Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3602: 3 out

What is even more amazing is that on the great chaos cauldron, a flawless figure stands on the cauldron with ten wings on its back, like a peerless immortal king, with nine-color immortal light coming down.

He confronted the two starry sky overlords alone. He was the strongest fifth emperor and the second weapon. He held a sword in his hand, and his fighting spirit collapsed. He was known as an invincible warrior.

"That's the Fighting Saint King, he was fighting the fifth emperor and the second weapon at the same time!?"

"Too powerful. It is rumored that the fifth emperor under the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor is the Nine Heavenly King. Those existences are much stronger than the Starry Sky Overlords such as the Ice Flame Monarch and the Qingyang Monarch, and the power to control the rules of the king has long been surpassed. Ten million levels."

"Among the nine emperors, the higher the rank, the stronger the strength. For example, the fifth emperor, ranked fifth, is already at the level of the Nine Heavenly Kings."

"The second weapon is heard to be the former overlord of the heavenly food, devouring the stars, eating the world, the invincible overlord of the ancient times, and the peak of the king. Although it is now the second weapon of the Forbidden Soul Palace, it is still very powerful, devouring the heavens. , No matter what!"

"It can only be said that the Fighting Saint King is too powerful, and I am afraid that the strength is also at the level of the Nine Heavens Kings, otherwise, how can we fight the two Nine Heavens Kings at the same time without losing!"

From an infinite distance, all the races in the universe were amazed. Through the fragments of time, one could know to what extent the current Fighting Saint King's strength was at the level of the Ninth Heaven.

And what shocked them was that when the Saint Kings were fighting against the Heavenly King, a nine-fold heavenly king-level supreme Taoist body, they needed to be suppressed by various means, but now they can use their own body to suppress it. In a short period of time, the strength has been improved a lot.

Could it be that in less than a month, the Fighting Saint King could not break through again?

"Fighting Saint King, look at me,'Asura is infinite'!"

In the depths of the starry sky, the fifth emperor shouted loudly, and the rules of tens of millions of dao kings were presented, and a dark **** was evolved, like Shura, the **** Buddha, like the collapsed ancient universe of chaos, the entire starry sky was buried. The blood stained everything red, and the earth collapsed, with deep cracks in the abyss, and countless corpses were buried in it.

This is the cemetery of the strong, the countless corpses, the cracked boundless earth, and the falling stars are all the supernatural powers created by the fifth emperor in the past and spent endless years.

Anyone who is overwhelmed by this trick "Sura No Part" is destined to become one of them, bury this world, and never be born.

Endless years ago, when the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor fought in the universe, the fifth emperor followed and fought, and I don’t know how many powerhouses he killed along the way. There was even a starry sky overlord in the process, and he became a member of the "Asura Infinite". They are all recovering, like a puppet, trying to kill Ye Chen.

In the rear, the No. 2 weapon, Tianshi Overlord, has long manifested itself. It is the Star-Swallowing Beast, which is similar to the Sun-Sweeping Star, but belongs to the ancestor-level existence of the Star-Swallowing Beast clan. , And even prove that Dao becomes emperor.

But at that time, it was also the era of Proving Dao by the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor. He fought against the Heavenly Food Overlord for hundreds of years. In the end, the Heavenly Food Overlord was defeated and suppressed by the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor and became the second weapon of the Forbidden Soul Palace.

The body of the eclipse overlord is extremely huge, even larger than the star field. There is a boundless world in his body, and he does not know how many stars have been swallowed.

The flanking attack of the two Great Nine Heavens Kings is dangerous.

However, both the Bingyan Sovereign and the No. 3 and No. 4 are quite far away from the Ninth Heaven Sovereign, and they cannot help Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's eyes stood up, and she shot strands of cold light, using the Chaos Dao, to forcefully blast towards the fifth emperor’s "Xura Wujian". On the other hand, the ten immortal king Yujian behind him zoomed in for hundreds of millions of miles. The collision of the No. 1 weapon, with incomparable destructive power, is spreading and annihilating the endless starry sky.

During the period, Ye Chen also felt terrible pressure. After all, the power that can be exerted for a long time is only at the level of the nine heavens, and both the fifth emperor and the overlord of the heavens have stepped into the king of the nine heavens for many years, which is very powerful. , So that he was suppressed in the fight.

Of course, under all these prerequisites, it is because the chaotic body power of the quasi-emperor’s body has not been used. The vast majority of the body power is automatically sealed and suppressed, because facing these people, there is no need to use the chaotic body power. All-round strength is also one of his own cards, which can be used for magic at critical moments.

The breath of Ye Chen's body surged in an instant, and the Supreme Primal Chaos body appeared, and he turned outside the domain, standing side by side with the deity.

At the same time, the spirit of the Chaos King also appeared.

The deity stands side by side with the two most powerful Dao Bodies, each with the power of the Nine Heavens Kings, and the entire body is rippling with extremely powerful power.

The deity is standing on a tripod, the supreme chaos is holding the feather sword of the immortal king, and the spirit of the chaos king is the door of ten seals appearing in the palm of his the three in turn surround the fifth emperor and the second weapon .

"Outer body avatar? No, this is not a normal body avatar. It is said that the fighting saint king has the strongest Taoist body, and the power of each strongest Taoist body is comparable to that of the deity. Doesn't it mean waiting for three nine heavenly kings !?"

The cosmos and all the races exclaimed, the three nine-fold heavenly kings, now it can be said that they are suppressing the Soul Forbidden Palace in turn.

"This fighting saint king is very simple. Let other people come quickly, otherwise we are very likely to fall here."

The seventh emperor looked ugly and wanted to summon other emperors to come.

Although it was a shame, the three emperors came in person, and they were forced to invite other more powerful emissaries in the end, but the current situation had to be the same as before, and the fighting of the holy king was a mess, and no other emperors were invited. Come, the final result is likely to be that all three of them will fall here.

However, they didn't know that Chaos Eucharist was the more powerful one, but so far, Chaos Eucharist is still used as a hole card, and the true power has not been fully used.

"Resolve you as soon as possible!"

Ye Chen's deity said, as soon as the Great Chaos Cauldron came out, it shone with a stalwart power comparable to that of the Tenth Heavenly King, slammed across the starry sky, and directly hit the heavenly food overlord's figure flying, vomiting blood.

At the same time, the Supreme Chaos Master was able to hold the fairy king feather sword, all invincible, and ten swords were all out. Ten swords emerged, and the fifth emperor retreated again and again, not dare to hold the peak.

On the other side, the Spirit of the Chaos King shot, in cooperation with the Chaos Supreme Body, the fairy king feather sword merged with the door of ten seals, and directly included the fifth emperor, ten king puppets appeared, each holding the fairy king feather sword, The deduction of the ten swords, the endless killing swords, the tight silk seal, and the flaws, so that the fifth emperor is completely surrounded by it, and there is no way back.

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