Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3616: attitude

   The emperor's bone arrow was too fast, like an eternal celestial light, swift and swift and unavoidable.

   In the end, he shot in the arm and penetrated directly, bringing up a series of chaotic holy blood, but it never hurt the vital eyebrows, otherwise the consequences would be serious.

   Even so, the emperor bone arrow is made by sacrificing the emperor’s dao bone. It is invincible and everything is unbreakable. Once it is shot, it is not just as simple as it penetrates. The power contained in the emperor bone arrow can severely injure his sacred body and it is difficult to heal.

   Ye Chen's expression changed, because he clearly felt that the emperor's bone arrow contained extremely terrifying power, and it was about to explode.

  Once it explodes, that kind of trauma can be compared not only through penetration.


In the last resort, Ye Chen mobilized some chaotic true blood and suppressed it so that the emperor bone arrow could not be exploded in the first time. Otherwise, even if the chaos sacrament that truly achieved the emperor-level physical body, it might not be completely undamaged. .

Seeing this scene, the third emperor made his eyes slightly cold, and uttered: "What a fighting holy king, your methods are really beyond our expectations, but you think that just like this, you can be safe. Huh?"

  While speaking, the second Emperor Bone Arrow was already mounted on the battle bow, pulling the bow for a short time, pointing at Ye Chen.

   Ye Chen's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly moved horizontally in the robbery of the fleshly emperor. Only in this way could the chance of being shot by the emperor's bone arrow be reduced.

   More importantly, he still needs some time before he can truly succeed in crossing the catastrophe, but what he lacks most is time!


   The second emperor's bone arrow was shot, and it instantly turned into an immortal light, locking Ye Chen, and there was no possibility of him retreating at all.


   The Great Ding of Chaos descends from the sky, carrying billions of ancient chaos, and evolving into the world of all kinds, overlapping and overlapping.

   The emperor's bone arrow was blocked, but the terrifying impact still penetrated the chaos cauldron that was close to the emperor's level of soldiers, and a huge cave appeared, which exploded in it, and the most terrifying force was surging.

   The next moment, the Great Cauldron of Chaos was completely exploded, becoming countless fragments.

It's not that the Great Chaos Cauldron is not strong enough, but that it was the same as Ye Chen earlier in the process of transcending the catastrophe, transforming and sublimating, and was attacked by the power of the catastrophe long ago. Bow archery, it is the emperor war bow, the emperor bone arrow and other peerless war soldiers attacking, the superimposed power is enough to shoot the second emperor this tenth heaven peak king, not to mention it is just a tattered chaos cauldron .

   Soon, the third Emperor Bone Arrow was shot.

   Ye Chen's expression changed, and he took a deep breath, took out ten fairy king feather swords, drew out ten swords, and collided with them.


   Under the violent collision, the ten swords disintegrated, and the ten fairy king feather swords were also collapsed and flew, one by one dimmed.

   Before he recovered, the fourth emperor bone arrow appeared.

   This is simply an incomprehensible killing, one after another, one after another, it completely locked Ye Chen, making him not to struggle at all, especially aiming at the center of his eyebrows.

   In desperation, the door of ten layers of seals also flew out, overlapping and placing them in front of them.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

The emperor’s bone arrow almost decayed and pierced the door of ten seals in succession, breaking it open, but its strength was also reduced, giving Ye Chen the possibility of avoiding this deadly one. one strike.

   However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, his pupils suddenly shrank, like a sharp edge, and saw the third emperor carry the fifth emperor bone arrow, thus pulling the full moon away!

   At this time, Ye Chen was all horrified.

   The world is also horrified, how many emperor bone arrows the third emperor has, including the one from Cang Yan earlier, as well as six emperor bone arrows, and now there are still!

   That is the bone arrow made from the bone sacrifice of the Emperor and Jundao, instead of the ordinary bone arrow, how can there be so many?

   In fact, this is already one of the last two Emperor Bone Arrows. Once it is completely shot out, there will be no such Emperor Bone Arrows.

   The third emperor was also extremely distressed. These emperor war bows equipped with emperor bone arrows were originally used for emperors, but they did not expect to be used on this fighting saint now.

However, thinking of the terrible promotion speed of this fighting sage king, as well as the original chaos cultivator, has infinite magical effects on the forbidden soul palace plan. As long as it is taken down, even if the emperor war bow and the emperor bone arrow are completely smashed, it is worth it. !

The Emperor’s Bone Arrow carried the Emperor’s bow and slowly opened it in the hands of the third emperor. In an instant, it was like a round and a half, reaching the extreme. An aura that was much more terrifying than before bloomed from him, as if A **** of war refers to the enemy.

   It can be seen that on the emperor’s battle bow, all the secret patterns of the emperor’s way are revived. Whether the emperor’s battle bow or the emperor’s bone arrow, there is a majestic glow.

   faintly, it seems to be fused into one, and the gods emerge inside, as if the emperor reappears in the world, standing on the nine layers of heaven, holding the battle, pointing to Ye Chen.

   If the earlier Emperor Bone Arrow could threaten the supreme king at the Tenth Heaven Summit, then the current Emperor Bone Arrow could definitely threaten the emperor level, it was the most comprehensive recovery state, and it was terrifying.

   There is no doubt that this is the strongest state of the Emperor's Bow and Emperor's Bone Arrow!

  Even Ye Chen's hair exploded all over his body at this moment, his hair was horrified, and a life-and-death crisis suddenly emerged from his heart, covering the whole person.

   "It will die!"

   Ye Chen had this hunch, once he was shot by the emperor's bone arrow, he would definitely die.


On the Jiuyan Emperor Clan, Yan Wushuang stared at the various situations in the Sky Eye clenched his fists, turned around and said, "Please take out the Supreme Emperor's soldiers, and be sure to protect the Master. Safety!"

   The Jiuyan emperor did not dare to object, even Yan Gushen did.

   Just as he was about to set off to invite the Supreme Imperial Soldiers for assistance, there was a voice at this moment.


At this time, the person who stopped him was neither Yan Gushen nor anyone else. It was the Nine Profound King. He shook his head. Although he was still amiable, but with a bit of indifference, he said, "Wushuang, although you are the patriarch, However, the use of the Supreme Emperor’s soldiers is of great importance, and you must not do it lightly. The impact will be great, but you should just watch the changes.

   Yan Wushuang changed color, he faintly guessed the idea of ​​the Nine Profound King, fearing that it would also be difficult for Master to survive this disaster this time, and he chose to give up.

   This makes him feel chilling. It is necessary to know that not long ago, the Nine Profound King spoke to him in a pleasant manner. He is the main clan affairs. Even if the Supreme Emperor's soldiers are used, one person can assert it and have the greatest right to speak.

   is that when he, the ancient ancestor of the emperor, gave priority to the order of the patriarch when he handled the affairs of the emperor.

The secret meaning of   , he naturally understands that this is the matter of the master first, and you must make a good master. Unexpectedly, at this time, he is extremely indifferent and uncharacteristic.

   Those words, that means, clearly meant to give up and continue to befriend the master.


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