Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3611: All the details

PS: Last night, it was late at night, and there was no upload. It was three or four o'clock when I returned to my residence, and I fell asleep. After thinking about it, let's two more in one. Sorry to cover your face!

"No, in any case, I can't let the Fighting Saint King successfully break through the emperor, and vow to prevent his breakthrough!"

In the Great World of the headquarters of the Forbidden Soul Palace, a large number of powerful people have assembled, and in any case, they must prevent the successful breakthrough of the fighting king.

The threat of the emperor is beyond imagination, and few forces in the world dare to face it. Such consequences are often unimaginable.

On the ultimate ancient road, those familiar with such as the Xuelan King, the Xuyang King, and the Qingyang King were all shocked and shocked.

They all knew the power of the Fighting Saint King and his enchanting and heaven-defying, but they never expected how long it had passed before they grew to this point, and they were already beginning to impact the emperor domain.

It should be noted that they have all stood in the emperor domain for tens of thousands of years. For example, Maharaja Qingyang is the overlord of the starry sky. He has been the emperor for several times and has a life span of half an epoch. There is still a considerable distance from the emperor.

Today, a younger generation who has only been in cultivation for thousands of years has already begun to shock, it is simply a shock to the soul, making the older generation desperate.

In a land of nothingness, an old figure looked at the young figure who had hit the emperor in the depths of the starry sky, filled with relief, and said: "No phase, the old man has weakened you after all, even the younger generation..."


On the star of Jiuyan Emperor, Yan Wushuang looked up at the starry sky, his eyes extremely hot.

Behind him, the Jiuyan emperors were all in awe, even the former enemy Yan Gushen was shocked.

The Nine Profound King was grateful for the previous decision. This fighting sage is really outrageous. Such a young man will attack the emperor. I am afraid that it will not take thousands of years to set foot in the realm of the emperor.

The Dan Realm, Dan Emperor Clan, was silent.

The figure of the old king seemed to be much older.


In the depths of the starry sky, monstrous blood swept across the starfields, spreading the starry sky, showing an absolutely powerful body.

The potential in Ye Chen's body is constantly surging, and there is also a trace of blood that is constantly transforming into true blood, bright red, just like Hengyang Chijin, and every trace contains monstrous and powerful blood.

However, it is difficult to make a breakthrough and make the flesh an emperor, and it has a great shackle.

God did not allow easy success, and an unprecedented great calamity came down, overwhelming the sky, flooding the beamless star field, and directly bombarding Ye Chen.

The terrifying calamity broke the calm of the starry sky, shook the universe, and shocked and horrified the world.

The sea of ​​calamity light and thunder, compared to the area swept by blood and energy, is more extensive, more vast, and more terrifying, suddenly appearing, falling strongly, and destroying everything into ashes, without leaving a single star.

Is this the tribulation of becoming an emperor in the flesh?

Although Ye Chen has not yet reached the peak of the eternal king, the strength of his physical body has reached a kind of bottleneck ahead of time. After being watched by God, he directly descended upon the immeasurable calamity.

But he understands that this is both a catastrophe and a baptism.

Only by withstanding the baptism of the tribulation, the physical body can finally transform and sublimate successfully, and finally the physical body becomes an emperor and reaches the level of emperor.

"Today, I will become an emperor in my flesh and reach the emperor level ahead of schedule!"

Ye Chen raised his head to look up at the endless thunder light and thunder sea, grinned, did he converge the ten fairy king feather swords, only he was left.

On the cover of the heavenly spirit, real blood spewed out, shining bright blood, and dyed the flickering silver light of Lei Hai instant red.

"Come on, let all the catastrophe come, let my body completely transform and become an emperor!"


He took the initiative to soar into the sky and crashed into the vast sea of ​​calamity light and thunder, not only to truly endure the calamity, but also actively embodied countless small black holes, wantonly swallowing all the calamity light and thunder sea, continuously.

Instead of bearing it, it was devouring it, making Heaven Tribulation the last link of transformation, making Heaven Tribulation push the body to become an emperor!

In the body, the last Emperor Pill energy of the incomparable Eight Desolate Dragon Emperor Pill was surging.

Beyond the sky, the vast and boundless calamity was swallowed.

One inside and one outside, two infinite forces circulate in the body, constantly stimulating the chaotic body, deriving true blood, making the true blood of the chaotic body soaring and stronger.


In the thirty-third layer of the sky, that is the highest calamity, a big bell appeared, and the whole body was made of gold from the nine calamities, like a round of golden crow sun, containing the most terrible power, falling from the sky and hitting Ye Chen fiercely.


Zhundijun, who was stronger than Ye Chen, had his flesh and blood spattered, almost exploding, blood flowed.

There is no doubt that the Dao soldiers evolved from this kind of tribulation are also too terrifying, almost like the emperor's Dao soldiers.

Ye Chen performed the strongest attack and bombarded nine times in a row. This time he completely exploded. It is conceivable that with his level of strength, he also needs nine full shots. What level of terror is this big bell.

Immediately, a great cauldron appeared, a war sword crossed the sky, a heavenly gate fell, and a gossip mirror after another forbidden weapons appeared, constantly attacking Ye Chen.

Fortunately, Ye Chen's physical body was undergoing transformation, otherwise even the quasi-emperor's physical body would never be able to withstand the attacks of so many Heavenly Tribulation taboo weapons, it would inevitably be broken.

But every time these Heavenly Tribulation Dao soldiers were smashed, there is no doubt that Ye Chen's physical body would further absorb it, transform more, become stronger, and derive more true blood.


The robbery became more and more terrifying, and infinite visions appeared, all belonged to the legendary robbery, overwhelming, and completely flooded his whole person.

Of course, this was a terrible calamity, and it was also a rare baptism and transformation. The chaotic body of the quasi-emperor was like an iron block, thrown into the raging fire, and after repeated trials and tribulations, it was continuously tempered and tempered and further improved.

At every moment, a trace of real blood is deriving from the body, filling the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, continuously strengthening every inch of the body, and sublimating it!

Silent and silent, outside of the tribulation, there are peerless and terrifying figures who appear in person. They are powerful, and there are nine star overlords.

The worst is also in the early stage of the King's Eighth Heaven, the strongest has reached the early stage of the Tenth Heaven, standing at the top level of the king's domain, not much worse than the second emperor at the time, extremely powerful.

Judging from its lineup, it is surprisingly the strongest of the Forbidden Soul Palace. It is the foundation of the Forbidden Soul Palace, and almost all of it, but the first emperor and the legendary No. 0 and No. 1 weapons Besides, it can be said that all starry sky overlords have appeared.

Among them is the Forbidden Heavenly Monarch.

In the rear, there are thirty-six Primordial Kings, who belong to the Lord of the Temple.

It can be said that the long years of accumulation of Soul Forbidden Palace since several epochs were completely born in this life.

Half was killed by Ye Chen, and the other half was in this column.

If the most powerful people in front of them are also obliterated, it can be said that the Forbidden Soul Palace has almost completely declined, no longer the supreme glory and glory of the past.

Among the nine overlords, the heads are the two most powerful men wearing battle armors, their auras are extremely powerful, and they are the commanders of the third and fourth emperors.

The former is the early stage of the tenth heaven, and the latter is the peak of the nineth heaven, both of which are the strongest.

Apart from the two great emperors of Sheque, the strongest must be regarded as the Forbidden Heaven Monarch. Without the Nine Emperors, he is the strongest of the Forbidden Soul Palace in this era, reaching the mid-level of the Nine Heavens Emperor and possessing The long-lost secret method of external incarnation has several super powerful puppets of the king.

The three-headed six-armed Nine Heavenly King puppets belonged to one of them.

Forbidden Heaven's true strength, compared to the fourth emperor's envoy, is no less surpassing.

Today, the Palace of Forbidden Soul has almost all the details appearing, coming in mighty and mighty, and the target is Ye Chen who has survived the calamity of the emperor's body.

In order to be able to smoothly kill Ye Chen, they even carried an absolute taboo weapon. Today, no matter what, they cannot let the fighting king survive, and must be eliminated.

I don't know how many star regions apart, the tens of thousands of people in the starry sky also caught Ye Chen's tribulations with the help of the sky-eye array. Seeing the appearance of the powerful souls of the Forbidden Soul Palace, they suddenly took a breath of cold.

"Unbelievable lineup. Forbidden Soul Palace has 36 Primordial Kings. The accumulation of several epochs is completely exhausted."

"The thirty-six king-level heavenly hall masters are not the real focus. The main event is nine people. They are above the thirty-six heavenly hall masters. All of them are the real starry sky overlords, especially the two leading ones. , Super powerful, the Forbidden Heavenly Monarch has been overwhelmed, I am afraid it is the only remaining third and fourth emperor of the Forbidden Soul Palace."

"Led by the third and fourth emperors, they also brought the other seven starry sky overlords of the Forbidden Soul Palace. This is a true lore!"

"Nine Star Overlords, thirty-six Primordial Kings, with such a lineup, even the resurrection of the former second emperor is absolutely irresistible. There is only a dead end!"

The terrifying lineup, even the Starry Sky Ten Thousand Clan, who had great confidence in the fighting king, was silent at this moment.

It’s not that the Saint King of Fighting is not strong enough, but that the lineup of the Forbidden Soul Palace is too terrifying. The nine starry sky overlords, two emperors headed, thirty-six ancient kings, such a peak lineup, even the ultimate ancient road will be Overwhelming one end, it is difficult to fight, let alone fighting the Saint King.

Although the fighting sage king killed the second emperor, but now he is at the critical moment of being promoted to the emperor.

Of course, everyone will not make judgments easily. After all, this is the saint king who has created countless miracles and legends, and there may be a chance of reversal.

In addition to the robbery of the flesh emperor, the three starry sky hegemons such as the ice flame monarch and the ancestor of the star swallowing beast are all waiting for them, and the lineup of the forbidden soul palace in front of them must be extremely cautious.

Since these endless years, they will be suppressed and imprisoned one by one by the Forbidden Soul Palace, becoming a taboo weapon of confusion of will, this is not unreasonable, just such a powerful lineup in front of them is enough to make them hard to breathe.

The third emperor was a middle-aged man with a full 108 divine aura, like a divine emperor, sacred and extraordinary, majestic covering the starry sky, staring at the heavens, sweeping the Ice Flame Monarch and others, contemptuous Said: "Just because of your few prisoners, you dare to stop me?"

He is qualified to say this kind of thing. As the King of Ten Heavens, he already exists at the top of the kings. It is important to know that the king has one day at a time, especially after reaching the Seventh Heaven, the gap is astonishing. It is several times.

As the tenth heaven, he possesses the ability to be completely obsessed with the nineth heaven.

The three starry sky overlords such as the Frozen Monarch are nothing but the Eighth Heaven Kings, and the Star Devouring Beast's ancestor is the Nine Heavens, with a strong lineup, but facing the third emperor of the Ten Heavens, the gap is still astonishing.

This level of confrontation does not necessarily mean victory with a large number of people. Every point of strength often represents absolute crushing.

Sovereign Frozen said coldly: "The third emperor, I have to wait to admit that you are indeed very strong, but I am not a general one. I can't say that I can't join forces to fight you."

"Is it?"

The third emperor was extremely cold and despised.

The emperor has been with absolute self-confidence day after day.

"If this is the case, I have to take a good look, you rubbish, where is the courage to contend with this seat!"

The third emperor made a sudden move, and the power that belonged to the tenth heaven king was released, and the endless avenues of heaven and power spread to the heavens.

Even if Ye Chen was crossing the catastrophe and his momentum was extremely large, he still couldn't cover up the terrifying power of the third emperor.


Faced with the impact of the power of the third emperor, Lord Ice Flame, the ancestor of the Star Devouring Beast and other four involuntarily stepped back.

I didn’t see how the third emperor made his move. A full 108 divine auras flew out of his body, even if it was rising against the storm, it turned into 108 stars with a diameter of more than a million miles. Super star.

And each star is sprayed with the power of different rules of the king.

Each star is formed by the condensation of different avenues, strong and weak.

The powerful stars and the gushing light of the Great Dao exceed the rule of a million Dao Kings, and the weak ones have more than 100,000 Dao.

One hundred and eight stars represented 108 kinds of avenues, and also represented the third emperor's practice of 108 kinds of avenues, all condensing powerful rules of the king.

This is the third emperor, maybe not as standing as the second emperor, but the number of avenues of cultivation is rare in ancient and modern times, and all of them are successful in cultivation, and the achievements of any avenue are beyond Above five heavens, it can be said to be against the sky.

There are so many great avenues that make the third emperor extremely powerful, standing in the tenth heaven of the king.

The third emperor said: "I will not target you either. This is my way to attack. The simplest attack trick depends on how you stop it."

With a thought, one hundred and eight ruled ruled stars suddenly smashed into the sky, directly and forcefully smashing into the three starry sky overlords such as the Frozen Monarch and the ancestor of the Star Beast.

How dare the Frozen Monarch and the others be careless, they immediately tried their best to collide with the ruled stars ~ Under the horrible collision, the stars would naturally sink a piece, which was terrible.

Sovereign Ice Flame showed his own avenue of ice and fire, and he was exposed to endless ice and fire. It can be said that there are two heavens of ice and fire, each covering one side, directly impacting the rules of the king.

No. 3 and No. 4 also shot, not inferior to the Frozen Monarch, and even stronger. They used their most familiar tactics to resist the rule of the king.

Even so, many of the rulers of the kings and stars have been hit by birth, and it is difficult to get close to them.

But when there are more than a dozen rulers with more than a million Dao stars approaching, they seem to be struggling a lot.

These kings rule stars, but every one of them waits if they are super kings, they are very powerful, even if they do not show the slightest magical power, so many millions of rulers of the kings stars impact, even if they are the overlord of the stars. , And never dare to ignore it easily.

(End of this chapter)

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