Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3610: Flesh desires to become emperor

"Finally, I have returned to the level of the Tenth Heavenly Sovereign, and this time you don't need to display the Three Gods in One Form, you can directly fight against such a supreme emperor as the Second Emperor."

Ye Chen was very satisfied with the incomparable strength of the Xeon, not to mention that the tenth-order emperor pill was only partially resolved, and it was far from completely resolved.

There is still surging and endless power flowing among the limbs, and Ye Chen has unprecedented self-confidence. This powerful force seems to be able to penetrate everything in the world.

"Sure enough, the eternal king is different from the ordinary ancient kings. Even at this point, I still haven't felt the limit of the king. It seems that I can go further on the road of the king. It is very possible to compare the emperor as a king. Even if one day, at the peak of the eternal king, it will not be impossible to kill the emperor."

After whispering to himself, Ye Chen's body suddenly continued to soar.

Because the battle power in front of him was not what he wanted, and what he really wanted was to be able to fight against the emperor.

"On the realm, it is necessary to constantly condense the rules of the emperor. It is difficult to reach the emperor level in a short time, but the road to the flesh is not like this. It has reached the bottleneck, and now it is time to attack the realm of the high level of the flesh."

"Today, I want to become an emperor in the flesh!"

A loud roar resounded through the stars of the universe.

With all the remaining power of the tenth-order emperor pill, Ye Chen stimulated every cell of the Chaos Eucharist and activated all potentials. Every inch of his body suddenly burst out of brilliance that was countless times greater than in the past, and the terrifying brilliance directly shined on I don’t know how many pieces. Star field.


In a daze, there seemed to be the Geshigu Emperor, who had been sleeping for eternity, who was alarmed at this moment and was awakening.

A stream of unimaginable coercion slowly overflowed, coercing the heavens and spreading the starry sky of the entire universe.

The sky is full of stars, dimmed in an instant.

Even the most dazzling sun has been robbed of its light.

Far beyond knowing how many star regions, the starry sky and all the races can feel this worldly coercion, and they all show shock and surprise, looking into the depths of the starry sky.

"What is that? Why is there such a terrifying coercion rippling!"

"It's so terrifying pressure, someone has become the Primordial King? No, it is impossible for the Primordial King or even the Star Overlord to have such an infinite pressure. The difference is far, and it feels more like someone wants to set foot on the supreme. In the realm of the imperial Dao."

"Zhengdao Chengdi?"

"No, tens of thousands of years have passed. Few people in this era have truly succeeded in proving, and although this kind of power is terrifying enough to cover the boundless starry sky, it is still a little bit more than when the great emperors of the past were righteous. The gap is not able to completely diverge the entire ancient chaotic universe, only about one-tenth."

"Yes, since it is not a proving Dao to become an emperor, but the power and power also surpasses the supreme king, it can only show that someone wants to break through the emperor and become the strongest domain under the emperor."

"Emperor! Someone wants to become an emperor!"

"How many tens of thousands of years have passed. Few people have become emperors in this life. Who wants to set foot in the realm of emperors?"

At this moment, all the stars of the universe were shaken, and all the clan of the stars, even the ultimate ancient road and the Forbidden Soul Palace were shocked.

If it is said that during the years when the Supreme Being was absent, the Primordial King claimed to be the overlord of the universe and overwhelming the heavens, then no matter what era, the emperor is a real dominator.

Even if the emperor reigned over the years, he still couldn't hide the emperor's splendor, and it was known forever.

Even if you look at the ultimate ancient road and the Forbidden Soul Palace, the emperor is an absolute ruler and cannot be ignored.

Now, countless thousands of years have passed, and finally someone will take that step and become an emperor.

It's just that no one knows who it is, starting to attack the emperor.

The ancient kings of all races, and even the ancient overlords who have long been in the view of life and death impacting higher levels, awakened one by one, looking into the depths of the starry sky, wanting to know who is breaking through, and how to break through and become the emperor.

The incomparable blood abruptly bloomed, shattered the void, swept through time fragments, rushed to all directions in the universe, and was captured by the starry sky.

From the fragments of time, it can be vaguely seen that a peerless figure stands in the depths of the starry sky, unable to see its true face. The body is hidden and distorted by the supreme power.

In the starry sky, there are countless visions, what gods and demons are falling, what great emperor's imprints appear, what heavens roar, what Yin soldiers cross the sea... Wait, but it is vaguely visible that the heavens and spirits all bow to the peerless figure. Worship, as if to respect a Gedai god.

Even though they are separated by an infinite area, but seeing this figure, the starry sky, the tens of thousands of people, and the universe, all there is an impulse to worship and bow down, as if that person is a supreme emperor and needs the worship and worship of the world.

"Look, everyone, there is a monstrous chaotic light in that person's vitality. Could it be that he is"

I don’t know who said it, suddenly, everyone changed their colors, and a figure appeared in their hearts at the same time

Fighting Saint King! ?

But because of this, it was too shocking and too shocking.

Fighting Saint King is just a starry sky overlord level. Although it is very strong, there is still a gap of tens of thousands of miles from the emperor. Now it is about to attack the emperor. There is no doubt that this is unbelievable.

How many years have passed since then, he has reached this point, no matter how bad the sky is!

However, in the current world, those who possessed such chaotic vitality had given up the fighting holy king, and only the Chaos Overlord, but the Chaos Overlord was difficult to leave in the Ultimate Ancient Realm, and it was only a few hundred years before he was promoted to the Primordial King. May become an emperor.

There is no doubt that this person is the Saint King of Fighting!

"It's against the sky, how long has it passed since the fighting saint king has been promoted so fast that he will set foot in the realm of the emperor!"

"It's not enough to describe It is against the world, and even against the era. No one has been so enchanting since ancient times!"

"It was still in the time of the Primordial Kings, and the Fighting Saint King was able to kill the second emperor, such a supreme king. If he succeeds in the emperor, then it's worth it, who can be an opponent!"

The starry sky is controversial, and the ultimate ancient road is silent, staring blankly at the fragments brought back by the time fragments, dumbfounded.


The fighting king is about to become the emperor!

On the other side, the Forbidden Soul Palace was extremely silent, even more deadly!

Unsurprisingly, once the Fighting Saint King became the emperor, the first person to face the impact would be the Palace of Forbidden Soul.

An emperor’s concern is not comparable to that of an ancient emperor, and the danger is countless times more terrifying.

What's more, it is an endless **** hatred!

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