Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3605: Peeping heart

"Do you have a glimpse of my Chaos Eucharist?"

Ye Chen wouldn't know the second emperor's thoughts, but he sneered and said, "You are not qualified to peep at my chaotic body."


A punch blasted out, that was the strongest blow of the Chaos Saint Body, with an incomparable chaotic blood, poured down, and slew in front of the second emperor.

In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and the starry sky turned into ashes, like an emperor attacking and destroying everything in the world.

The second emperor's expression changed and he felt a strong sense of threat, but he naturally refused to avoid it, because he was the true king of the top, the peak of the tenth heaven, even if the opponent was almost a fleshly emperor, he was not afraid.

During the rumbling collision, the starry sky collapsed, and it was terrifying, as if to tear everything in the world to pieces.

The boundless starry sky sank down, and the terrifying explosion shocked the starry sky. I don't know how many people perceive it.

"There is another big battle, and it seems to be much stronger than the starry sky overlord level. Could it be a duel between emperors and monarchs?"

Countless forces were surprised, but they didn't dare to go. At that level of big duel, just the aftermath could easily make them shattered. How dare they go there easily? That was obviously an act of seeking death.

During the war, the second emperor resisted, but his own attack also failed to work against Ye Chen, and everything was resolved.

However, the light in his eyes became more and more hot, saying: "It deserves to be an existence that is almost a fleshly emperor, such a fleshy body is nothing more than a true emperor."

The emperor, not everyone has the emperor level physical body, more only the emperor realm.

The real emperor-level flesh body generally refers to the strongest flesh body that can fight the emperor.

But the emperor level physical body, even the emperor, few people can have it, generally speaking, only the refining stream is the most qualified to achieve the emperor level physical body, which is much more difficult than stepping into the emperor realm.

It can be said that basically only one of the ten emperors possesses the emperor's body.

If the second emperor obtains this chaotic sacred body, he will hit the emperor level in the next day, and he will be able to break through the emperor level at the same time, and will be much stronger than other emperors.

Generally speaking, there is not much difference between the emperor and the emperor. They are both emperors, and they all set foot in the realm of the emperor, and they are not weaker than each other.

Naturally, the eternal emperor is not the same, and there are not two or three people born in an era.

And possessing the emperor's physical body, if it is comparable to the battle power of two emperors, and the unity of form and spirit, it is much more powerful, making it more powerful than other emperors.

Ye Chen felt the surging power of the Chaos Eucharist all the time, and he also sighed slightly. I don't know how much Dao law is stronger than he mastered. The power of the physical body alone can be compared with the rules of tens of millions of Dao Kings. It is absolutely terrifying.

The elementary king of Yizhongtian was in front of him, afraid that a single finger would be enough to crush and kill.

This is absolutely powerful.

The incomparable physical power even gave Ye Chen the feeling of being an emperor at the peak of the first battle. Of course, this was just an illusion, but it was an illusion caused by too strong physical body!

Ye Chen raised his eyes to look at the second emperor, and said, "The second emperor, I will use you to test how powerful my quasi-emperor body is."

"Is it the body of the quasi-emperor? It is indeed qualified to be called this way." The second emperor also approved this statement.

Ye Chen moved, not moving like a mountain, moving like a world exploding, and the flesh and blood all over his body were glowing. It looked like a universe and contained unparalleled power, which made him rush out in an instant, and came to the second emperor in the next moment.

The two played against each other, it was a big collision that belonged to the level of the tenth heaven king, far surpassing the duel of the starry sky overlord.

The chaotic body is shining, every inch of its body is as glaring as the sun, and the mysterious and unpredictable stalwart power is surging, like the resurrection of the great emperor, constantly awakening the stalwart power.

The blood was rushing, deafening, and the stars were collapsing.

The palm knife waved, and the chaotic energy swept across.

That is not a dao friend, but a pure physical attack, the physical body contains Dao, this is a manifestation of the limit.

The second emperor did not dare to be careless. This was the strongest person who mastered the physical body of the quasi-emperor, especially the strongest person who had the same line of refining body. He did not dare to carelessly, but he was not a weak person. The collision, gestures and gestures are not the peerless combat power of Breaking Galaxy.

The two are fighting each other, one is the physical body of the emperor, and the power of the Eucharist covers the world.

Another humanity method has achieved ten heavenly supreme kings, only a short line to step into the emperor level.

In theory, both are infinitely close to the emperor level on their respective paths.

Fighting like this is naturally extraordinary.

Boom boom boom boom boom

When the two played against each other, the horror was incomparable, covering the starry sky, and easily shattering the entire starry sky territory. It is difficult to find a few people in the world to contend with.

The power of the second emperor was beyond expectation. Who could have imagined that this emperor who had followed the emperor in the past was so powerful, standing in the tenth heaven of the king, beautiful and flawless, but the murderous spirit is simply against the sky~www.wuxiaspot. com~ As if killing half of the universe.

Rumor has it that in the days when the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor proved Dao and became Emperor, he ruled the entire universe.

The Heavenly Soul Great Emperor was a proving Dao that was killed, and his path was full of bones.

Its followers are naturally the strongest ones dyed with endless blood.


Ye Chen faced the opponent's supreme weapon with his palm, swiping his palms, shooting out wisps of bright blood, which was the power of true blood.

The quasi-emperor-level physical body has more than 30% true blood.

Regardless of the fact that true blood occupies 30% of the total, you must know that by the step of Ye Chen, the Chaos Eucharist is almost complete, and every increase in true blood will inevitably make the physical body stronger, let alone three times the previous.

Moreover, the physical transformation is not as simple as three times, but constantly superimposed, terrifying to an unimaginable level, stronger than unknown in the past, otherwise, how can the flesh be strong enough to shake the tenth heaven king.

The palm of the fist collided with the Xeon weapon, and the rule of the king was shaken with bare hands without fear.

It was an absolutely overbearing offensive, never feared, and thoroughly demonstrated the strength of the fighting sage king!

His body is like the most immortal war soldier in the world, colliding with the rules of the king, clanging loudly, sinking the starry sky, nothing to say.

"Is this the so-called Tenth Heaven's Absolute King's combat power?"

Ye Chen was extremely cold and contemptuous in his words.

"I have to admit that the strength of your quasi-emperor's body is indeed unexpected to this seat. For many years, I have never encountered a strong immortal body like you, and I have more and more surprised this seat. "The second emperor licked his lips, with a weird charm.

The stronger the Chaos Eucharist of the Fighting Saint King, the more greedy he will be.

ps: I came back at 3am last night and fell asleep, so I didn’t have time to update, sorry!

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