Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3600: The flesh is close to the emperor

Ye Chen was determined, and he just endured the pain.

Because at the moment these emperor essences were burned, the chaotic body was better tempered, and every inch of the body became more and more powerful and immortal, shining with immortal luster, and every inch was as glaring as the sun.

And there is a stream of pure liquid flowing out of the emperor's essence, and it spread to every inch of the limbs in an instant.

Chaos Eucharist was like a hungry hungry man, devouring these liquids frantically, and a loud rumbling noise suddenly came out of its body, which was more deafening than thunder.

Ye Chen could feel that the Saint Body of Chaos was slowly and powerfully ascending.

In the body, a drop of red blood like a rainbow is being condensed out. It is true blood. Every drop is true blood of the Great Dao. It is more precious than the Holy Blood of Chaos. It can be called True Blood of Chaos, enough The world is crazy about it.

Originally, only 10% of Ye Chen's Chaos Saint Body was in true blood state, but now, the true blood in his body is constantly increasing.

In this way, a full eighteen years have passed.

In the end, when everything was over, Ye Chen opened his eyes and felt that his body was stronger than ever.

In the body, it seems as if a head of myth is sealed, and it contains unparalleled majestic power, far beyond the past.

He could feel it, as if the Nine Heavens Kings were nothing but this, only one hand could suppress.

It can be said that Ye Chen's Primordial Body of Chaos has broken a shackle, and years of sacrifices have caused a surge of true blood. It is now the strongest physical body under the Emperor, and it is still a bit short of the Emperor-level physical body.

"Unfortunately, in the end, it is still impossible to break the shackles and become an emperor in the flesh, otherwise the flesh will reach that level and may be able to barely fight the emperor."

Ye Chen was a little disappointed, his physical body reached another bottleneck, but it was still a little worse, but stronger.

He could feel that just the strength of his body could truly fight the Tenth Heavenly King.

Ye Chen called these flesh bodies the quasi-emperor flesh body.

In fact, there is no so-called quasi-emperor realm at all, but his physical body is too strong, only a thin line away from the emperor-level physical body, so he has this title.

"Well, continue to find the trouble of the Forbidden Soul Palace, as long as you refine more and more powerful flesh and blood essences, you can make the Chaos Eucharist go one step further, take the final step, and become an emperor in your flesh!"

Of course, the so-called becoming an emperor in the flesh refers to the achievement of an emperor-level flesh body and stepping into the emperor's level from the flesh, but it is also of extraordinary significance.

In this world, which young generation has become the emperor?


Three days later, the old nest of the Forbidden Soul Palace in the Xiangyang Star Region was found.

Ye Chen teamed up with the three starry sky overlords. Even with the ninth emperor, he was still pushed by life and life. Countless strong men fell to pieces and fell to pieces, with heavy casualties.

The ninth emperor was killed by a strong force and fell into the stars.

Nine days later, another lair of the Forbidden Soul Palace was also found. Ye Chen pushed past strongly, and even cut the twelve Primordial Kings of the Forbidden Soul Palace, bursting into the starry sky one by one.

The majestic light of blood rushed into the sky, shook half of the universe, and moved people's hearts.

The vast starry sky is constantly shaking.

Fighting Saint King, so powerful, killed the eighth and ninth two emperors successively, and they were all the overlords of the stars.

Although it has long been known that the Fighting Saint King is strong and strong enough, the killing of the two emperors caused a huge storm.

In particular, the two emperors are followers of the former Heavenly Soul Emperor, or the second of the nine emperors. Their deaths are likely to completely complete the anger of the other seven emperors, and collectively take action.

It should be noted that before the endless years, the Ten Heavenly Supreme Kings shot, and they were also shot together by the Nine Emperor Envoys and directly killed.

Now, although the fighting sage king stands on the peak of the avenue, such a shot, killing the eighth and ninth emperors one after another, is completely against the other seven emperors, and the consequences are very serious.

Anyone who is familiar with the past history of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor knows that the nine emperors rank higher and stronger.

The eighth and ninth two emissaries are already the starry sky overlords who have mastered the rules of six or seven million Taoist kings, the best of the eight heavenly kings, not to mention the seven emperors in front, one person is better than one.

Especially the first three emperors are rumored to be the absolute kings of the tenth heaven, and the first emperor is more likely to be an emperor...

Today, the Fighting Saint King needs to face seven more powerful emperors, and with a little carelessness, perhaps the most powerful ancient roadman will fall here.

Some people were even surprised, as if they were about to see the death of the fighting king.

Although the Fighting Saint King is very powerful, they do not doubt that he alone can play against the seven strongest emissaries at the same time, especially the strength of the first three emperors is beyond a common sense. No one is invincible in the starry sky of the universe, and everyone is going to die.

At the same time, on the Ultimate Ancient Road, Primordial Kings were born one after another, preparing to face a full-scale attack on the Forbidden Soul Palace.

With the passage of time, the power of the Forbidden Soul Palace became more and more present in the world.

No one dared to look down upon it, and the same is true of the ultimate ancient road. Even several starry sky overlords from the past have awakened A peak battle that is more intense than the past may be about to break out completely soon.

At the same time, relevant conditions have also been introduced into the Eight Desolate Ancient Domains, and even the ultimate ancient domains in the deeper areas.

There are several ancient overlords, such as Chaos Overlord, Taiyi, Huangdi, Wudao, etc., all of whom are absolute overlords of the ultimate ancient road for hundreds of years, and can compete with the strongest emperors of the Supreme Ancient Realm. The contending for the best.

In the past years, if the Saint King of Fighting was born, they would be invincible.

Over the past hundreds of years, they have fought for a lot of supreme celestial destiny, and their cultivation base has become more and more unfathomable. They have broken into the realm of the Primordial Kings a long time ago, and become veritable generations of kings. The sun, moon and stars can be shattered by raising your hand, and what you can do is control the immeasurable Tianma.

Today, they are entrenched in the deepest place all day long, making the final preparations for the final "ultimate supreme" immortal fate competition, basically not paying much attention to external affairs.

However, the relevant information went crazy into the Ultimate Ancient Realm, causing an uproar.

"What? The Fighting Saint King is back?"

"He has become the Primordial King!?"

The ultimate ancient realm shakes.

The so-called name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

In the past years, the fighting sage king traversed the two ancient invincibles, killing time and all the arrogances were eclipsed, unparalleled, and the major overlords were desperate.

After finally waiting for the fighting king to leave, these ancient road overlords gradually picked up their confidence, and have bravely made breakthroughs over the years, stepping into the realm of the kings one by one to become the real heroes in the heavens and the earth, overlooking the universe, which is hard to find among their peers. A rival.

At this time, the invincible fighting saint king returned again?

Let’s hear that the Fighting Saint King has become the Primordial King, is on the ultimate ancient road, is fighting the Forbidden Soul Palace, killing the world.

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