Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3617: Please become emperor

The most ruthless emperor.

This sentence is correct at all.

The Jiuyan emperor clan is the largest emperor, and the relentless interpretation is simply vivid!

"Ancient Nine Profound Ancestor, this"

Yan Wushuang still wanted to continue to speak, but at this time, the Nine Profound Monarch interrupted directly and said indifferently: "Yan Wushuang, although you are young and talented, you are so young and energetic. I am worried that you cannot handle it. Good things in the clan. Starting today, you will temporarily remove the position of patriarch and calm down. Let Yan Gushen handle all patriarchal matters temporarily."

The king's ancient ancestor, one word can determine the position of the patriarch.

Yan Gushen was very surprised, and immediately said, "I will follow the order of the ancient ancestor of the Nine Profounds, and the younger Yan Gushen will temporarily act as the head of the patriarch."

Yan Wushuang was startled and angry, and snorted coldly: "Okay, I, Yan Wushuang, will completely remove the position of the patriarch today, and Yongsheng will no longer be the leader of the Jiuyan Emperor Clan!"

"But please remember what you said today and don't regret it."

He turned to leave the Jiuyan Emperor Clan, and stepped into the starry sky in one step. His body was shining with unparalleled power of faith. Xiguang weighed billions and he rushed into the depths of the starry sky decisively: "Master, I am here!"

The endless power of faith pierced the starry sky of the universe in an instant, metamorphosing a space-time tunnel, and he rushed in...

On the other side, the Dan Realm, Dan Emperor Clan.

Seeing this scene, many people in the Dan Emperor clan gloated for misfortune, because the fighting sage king was so strong earlier that he never even looked at the Dan Emperor clan in his eyes, but now something is about to happen, and he will be killed by the third emperor. .

Many people from the Dandi tribe were refreshed and refreshed like a sip of ice wine in a hot summer.

The old king frowned and watched this scene. Many Dan Emperor clan experts shook their heads next to him, saying: "This time the battle of the Saint King will undoubtedly die."

"Hehe, who made him so arrogant, no matter how amazing he was, he couldn't escape death in the end."

"In the final analysis, the reason is that the fighting sage king is too arrogant and thinks he is invincible. Now the retribution is coming!"


The old king was struggling and hesitating in his heart, and finally glanced coldly at all the Dandi tribesmen. With that indifferent and majestic gaze, these tribesmen fell silent and did not dare to continue speaking.


Several high-ranking imperial clan officials looked at him, even other quasi-king-class old antiques.

The old emperor ascended to the sky, with a stroke of his palm, Dan Emperor Ding suddenly appeared and fell into his palm, immediately causing other Dan Emperor people to exclaim, "Old ancestor, you are"

"Saving the Saint King!"

The old king looked decisive and said: "We have missed the opportunity earlier, but now we have a great opportunity in front of us. We can’t miss it. Moreover, even the emperor ancestor will not hesitate to leave the key to alchemy inheritance, no matter what The price must be paid."

"Now, there is a great opportunity!"

"But the ancestor, that is the Palace of Forbidden Souls, or the third emperor. The emperor’s bow is equipped with emperor bone arrows. I am afraid that even the second emperor’s level of absolute emperor will be destroyed, you"

I dare not say the following words. The people of the Dan Emperor clan are worried that the old king will not be safe even if he takes the Dan Emperor cauldron to go. No matter how strong the old king is, it is only a slightly stronger ancient king. The three emperors put the tenth heaven kings on the same level, and the Dandi Ding might not be able to completely protect his safety.

The old king shook his head: "Sometimes, there is no need to think about so much. If I die, I can fight the Holy King, even if I die, the Dan Emperor Clan can prosper for hundreds of millions of years under his protection. One or two epochs. There is no need to rely on the emperor’s remaining prestige and various backgrounds to pass on to this day."

"I believe that even if the emperor daughter Xiaozu is here, he will definitely approve of my old guy's decision."

While talking, he was carrying the Pill Emperor Cauldron, smashed through the void of the Pill Realm, and went to the land of Ye Chen's Tribulation.


At this time, the robbery of the fleshly emperor became more and more terrifying, as if there were billions of thunder light dragons descending from the sky, endless, countless, and blasted at Ye Chen fiercely, making his chaotic body torn and bloody. Splashes and bones can be seen clearly.

But none of this was the most terrifying. The terrifying thing was the third emperor. At this moment, he gradually pulled the emperor's bow away from the full moon.

Generally speaking, if you want to pull the emperor's bow to the full moon state, even the tenth heaven king needs to pay infinite strength, extremely laborious, and slowly reach it.

In the final analysis, it was because of the horror of the emperor's bow, the supreme weapon belonging to the emperor's level. When the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor was sacrificed, the fundamental purpose was to allow the nine emperors to have taboo weapons against the emperor.

But after the first emperor was promoted to the emperor, the emperor's bow was far less effective than before, and it could even be said to be dispensable.

As for the other eight emissaries, only the second and third emissaries can truly show their due power, but the second emissary has been killed.

Therefore, at present, only the third emperor is the most suitable to show the greatest power of the emperor's bow!

In the most terrifying full moon state, Emperor Bone Arrow even pointed out that Ye completely locked his whole person, even the center of his eyebrows, and the goal was to shoot his soul.

Once successful, there is no doubt that Ye Chen can only be forced to use the reincarnation of the great emperor.

The bowstring of the emperor war bow was pulled to the full moon little by little, and the endless power was blooming, and even the upper flesh emperor would be deprived of half of its light.

The emperor's bone arrow was shot, the emperor's bow in the full moon state was shot, and the power reached the emperor's level in an instant, and it was unparalleled.

But this emperor bone arrow is not as fast as the previous emperor bone arrows. Even if it is fast, but it seems a bit slow, it constantly consumes the energy of the sky full of stars in the process of shooting out. , Swallowed bit by bit, making the power continue to increase.

Go beyond the past.

Ye Chen had to raise the twelve-point spirit, and even the brilliance in his eyebrows flashed, and the reincarnation of the great emperor would be born at any time.

He had a special feeling that this time he became an emperor in the flesh, he might have failed at the last moment.

Suddenly, a bright to the extreme light fell from the sky, carrying vast divine power.

It was a man who was as shining as the sun, and his body was filled with the extremely powerful power of faith, all burning up, and he had reached the level of the Primordial King.

He appeared straight between Ye Chen and Emperor Bone Arrow, like a wall, lying across it, facing the Emperor Bone Arrow.


Ye Chen was shocked, but also had a bad feeling.

Yan Wushuang's infinite power of faith is boiling all over his body. It is all the power of faith accumulated over the years. It is powerful in his body, and the power of faith directly promotes him to reach the side of the Primordial King.

He looked back and smiled at Ye Chen, it was very sunny, not like the patriarch who is above the top and controls the power of the emperor, but more like a sunny boy: "Master, I am here, please become an emperor!"

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