Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3607: Tier 10 Emperor Dan


The emperor’s reincarnation body moved abruptly, approaching the extreme. When he came to the second emperor, his seemingly immature little hands grabbed it, but the second emperor’s body was cracked and an incomparable sense of crisis emerged in his heart. Raise your hand to block the first time.


Blood spattered, and the second emperor made the figure fly upside down, and the resisting arm was broken and blood dripping.

how is this possible?

The second emperor roared in his heart, unbelievable that this scene happened. He was the supreme king of the tenth heaven, not far away from the emperor, but his arm was actually broken in the face.

The emperor's reincarnation said indifferently: "The mere tenth heaven dare to yell at me? Even the emperor I have never killed."

Use the reincarnation body of the emperor to display the holy method of fighting and war. As soon as the sky-shaking hand is released, the universe seems to be destroyed. No matter how strong the second emperor is, it cannot be the opponent of the reincarnation of the emperor, and it is directly penetrated. A blood cave, dripping with blood, was very embarrassed, and more than a dozen bones were planned.

The three starry sky overlords including Monarch Frozen stared at this scene dumbfounded.

That was the second emperor, the majestic king of ten heavens, was so vulnerable.

And I heard that it was just a body of the fighting saint king, no wonder he was so fearless, and he had such a powerful body.

The emperor’s reincarnated body completely suppressed the second emperor. He made repeated shots. The blood and light continued to splash. It was visible to the naked eye. The second emperor was completely downwind and was suppressed everywhere. He was wounded and extremely embarrassed. For a long time, even self-protection has become a problem.


The second emperor hurriedly displayed the promotion secret method bestowed by Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, and forced the promotion.


But with a loud bang, the second emperor made the figure fly backwards, and Shengsheng was interrupted from the ascension. It was the reincarnation body of the great emperor who struck out and made a strong shot to interrupt his promotion to Shengsheng.

The emperor's reincarnation is very indifferent: "Who gives you the opportunity to be promoted in front of me."

What second emperor, what tenth heaven king, but so!

There is a huge gap between the early stage of the Nineth Heaven and the peak of the Tenth Heaven.

Similarly, there is a huge gap between the emperor's tenth heaven peak and the emperor, and the gap is even greater.

Don’t forget that the reincarnation body of the emperor is shaped by part of the supreme emperor body. It has a new emperor world that surpasses the general supreme emperor realm, and also has a perfect emperor’s origin, which can derive supreme mighty power. Not a general terror.

The reincarnation of the great emperor has already grabbed the neck of the second emperor. The second emperor, who was originally beautiful and unparalleled, looked extremely vicious at this moment, without any fear at all. He said: "Battle Saint King, you are indeed beyond my expectations. In addition, after the first emperor comes out, you will truly understand what is called absolute—"


The blood rushed to the sky, and the heads of the second emperor burst into life. The emperor reincarnated indifferently and said: "Desperate, even if the first emperor is the supreme, I am not afraid. Just come, I will kill it."

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The reincarnation of the great emperor showed the power of the emperor, and thirteen consecutive shots with all his strength, this time exploded the form and **** of the second emperor, completely shattered his body, and swallowed the king's world at the peak of the tenth heaven.


The Chaos Small Universe has expanded considerably, and Ye Chen's deity's strength has further returned to the 16 million Taoist rule level, and it has become even more powerful.

The second emperor died!

This news also spread the universe madly.

The shock of the universe was much more shocking than the five emperors killed by the fighting sage king.

That was the second emperor, the absolute king of the tenth heaven, not far from the emperor, only one step away, but the absolute king was also lost, and it was also heard that the fighting saint king had acted.

Could it be that the fighting saint king became the emperor, otherwise, how could he kill the second emperor?

At this time, Ye Chen didn't know anything about the outside world.

After the battle with the second emperor pinnacle, Ye Chen realized a lot, once again surrounded by the long river of Hunyuan, in a closed state, and successively killed five, six, seven, eighty-nine and the second emperor and other six emperors. Naturally, they also gained a lot and got their precious treasures, among which there are many treasures and medicines.


When Ye Chen counted the various gods of the five emperors, he found a medicine bottle that was heavily sealed. It was made of chaotic immortal gold, and it was sacrificed like a starry sky overlord class weapon. So immortal.

It is vaguely visible that there is a thumb-sized pill in the medicine bottle, which is also in an extremely sealed state. It is an absolute seal imposed by the second emperor himself. The seal is so powerful that even if the starry sky overlord is sealed, I'm afraid it will be difficult to break this seal.

"The second emperor personally imposed the tenth heaven's strongest seal, I'm afraid this pill is not simple."

Opening the eyes of God, you can break through all the falsehoods, and you can see that under the seal, this seemingly ordinary pill is actually blooming with billions of brilliance and brilliance, and it seems to be sealed with the heavens and spirits inside. With the ancient emperor dormant and dormant, the ancient emperor's vitality is emerging.


At this moment, the sleeping ancient emperor in the medicine suddenly awakened, opened his eyes, and the stalwart figure appeared in front of him, stepping on the sun, moon and star river, carrying the heavens and the heavens, and surpassing them.

The magnificent ancient emperor's vitality is blooming, and there is faint emperor light shining, which actually pierced Ye Chen's eyes a little red and painful, and mist appeared.

The Great!

The ancient emperor was sealed in this pill?

But soon, Ye Chen was shocked and introverted, calmed down, looking at this special pill, a ray of divine light shot from his eyes: "So, if I guess right, this is not the ancient emperor being sealed. The second emperor can never seal the ancient emperor. It should be a tenth-order emperor pill. Strictly speaking, it is half a tenth-order emperor pill!"

This pill is very small, the size of a thumb, but the truth is that it is half an emperor pill, which is about one third of a complete emperor pill.

Perhaps under the stimulation of Ye Chen's eyes, the emperor pill suddenly shone with an incomparable avenue of light, powerful and boundless, even if it was sealed repeatedly, it could not cover it, and it even constantly impacted the seal of the medicine bottle.

If it weren’t for the Great Dao seal imposed by the Second Emperor Envoy, the Tenth Heaven Peak King himself, it would be impossible for ordinary Primordial Kings to stop this tenth-order Emperor Pill, even if it was only one-third, it still contained The incredible power.

After all, Ye Chen could feel that this small half of the tenth-order emperor pill contained an ancient emperor's spirit, which was exceptionally extraordinary.

"It's a good tenth-order residual pill. Although it is not complete, there is still hope to completely resolve the injury of the Heavenly Dao Sun's residual power in my body. Once it is completely resolved, I will not only be able to fully recover, but even further."

Ye Chen was pleasantly surprised.


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