Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3599: The Ascension of Chaos Eucharist

Ye Chen didn't know the birth of the second emperor. In fact, even if he knew, he wouldn't be much afraid.

He came to the ninety-ninth pass, pushed horizontally into a lair, exploded the emperor's world, killed the eighth emperor Yang Shen, spread the starry sky, causing a big shock.

This ancient universe, the starry sky and the tens of thousands of races, no one knows, no one knows the nine emperors of the past, each of them is an absolute overlord, replacing the supreme ancient emperor and ruling the boundless universe.

With the sudden death of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, the Nine Great Emperors retired and chose to fall asleep. He never thought that he would be born now.

But unfortunately, the eighth emperor Yang Shen had not fully demonstrated his prestige in this life, he was killed by the fighting sage king, and even the emperor's great world was blown up, and he was so fierce.

"Battle Saint King, dare to kill the eighth emperor of my Forbidden Soul Palace, the other eight emperors will not let you go."

Forbidden Soul Palace issued a death pursuit against the Wujiang Universe.

"Won't let me go? When did I say I would let you go?"

Ye Chen sneered and ignored him. After bidding farewell to Qingyang Maharajah, Xuyang Emperor and other ultimate ancient road kings, he and the three starry sky overlords came to a relatively safe star field.

He set up a heavy array, and let the three starry sky overlords guard, and let the king puppet of the Seal Gate of the Ten Heavens hold the fairy king feather sword to suppress the guard of the ten swords.

Silently, the emperor's reincarnation also appeared, hiding in the dark, holding the emperor star in his hand, and existed like a dead thing, even the three starry sky overlords had never discovered his existence.

With the wave of his hand, many huge corpses suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, all exuding monstrous blood and the king Tianwei who crushed the starry sky.

Undoubtedly, these corpses were all the Primordial Kings killed in the past, from the Eighth Emperor Yang Shen to the ordinary Primordial Kings, their corpses were basically collected and placed in front of them.

"It's time for the Chaos Eucharist to take a step further. Although the Chaos Eucharist has reached the top level of the emperor, from the physical level, even the highest level of the tenth heaven, the Primordial King, is not comparable. But after all, it’s still a bit worse, and because of the Dao injury, at most, I can exert a power comparable to that of the King's Eighth Heaven. Now the enemy is getting stronger and stronger, and I also need to become stronger."

Ye Chen whispered, there were dozens of corpses of Primordial Kings in front of him, as well as those from the Seventh or Eighth Heavens, as well as the remains of the Eighth Emperors like Yang Shen. They did not die for a long time and contained massive amounts of blood essence.

Today, he will use the corpses of these kings to further enhance the Chaos Eucharist.

From now on, the power of the Chaos Eucharist has also reached the peak state of the emperor's body, but even with the mysterious glow of the original universe, it has not improved much, as if it has reached a bottleneck.

Want to go further, only refining a large amount of blood essence, force a breakthrough.

Naturally, the ordinary blood essence is completely ineffective for the breakthrough of the chaos Eucharist, at least it also needs the level of the Primordial King, and it is not the ordinary Primordial King.

"The number of the remains of the emperor in front of us is not large, but the victory is that there are several people in the Seven or Eight Heavens, and there are even the corpses of starry overlords such as Yang Shen, and my Chaos Eucharist has already reached a kind of shackles. This goes one step further, breaking the limit of Dao injury and reaching the level of the peak of the king."

His eyes are hot, this is a great opportunity, not to be missed.


Immediately, Ye Chen took the remains of many kings into the Great Chaos Cauldron, and in an instant, the endless source of chaos fire spread all over the world, refining the remains of many kings wantonly.

At this level, the Primal Fire of Primal Chaos can be said to be able to be refined into liquid, not to mention the remains of these kings.

As the chaotic source fire slowly fell, all the remains of the king were gradually burned and refined one by one.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

With the burning of the Primordial Chaos Fire, the remains of these kings gradually showed signs of distortion, but Ye Chen did not dare to make the Primordial Chaos Fire too ferocious, otherwise a little too strong would most likely cause the remains of the king to burn to ashes.

What he needs to do is to burn the remains of the king and burn the excess impurities to slowly leave behind the true essence.

Such a refining process is destined to be slow, and it is difficult to succeed without a few months at least.

"Hunyuan Longhe!"

Ye Chen drank softly, and a long river of mixed yuan appeared in the center of his eyebrows. It was only 100,000 miles long and 10,000 miles wide. They surrounded each other in a circle, forming this space into a special circle of time and space, and the flow rate was a thousand times faster than the outside world.

"With my current cultivation base, I can expel this long river of mixed elements, and the time flow that envelopes this area is 365 times faster than the outside world. That is to say, this place is one year, and if the outside world is one day, it will greatly improve me. The high refining speed can also avoid sudden changes in the external situation."

Hunyuan Changhe, belonging to Hunyuan Huangzun, contains the power of time. Ye Chen can also achieve the magical effect of speed increase by driving him. For him, it can have good results.

With the growth time of the long river of Hunyuan, Ye Chen became more comfortable in refining the remains of these kings.

Masses of chaotic source fire envelop the remains of the emperor, slowly in the refining room, visible to the naked eye, a lot of dark ashes rise from the remains of these emperors.

These are all impurities, even though these impurities are absolute treasures under the king...

In this way, after a full few months, the remains of several kings took the lead in refining the flesh and bones, and finally became a mass of liquid flesh, the hardest bones were melted into bone fluid, and the blood and flesh fluid were combined. It melted into a special dark red liquid, which was less than half its original size, but it contained the same vitality that could drown the starry sky.

This is the essence of the flesh and bones of a Primordial King. Once swallowed, a quasi-king Dusuna can be promoted to the level of Primordial King.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

At the same time, the remains of other kings have also been refined and turned into a group of the most essence.

Three years later, even the remains of the Eighth Emperor Yang Shen turned into a liquid existence, shining with extremely majestic blood.

The dozens of essences in front of them are the essence of the remains of all the kings.

"Burn the essence, burn the real body!"

Ye Chen drank lightly, and after a short time, the flesh and blood essence of many kings was swallowed into his body, and then it was burned, giving birth to strands of extremely terrifying flames, which were more terrifying than the Primal Fire of Chaos and even more domineering.

Zi Zi Zi-

Even Ye Chen, as strong as the chaotic sacrament, was completely red at this moment, like a burnt iron block, with a fiery red luster constantly showing.

Naturally, endless pain is accompanied by it. ()

. m.

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