Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3598: The second emperor started

In the depths of the distant starry sky, in an extremely ancient star field, there is a majestic star with a diameter of more than tens of millions of miles. The entire body is full of the supreme Dao Qi machine, faintly, as if there is a Supreme Qi machine charging into the sky.

This is not the emperor star, but in the past there was an ancient emperor who had come and stopped for a long time, which enabled this star to obtain the emperor's Dao Linchen during the long years, copying part of the supreme emperor's path.

On the ancient star, a cemetery that is much larger than the mountains, the tombstones are like the sky.

This is an absolute forbidden place on the ancient star. Even if there is a quasi-king-level existence on the ancient star, one would never dare to set foot in this place. All this is due to the guardian of a strong family, this family has the ancient king sitting in the town, and has always led The whole family guards this cemetery.

It is said that this cemetery is not simple. It used to be the tomb of a supreme overlord of the starry sky. The overlord of the starry sky has a long history and is rumored to have followed the ancient emperor.

The royal family is the descendant of the starry sky overlord and has been guarding it.

On this day, the cemetery suddenly bloomed with boundless brilliance. In addition to the ancient stars, there were stars after another being pulled over, and the boundless power of stars submerged into the cemetery, like a fairy rain, the most divine and holy, extremely bright.

Within the royal family, a handed down king's war soldier revived spontaneously, releasing the supreme power that shook the entire ancient star, and hundreds of millions of creatures trembled, causing all the Primordial Kings who were sitting in town to be directly awakened.

Because that was the peerless warrior of the legendary starry sky overlord, who had slaughtered too many ancient kings in the past, dyed with his blood and life mark, and was extremely powerful.

The ancient kings who are stronger than him will tremble.

When I saw the various visions in the cemetery, I couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised: "The ancestor is about to recover!"


The cemetery, which was even larger than the mountain, exploded directly, and a very young figure inside suddenly opened his eyes and shot a beam of light shining across the starry sky of the universe, like an eternal thunder.

Outside the territory, the brilliance of infinite stars was all attracted, and even the sun in many nearby star regions was swallowed up by life, and all of it was submerged in this young man like a god.

In the end, the young man stood up, suspended for nine days, and came to the ancient star.

"Meet the ancestor!"

Within the royal family, the Primordial King rose up into the sky, kneeled under the young man, bowed his head and proclaimed himself, with awe and passion.

The young man with black hair is like a waterfall, and he is very handsome. One eye jumped out with a big day, and the other eye fell with a **** moon, showing the sun and the moon, which was extraordinary.

He looked at the gray-haired Primordial King, nodding slightly, and could feel that the latter's body was his descendant bloodline.

Being able to become the King of the Ancients is already very good.

It's a pity that it's just the second heaven of the king, which can be said to be high in the eyes of the world, but for his starry sky overlord who has followed the ancient emperor in the past, Er Er is not very amazing.

"How long did I sleep?"

The young man who was called the ancestor spoke. He looked very young, but he was actually very old, and he slept long enough, his actual age was far surpassed the gray-haired Primordial King.

The white-haired king opened his mouth and informed the times.

"I didn't expect to sleep for so long." The young ancestor nodded slightly, and immediately frowned: "I just felt that the vitality of Lao Ba had disappeared. It was not a simple slumber, but being killed. There are still people in this world who dare to treat me. Wait for the nine emperors to take action?"

As he spoke, it was like the voice of heaven, containing incredible power, exploding the sky above the ancient star, making the world inaccessible and terrifying.

Don't say it was someone else, even this descendant king couldn't bear it.

The ancestor is powerful, far beyond imagination.

Because he knows better than anyone, the true origin of the ancestor, but one of the emperors of the Heavenly Soul Emperor who ruled the boundless universe in the past, the existence of the starry sky overlord level, in its extremely remote age, even killed too many The primordial kings, among them, there is no lack of starry sky overlords, who possess the power to reach the world.

It was only because of the sudden death of the Heavenly Soul in the past that the ancestor chose to fall asleep. After the endless years, he did not expect that he would be born suddenly in his current life.

Similarly, I was shocked by the so-called Lao Ba being killed.

He knows many secrets. The ancestor, along with eight other strong kings in the past, became a follower of the supreme emperor, known as the nine emperors.

Lao Ba is the eighth emperor.

It should be understood that every emperor is the hegemonic existence of the Primordial Kings, the most powerful and invincible, no matter an era, it is an absolute hegemonic existence, and can dominate an era of the starry sky.

Now, the eighth emperor’s starry sky overlord has actually fallen and been killed. Then who did it?

Generally speaking, even if you have the strength to kill the eighth emperor, you should not dare to shoot, because the nine emperors are like brothers and dare to attack anyone, just wait if they are the enemy of the nine ~ That absolutely unwise behavior, the Star Overlord would never dare to do so.

In the past, during the years when the ancient emperor proved Dao and became the emperor, there was a starry sky overlord who made such a move, which angered one person and caused other emperors to also take action.

Even so, the Nine Heavenly Kings were killed by the Nine Emperor Envoys for this reason, which has shaken many times.

Inexplicably, the descendant king thought of a person, adding chaos, strong and domineering, maybe that person is so strong!

The white-haired king said: "Ancestor, I may know who did it."

"Oh? You actually know?"

The white-haired king nodded and said, "Battle Saint King!"

He took the initiative to inform some of the information he knew in the world, especially the fighting holy king. The strongest Dao body that killed the Forbidden Heavenly King and was comparable to the Nineth Heavenly King was dead, and also awakened the No. 5 weapon of the Forbidden Soul Palace. Lord Bingyan.

According to reports, weapons No. 3 and No. 4 were also suppressed.

"Battle Saint King? I have never heard of this person in the past, but he is actually the strongest arrogant in the world. He has grown to this point in just a thousand years, and he can crush the starry sky overlord?" The young ancestor frowned. Such a person is absolutely terrifying. of.

The growth rate is too fast. In just a thousand years, he has become the overlord of the starry sky. He is still the absolute power here. It is definitely not easy to kill the eighth emperor.

"This person seriously interfered with the implementation of the Great Emperor's old plan, and he is a chaos practitioner, and he has reached the level of Starry Sky Overlord. If he can be captured, he will be able to comply with the Great Emperor's plan, and may even bring the plan far ahead."

"Well, today my second emperor personally took action to capture this fighting saint king!"

The descendant king heard the words and sighed for the fighting sage king.

The second emperor sent the first ancestor out, even if the fighting saint king could kill the ordinary starry sky overlord, he would definitely not be his opponent, and was doomed to fall.

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