Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3603: Crisis

Boom boom boom boom boom

Countless sword lights rushed out, and the Fifth Emperor's envoy was soon covered with wounds, blood flowed, and traumatized.

At this time, Ye Chen and the Great Chaos Cauldron made a full attack, recovering the power of the Great Chaos Cauldron in the most comprehensive way, because he felt that the crisis was coming, and he had to fight quickly, otherwise, after a long period of time, a more powerful one would come. enemy.

The deity and the two strongest Dao Bodies jointly attacked, and the fifth emperor and the second weapon also suffered. They were suppressed, and there was almost no resistance.

"Today, I will kill the three emperors of your Forbidden Soul Palace."

Ye Chen broke out in an all-round way, the eternal emperor comparable to the Nine Heavens Kings erupted at the peak of power, the Trinity, united with each other, and the terrifying power appeared. Within dozens of rounds, the fifth emperor could not bear it, and was taken by the Chaos Supreme as the fairy king feather The sword was cut in the middle.


The great chaotic cauldron is like a mighty emperor cauldron, gushing out boundless chaotic energy, sweeping across the sky, extremely heavy, and one shot fell down, exploding half of the fifth emperor’s body, making blood glow in the endless starry sky.

The deity and the strongest Dao-body continuously attacked, the Fifth Emperor's envoy was under tremendous pressure, and the decline was obvious. Looking at the situation, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will be suppressed by Ye Chen.

"Junior, go to this seat, this seat is the fifth emissary of the great emperor!"

The fifth emperor roared, showing his terrifying combat power as the Nine Heavens King, and his vitality was extremely strong, he could cover the boundless starry sky, quickly reorganize his body, and used the supreme secret method, colliding with it, killing fiercely.

Moreover, each of the nine emperor's envoys mastered the supreme secret technique given to them by the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, which was quite astonishing, capable of exerting super combat power beyond the current level in a short time.

As soon as the fifth emperor used it, his breath rose rapidly, reaching the peak of the Nine Heavens Kings, and even the tenth Heavens Kings level, exceeding the power of the rules of more than 30 million Kings. It can be described as overwhelming the starry sky of the universe, and it is too terrifying.

At the same time, the sixth and seventh emperors also used secret methods to improve.

This secret method of upgrading is unique, created by the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor for each of them, adapted to his own body, and there are almost no sequelae.

More importantly, if the nine emperors are deployed at the same time, they can also superimpose each other's effects and influence each other, making the promotion range stronger.

"The secret method of the heavenly soul, it is rumored that the nine emperors will use it together, and the nine people will be one, and it can even be called the ancient emperor!"

Someone changed their color and recognized the origin of the secret method, which was very big.

The three starry sky overlords such as the Frozen Monarch have changed color, and the promotion of the three emperors is at least at the level of nine heavens. For example, the fifth emperor has vaguely reached ten heavens, which can be said to be overwhelming them. Above one end.

Surrounded by extreme great terror, the fifth emperor looked at Ye Chen indifferently, and said: "The fighting saint king can force the five supreme secrets bestowed by your majesty. You are indeed very powerful, but today you Must die."

"Hehe, do you think that only you can use the secret of promotion?"

Ye Chen smiled indifferently. At the same time, the three were greatly improved at the same time, reaching the middle stage of the Nine Heavens Sovereign, doubled their strength, and each of them reached the level of more than 20 million kings.

And then perform the three gods of chaos in one style!

The deity and the two most powerful Dao gods merged into one, the trinity, and in an instant, Ye Chen's Qi machine skyrocketed again, completely breaking into the tenth heaven king level, and the unparalleled absolute combat power surged in his body.

He is like the supreme emperor, condescending, looking down on the three emperors, his eyes are full of sarcasm: "Can you still be so rampant now?"

The fiercest battle broke out, but the result will not change much. After Ye Chen's Trinity, the power of the rule of the king he mastered reached nearly 70 million, which was completely crushed.

Even though the three emperors all used the promotion secret technique to improve strongly, the result would not change much.

Half a day later, the three emperors were killed one after another and fell in the star space.

The No. 2 weapon, the legendary ancestor of the Star-Swallowing Beast was also suppressed, but it was never completely awakened. Instead, it became Ye Chen's mount, Megatron Starry Sky.

At this point, the nine emperors of the Forbidden Soul Palace have been killed five, six, seven, and five emperors. The name of the fighting holy king once again spread the universe, and the world is more and more in awe of this invincible fighting holy king.

The death of the five of the nine emperors was definitely a huge loss for the Soul Forbidden Palace.

In particular, every emperor who used to be the overlord of the starry sky who has followed the Great Soul of Heaven in the past, was killed one by one. The Palace of Forbidden Soul was hit hard by more than half, and lost more than half of its peak combat power. The profound knowledge accumulated over several epochs It disappeared in half, it was not as simple as hurting the bones, but almost cut in the waist.

"What a fighting saint king, who can kill the five of my nine emperors in a row, although the youngest five are a little weaker, they can kill so many, it is not easy."

In the depths of the starry sky, the second emperor appeared. He had spent a period of time to make the most comprehensive to adjust the state. Unexpectedly, after recovering completely, he heard the news that the other four emperors were killed. .

This made him look slightly sinking.

The nine emperors were close to each other like brothers, and they were all the most powerful men who had followed the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, and now they were killed one by one by a rising generation, which was definitely a major blow to the nine emperors.

If the Fighting Saint King is not resolved, the Nine Great Envoys will undoubtedly become his stepping stones and become more and more famous as the Fighting Saint King.

On this day, in the depths of the starry sky, Ye Chen, who was looking for other lairs in the Forbidden Soul Palace, suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of crisis in his heart.


A blade of light that illuminated the entire dark starry sky appeared instantly, slashing at an incredible speed, like a galaxy, magnificent.

Boom boom boom boom boom

Ye Chen, who couldn’t avoid it, manipulated ten fairy king feather swords to resist, but the clanging sound was endless. All the fairy king feather swords were split apart by birth, almost without stopping power, but gave Ye Chen A glimmer of opportunity.

With this opportunity, he moved horizontally like lightning.

Despite this, the arm was still slightly touched, and the terrifying blade light was invincible, and the collision with the chaotic body was a clang, never hurt.

Below him, the ancestor of the Star Devouring Beast roared and was almost cut in half.

Behind him, the three starry sky overlords, including the Ice Flame Monarch who followed Ye Chen, were even more miserable, and they were all cut in the waist with a scream.

With a sudden blow, Ye Chen and the four others almost gave an account here.

"who is it?"

Ye Chen stood his eyes, fully guarded, and danger came to his mind.

This is the first time such a terrible crisis has been encountered since returning to the ultimate ancient road.

The opponent is very strong, too strong, at least far superior to him.

At the very least, it is the King of Ten Heavens, perhaps even stronger!

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