Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3615: Old and invincible

   Pieces of star field were strangled and turned into powder under this sword light, like a piece of firework blooming, permanently disappearing.

   Silently, Cang Yan's figure regressed. I don't know how many other star fields, and the many star fields behind him would have to be cut off with sword light, and he always stood here, never fallen.

   Even so, the sword light is not simple. The emperor swung the Emperor's Heavenly Sword to cut it out. Wherever the sword light passed, ripples spread and spread slowly, and then it would spread to Xiang Cang Yan.


   Cang Yan just flicked his fingers, and it resolved smoothly.

   He looked at the first emperor faintly, and said, "Use some real effort, my old bones won't fall apart right away, they can still hold them."

"it is good!"

   The first emperor continued to shoot, and the strength he showed this time was suddenly stronger. I don't know how many times. The knight's sword berserk in his hand suddenly flooded the sky and drowned the violent sword aura from the stars.

   This is like a piece of light of the great emperor, indestructible, everything is unbreakable, as if the emperor is standing tall, wanting to destroy the universe, re-establish a new order, and create his own rules of the universe.

"This is the power of the emperor, the eldest brother is really moving, and he really shows the power that belongs to the emperor's level. Although he is not fully shot, the second child will suffer a big loss when he comes. , See how much emperor's combat power he has left." The third emperor spoke like this, his eyes were very hot.

   It can be said that the strength of the first emperor is the goal pursued by all emperors.

   In the past, when the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor was sitting in the gate, the first emperor ruled the entire chaotic ancient universe and suppressed the tens of thousands of people in the starry sky.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   Countless sword lights descended from the sky, directly flooding this place, and also pierced through a constellation of stars, turning into countless black holes. Chaos gas appeared here, which was terrifying.

   However, when everything was over, it was discovered that Cang Yan's figure had long since disappeared, standing on the edge of the destruction area, immovable like a mountain, physically undamaged, weird and mysterious.

   This is shocking. Did he avoid the terrorist attacks of the first emperor again and again?

   The first emperor's blue eyes looked at Cang Yan coldly, and said, "Old man, don't you dare to fight this seat head-on?"

   Cang Yan smiled, very calm: "The old man is afraid, in the end you dare not fight."

   An old and frail emperor dare to contempt this way? The first emissary was immediately angry, and the golden light on his body was even more flaming, overlapping and overlapping, turbulent six and eight wastes, shaking the heavens, and said: "Old fellow, then you should hurry up and let me see your true strength. ."

"it is good!"

   This time, Cang Yan said a good word, and his figure moved.

  Weirdly, no one saw how he moved, and the next moment he saw him silently appear in front of the first emperor. In that state, it was just like a ghost.

   The first emperor on the spot was also taken aback, his heart jumped, but he calmed down immediately, and snorted coldly, "I only use some side-by-side skills."


   The knight's long sword slashed down once again, and the sword light cut off countless stars and went down.

   Cang Yan also made a move. It was clear that it was a later move, but it was a late mover first. Only the palm that looked like a bark withered was silently printed on the first emperor's chest.


   The first emperor made his figure flew violently, and even the sword move was not fully displayed, so he was shot and flew fiercely. It was incredible.


   And with that blow, the first emperor unexpectedly coughed up blood, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

   When facing the front, the first emperor was injured, but the sword light that swept down to the sky could not be successfully displayed.

   Everyone is terrified, but they can't understand how Cang Yan, an old and frail emperor, can actually hurt a emperor who is at the peak of the human body's ascending period, it is incredible.


   The first emperor looked at Cang Yan in shock, losing the nobility and majesty that an emperor should have. He couldn't believe that this dying old guy was clearly withered, and he was about to die. He had such a powerful strength.

Immediately, he said: "Old guy, you are old and physically weak, your blood is exhausted, and you have insufficient energy. I am afraid that you know that your life is short, so you forcibly burn your essence and blood, gather a breath of energy, and barely exert your peak state. Combat power."

  Only in this way, this old guy is qualified to hurt himself, after all, he is a little careless.


  Ultimate Gulu Zhuqiang exclaimed, very worried, Cang Yan, for the first emperor of World War I, actually forced it like this.

   Cang Yan was expressionless.

"I have to say that your attitude toward death makes this seat have to pay attention to it, no matter, since you are also an emperor, and this seat is respected, let's fight with you at the peak of your strength." Suddenly the power of his body has been increased by more than a large amount, and it is better than the past.

  He stepped on the nine-day starry sky, like a **** of the world, with endless golden luster spreading away, pointing to Cang Yan, and said: "Come on."

With his hands on his back, Cang Yan stepped into the depths of the starry sky, and disappeared. Only his old voice echoed in the starry sky: "Come on, you and I are too high to be easy to fight here and go to the edge of the universe. Right."

"it is good!"

   The first emperor also disappeared.

   The two emperors left this starry sky one after another.

Only the nine overlords of the Forbidden Soul Palace, thirty-six kings, and the powerhouse of the ultimate ancient road are left, and naturally there are Ye Chen and the Bingyan Monarch who are in the but The situation returned before Cang Yan appeared.

Whether it is the Ultimate Ancient Road or the Frozen Monarch and several starry sky overlords, there are strong men from the Forbidden Soul Palace side to delay, but the third and fourth emperors have no enemies, holding the emperor’s bow and carrying the emperor. Bone Arrow pointed to Ye Chen in the robbery.

   At this time, Ye Chen, the Emperor of the Flesh Body had reached the later stage. He was covered in blood, tattered, and many bones were broken. It seemed miserable, but in reality, every drop of blood contained immeasurable vitality.

   His chaotic sacred body is approaching step by step towards the emperor-level physical body.

   If it weren't covered by the vast calamity, which cut off everyone's feelings, otherwise, he would definitely feel that the vitality that originated from his blood was rapidly growing.

At this moment, the third emperor was pulling the emperor’s bow, and an emperor bone arrow was carried on it, pointing to Ye Chen from the distance, saying indifferently: "Fighting the holy king, to blame, blame you and my Forbidden Soul Palace, You must die today!"


  Emperor Sovereign Bone Arrow burst out of the sky, and Seta entered the scope of the Heavenly Tribulation.

  Because the speed was so fast, even if the catastrophe was sensed, before the corresponding catastrophe came, he had already shot Ye Chen.

   Ye Chen naturally sensed the crisis for the first time, but unfortunately, he still could not completely avoid it.


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