky, Ye Chen came to the great ancient kings of the Ultimate Ancient Road, and said with a smile: "Junior Ye Chen has met several seniors."

Although the cultivation is now to the sky, the defender facing the ultimate ancient road still respects it.

He even thought of Cang Yan, the protector of the past. He had mentioned in the past that one day he would encounter terrible trouble, but he would call out three names to the void and he would appear to solve the trouble.

Cang Yan, but the former deceased of the Wuxiang King, and even one of his opponents.

He thought of Emperor Shura, and thought of Emperor Dao X. They were all emperors, and he was afraid that Cang Yan was also an emperor.

"The Fighting Saint King is polite, you and I are the Primordial Kings, and you are the overlord of the starry sky, and the masters are the teachers. It is not too late for me to call you seniors."

Ultimate Gulu's several ancient kings were not arrogant, especially the terrifying power of the fighting sage king who saw with their own eyes, and they did not dare to call them juniors, but Ye Chen was still very polite. In the end, the two sides disputed, the Gulu king called A little friend, Ye Chen still calls senior!

The eyes of countless testers on the ultimate ancient road are dazzling.

They are still trying on the ancient road one by one through the ancient gates to become stronger. However, the fighting sage king who is also an outstanding person on the ancient road has reached the level of sitting on the same level with the ancient road king. King Lu didn't dare to call a junior, and he had to wait for it as a fellow Taoist.

There are also many arrogant women of the sky, who are among the strongest talents who have come out of their respective chaotic ancient universes. At least they are also the strongest geniuses of a domain. They must dominate a star domain with the worst achievements in the future. They are proud and proud. But in the face of the high fighting saint king, I can't wait to give him a hug and give him a baby monkey.

Heroes love beauties, so why don't beauties love heroes, let alone the invincible people like the Fighting Saint King.

"My little friend has not been for hundreds of years. When he left the ultimate ancient road in the past, he was nothing but power. Now he is a peerless emperor. He can be described as the top starry sky overlord. Such rapid progress is unparalleled in ancient and modern times." With a light sigh, when we first met back then, Ye Chen was just a little power, and he needed the return of the goddess, who was already the overlord of the ancient road.

Now he is the overlord of the starry sky, who can hardly find an opponent.

Throughout the past and present, there are very few starry sky overlords at such an age!

Even when many eternal giants were young, they couldn't reach this level.

Ye Chen smiled, very humble, not too conceited.

At the very least, he believes that the Emperor of Heaven and Shidai are no weaker than him.

"Senior, who left the ultimate ancient road ~ why is the end of the ultimate ancient road consistent? Did the strongest people who have walked to the end of the ancient road finally come into contact with the "Ultimate Supreme" immortal Fate." Ye Chen said, asking some real secrets, which made several ancient kings look solemn.

The ultimate ancient road runs through several epochs, and there are even generations of the most powerful princes in the ancient chaotic universe, constantly going to participate in the trial.

But there is only one "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate, so what have the strongest people who have come to the very end throughout the ages, such as the former king of no phase, have finally obtained?

This made Ye Chen quite curious.

I had never thought of it in the past, and I couldn't know, but now the level is high enough to be qualified to be exposed to the real secrets.

"The ultimate ancient road is the same as the supreme ancient road. It was created by the supreme of the heavens and left behind together." King Xuelan told the ancient secrets. From the first era, its fundamental purpose was to select one. He is the strongest Tianjiao in ancient and modern times, and can obtain the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate.

It's just that for several epochs since the birth of the two ancient roads, there has never been the appearance of the strongest Tianjiao in ancient and modern times.

Especially the ancient road of the supreme, only the presence of the son of the supreme will be truly opened, it can be said that it will be truly opened in this life.

The ultimate ancient road. In the past several epochs and ages, many people have come to the end of the ancient road. These strongest talents who entered the ultimate ancient realm have not obtained the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy relationship, but they have also come into contact with the Supreme Emperor. Traces, some people have inherited the Great Emperor.

Of course, it's also because the Supreme Ancient Road never opened.

According to legend, only when two ancient roads are opened and run through each other, the ultimate "Ultimate Supreme" fairy relationship will appear.

"Our mission is to guard the ultimate ancient road, silently waiting for the appearance of the strongest arrogant ancient and modern, and obtain the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy relationship." ()

. m.

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