Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3606: The strongest hole card appears


The second emperor caused the overall Qi to skyrocket again, rising steadily, reaching a higher level.

Standing on the peak of the tenth heaven of the emperor, rather than the initial stage, how simple the second emperor's envoy, and the strength of it, is naturally beyond imagination.

After colliding again, Ye Chen's figure retreated violently, and after blasting dozens of ancient stars one after another, he was settled.

Under the powerful offensive, he coughed up blood slightly, and Chaos Eucharist couldn't be absolutely safe.

In the final analysis, the most powerful thing about Ye Chen is his flesh, the quasi-emperor, but the flesh is the flesh after all. No matter how strong it is, it can only be compared to the tenth heaven. The second emperor’s strength is the real tenth heaven. At the peak, Ye Chen was overwhelmed by more than one thing.

The second emperor sneered and said: "Battle Saint King, with this quasi-emperor's body, you can be comparable to the tenth heavenly kings, but you must know that the primordial kings who are also the tenth heavenly kings have a huge relationship with each other. gap."

Boom boom boom boom boom--

As soon as the words fell, there was a violent offensive like squalls and rains, and the sky was overwhelming Ye Chen's whole body.

Relying on the quasi-emperor's body, Ye Chen's injuries are not serious, but he coughs up blood from time to time, and if he continues for a long time, he will inevitably fall into a real danger.

"Three Gods are one!"

Ye Chen yelled, deriving the Chaos Supreme Body and the Chaos God King's Spirit, and the three gods merged into one. Instantly merged, the physical body could not be increased, and could no longer be strong, but the spirit soared to the level of the tenth heaven king in an instant.

At this moment, both the physical body and the soul have reached the level of the tenth heavenly king, and their form and spirit are one, and they are overlapped and their strength doubled.

The immeasurable mana was circulated and merged with the power of the physical body. It was actually able to fight a strong battle with the second emperor without much disadvantage.

This is the strongest quasi-emperor body. Even if the realm is not as good as the second emperor’s envoy, it is matched with the quasi-emperor body that is comparable to the tenth heaven king. The unity of form and spirit is not as simple as one plus one. The overall power has undergone an astonishing transformation, reaching a level sufficient to compete with the second emperor.

"How did you become so powerful!?" The second emperor had an ugly look, and the power currently possessed by the Fighting Saint King was as powerful as him, and belonged to the Tenth Heavenly Peak Realm of the King.

One step further, that is the realm of the emperor.

Ye Chen felt the majestic and stalwart power in his body, and he also exclaimed: "It turns out that this is the strongest part of the unity of form and spirit. When the two are combined, they can achieve a terrible battle comparable to the peak of the tenth heaven. Power, I have to say, it's really powerful."

This is the deity, not the Dao body such as the reincarnation body of the great emperor, and his perception of himself is very different.

Only one's own strength is truly powerful.

Immediately, he grinned at the second emperor: "The second emperor, let me better feel the power of the king at the peak of the tenth heaven!"


Ye Chen moved thunderously, smashing the entire starry sky in one step, facing the second emperor's envoy directly and forcefully making a strong shot, combining form and spirit, bursting into the starry sky, how can he stop it?

The second emperor snorted coldly, holding the strongest soldier in his hand, and colliding with Ye Chen, his sonorous voice continued.

But what makes him look ugly is that he needs to use the soldiers to exert the strongest combat power, but the fighting saint king is directly shaken by the strong and incomparable body.

That physical body is as powerful as the top king's war soldier. After many shots, he didn't gain much advantage, and he didn't even make Ye Chen cough up blood as he used to.

Obviously, after displaying the three gods in one form, the strength of the fighting saint king showed a terrible increase in double.

Under this circumstance, it is already difficult to suppress each other, and even to some extent, the strength of each other can be said to be incomparable.

In this way, after three hours have passed, neither of them has much upper hand, and both of them are hurt.

"Hahaha, so happy!"

Ye Chen laughed. I don’t know how many years I haven’t had such a blissful peak duel. The three-hour period is not long or short, but it can be said to be the best method, basically a method that can be used. All are displayed one by one.

It was the forbidden magical power of the Open Universe, which was also used, killing the second emperor constantly coughing up blood, almost breaking his bones, and exploded.

Of course, a considerable price was paid in the course of the battle, and the Chaos Eucharist, which is stronger than the quasi-emperor's body, could not be completely immortal and safe.

His chest was penetrated, and there were many wounds on his body, and the dripping blood continued to fall.

It can be said that they both paid a **** price.

The three gods unity style is limited after all. Ye Chen fell from the peak level, but in all aspects of himself, he confronted the tenth heaven's supreme king at close range, realizing that it was huge, and it was not possible to fight with the reincarnation of the great emperor. On the same basis, especially for the use of the powers of the Chaos Eucharist, it has a deep understanding. It feels that as long as enough time is given, the Chaos Eucharist can truly take another step on this basis. In one place, the flesh becomes an emperor, and truly becomes an emperor-level flesh body.

Feeling the fall of Ye Chen's realm, the second emperor smiled coldly: "Battle Saint King, your realm has finally fallen down, and there must be corresponding sequelae in the secret method of upgrading. I am afraid that you will be quite equal for some time. Weak, let me see how you can stop me."

Ye Chen looked at the second emperor as if he looked at a dead person: "In this case, I will let you really see the real means by which I can fear the attack from the enemy again and again."


At this moment, a small figure between his eyebrows came out, looking like a little boy about six or seven years old, making the second emperor startled slightly, but soon, his expression became solemn. This little boy felt an unprecedented sense of threat.

This feeling, as if facing the first emperor at the beginning, a strong sense of threat spread throughout the body, and even the whole person suddenly entered a state of full alert.

The Frozen Monarch and others were also extremely horrified. As the overlord of the starry sky, they could naturally feel the terrifying power that originated from the reincarnation of the emperor.

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Originally, I didn't want to use this hole card, but you forced it. If that's the case, I have to do it. Let me introduce to you, this is my strongest body, oh, if you know About the ten-day realm, you may know that he has another name-the holy monarch, who is also the reincarnation of my great emperor!"

While talking, the reincarnation of the great emperor grinned at the second emperor, it was sunny and innocent, but the latter was horrified, as if being stared at by a wild beast.

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