Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3612: Cang?? Appear


On the other side, the most powerful ancestor of the Star Devouring Beast, standing at the level of the Ninth Heaven, was extremely powerful, much stronger than the three of the Ice Flame Monarchs.

Although he was tamed by Ye Chen and became a mount, he was still a peerless murderer with chaotic will. At this moment, he opened an abyss that was darker than the starry sky, and he wanted to swallow all the rulers of the king.

As a star-swallowing beast, it was originally to eat the stars, not to mention the ancestor of this clan, the level of the Nine Heavens Kings, even the ruled stars of the kings did not fear at all.

Once the rule of the king is swallowed up, it is very likely that all the rules of the rule will be swallowed and refined one by one.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the huge ruled stars of the king were dragged into the body of the ancestor of the star swallowing beast, unable to struggle.

It’s just that the third emperor didn’t know, and looked at all this indifferently, and said: “What if it’s swallowed by you, the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, you are weak, how to accommodate the rule of the king of this seat, I am most afraid that you can’t swallow everything. !"

More than half of the ruled stars of the ruler rushed into the body of the ancestor of the star swallowing beast, and then exploded. The extremely terrifying rule of the ruler skyrocketed, and the ancestors of the star swallowing beast burst open. The huge hole, the boundless rain of blood was splashing, and more than 20 million rules of kings flew out.

Simply let it swallow it, but the ancestor of the Star Devouring Beast could not bear it and suffered heavy damage.

On the other side, the three starry sky overlords such as Bingyan Monarch were constantly impacted by the terrifying rule of the king stars, and after all, they couldn't bear it, vomiting blood and flying.

With one enemy and four, the third emperor had the absolute upper hand.

The starry sky is shaking, and it is worthy of being the third person of the nine emperors. When the world is fighting against the holy king, who can fight against it?

Immediately, the third emperor said to the other seven starry sky overlords: "These people will be handed over to you, remember not to kill them, leave their lives, and they are still useful, and they can continue to be suppressed as taboo weapons."


After leaving the Forbidden Sky Lord, five starry sky overlords rushed over, surrounded the four including Lord Bingyan, and launched a rather fierce offensive.

It can be seen that the suppression of the four is just a matter of time!

At this time, the third emperor took back one hundred and eight ruled king stars and looked at Ye Chen in the tribulation.

The latter slammed into the endless emperor’s calamity, shaking those terrifying Heavenly Tribulation Dao soldiers with his fists, terrifyingly terrifying, and each of them made him the Tenth Heavenly King’s heart frightened, let alone other people. Up.

The third emperor couldn't help frowning: "It is true that even the second child was killed by you. It is really powerful, but it is a bit strange. Although the emperor's tribulation is terrifying, why does it always seem to be different."

This is his feeling, I don't know what is different. After all, he hasn't reached that step yet. After all, he is not sure, but as the King of Ten Heavens, his perception is extremely keen, and he naturally has this special feeling.

"Shoot, although the heavenly calamity is coming, but I wait for the Supreme Soldier who has the emperor's sacrifice to refine, but I can ignore the heavenly robbery and directly attack the fighting holy king, vowing to kill him."

The third emperor said coldly, and a large bow appeared in his hand. The whole body was white and flawless, like a crystal white bone sacrifice, engraved with the supreme emperor's secret pattern, which was personally refined by the heavenly soul. The supreme bow.

The terrible big bow began to recover in the palm of his fingers, and the infinite power emerged, and there were threads of supreme emperor appearing, extremely terrifying.

The third emperor pulled his hands, and the big bow was pulled apart by a half.

Rao is so, but also very laborious!

In the starry sky, the unparalleled energy was immediately drawn to, and even the power of the sky full of stars was absorbed, activating the mysterious patterns of the godless path on it.

At the same time, the third emperor made more than half of the king's rules and stars on his body, turned into more than 20 million king's rules, densely packed, and poured into this big bow.

The big bow is even more powerful!

A flying arrow appeared in the hand, which seemed ordinary and ordinary, and was made of bone sacrifices, but when I saw this flying arrow, it was vaguely revealing a few strands of the emperor's energy.

This arrow is impressively refined from the bones of the emperor, and the big bow is also forged from the bones of the emperor. There is no doubt that this is a complete emperor's warrior. At this moment, it is fully activated by the third emperor's envoy. An extremely powerful emperor.

"This bow and arrow is made from the essence of the Dao bones of the emperor's enemy who was killed when his Majesty the Great in the past proves Dao and became the emperor. It is extremely terrifying. With one arrow, even the real emperor will suffer damage. With this bow and arrow in hand, shooting the emperor is not a problem. Although I am not the emperor, it is not a problem to stand on the tenth heaven of the emperor and shoot and kill a fighting sage that impacts the emperor."

The emperor's bone arrow showed unprecedented horror power, as if a godless emperor was recovering, and the emperor's majesty was overwhelming, affecting the entire vast star field, and even Ye Chen, who was in the midst of tribulation, was also affected.

He turned his head and looked over, with a shocked expression on his face: "Bows and arrows made by the essence of the emperor's dao bones."

"Fall, Fighting Saint King!"

The third emperor gave a cold cry, and the emperor bone arrow in his hand suddenly shot out, blooming billions of brilliance.

In a trance, it was as if the emperor was resurrecting, holding the emperor's bone arrow, turning into thunder and lightning, and shooting at Ye Chen.

How could Ye Chen calm down and change his color, that emperor bone arrow could give him a serious threat.

Don't say that he is currently in the process of tribulation, even after the tribulation, he will be extremely jealous, and it can definitely hurt the existence of the emperor.

With flickering eyebrows, the emperor's reincarnation awakened and was about to rush out.

Although the emperor's reincarnation body, once he is sensed by the heavenly tribulation, it is extremely likely that the heavenly tribulation level will be further intensified, but at this point, it has to be so.

Suddenly, Ye Chen's actions stopped.

Because of the silence, the Emperor Bone Arrow was suddenly caught, and he could no longer go further. Even the shining monarch’s might was An old voice appeared, it was him. , Grabbing the Emperor Bone Arrow, the fully recovered Emperor Bone Arrow was unable to struggle in his withered fingers.


The powers of the Forbidden Soul Palace headed by the third emperor changed their colors in horror, and could seize the emperor's bone arrow without damage, only the real emperor.

Farther away, the powerhouse of the ultimate ancient road also appeared. Seeing the old figure, he immediately bowed one by one: "Senior Cang!"

The old man, it is Cang, the ancient existence of the ultimate ancient road, the invincible one who could compete with the invincible king in the past.

He is truly an emperor.

"Senior Cang."

Ye Chen, who was in the midst of the catastrophe, also stubbornly suffered a heavy blow, and bowed to Cang Xing.

This is a respectable senior.

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