Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3619: Emperor Kano

They all testify that Dao becomes emperor, and when the emperor’s path comes out, all the heavens and all the ways are suppressed.

This sentence is really good, now Ye Chen is just a fleshly emperor, and the power has made a small half of the universe feel such supreme power. Once he proves to become an emperor, the entire universe will be suppressed by his emperor.

"I have become an emperor, and the fighting saint king has finally become a godless king!"

"How could it be so sudden, he was clearly struggling to survive the most terrifying emperor's calamity, in the most intense state, and it was only halfway through as expected, but now he disappeared immediately. Why?"

"The Fighting Saint King is against the sky!"

The starry sky of the universe, the tens of thousands of people in the starry sky, and the forces of the heavens were all shocked.

Because it was too fast, the Emperor's Great Tribulation suddenly disappeared at the peak and intense period, which shocked everyone and couldn't believe it.

But they all knew that from then on, an emperor appeared again in this universe.

"Hahaha, the ancestor is really wise, and the fighting saint king is regarded as the emperor, and my Dan emperor clan can be regarded as befriending him."

In the pill realm, the Dan emperor clan cheered up and down, fighting the holy king to become the emperor, the old king took the pill emperor tripod at all costs to rescue, this is the life and death friendship in the snow, and it can undoubtedly resolve the past grievances with the fighting holy king. Can obtain the friendship of the fighting king.

On the contrary, it is the Jiuyan Emperor Clan, which is depressed.

At the critical moment, they refused to go to help the fighting sage king, and even let Yan Wushuang, the direct disciple of the fighting sage king, do whatever it takes to live and die.

There is no doubt that once the fighting saint king returns to his mind, he should blame the Jiuyan emperor, and the entire Jiuyan emperor cannot withstand the accountability of such emperors.

The Nine Profound King's expression was extremely ugly, but he also had a hint of panic.

If the emperor wanted to be held accountable, he, the emperor king, would not dare to bear it.

Yan Gushen was horrified, and his face was pale.

"Well, the fighting king will eventually become the emperor, hahaha—"

The four starry sky hegemons, including Monarch Frozen, who was originally at a disadvantage, breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and his combat power was also rising, and he was increasingly resisting the offensive of the five starry sky hegemons of the Forbidden Soul Palace.

Zhu Qiang of the Ultimate Ancient Road is also full of faces and endless surprises.

Fighting the saint king to become the emperor, there is no doubt that all situations will be completely reversed.

But instead, endless disasters really come, and it will be the Forbidden Soul Palace to suffer.

The Soul Forbidden Palace side was also dumbfounded and startled.

Especially the third and fourth emperor's envoys were extremely ugly.

Fighting the saint king to become the emperor is definitely a huge threat to the Forbidden Soul Palace.

But the third emperor snorted coldly and shouted: "Even if you become the emperor, you have just stepped into it, and it has not been completely stabilized. This arrow is enough to break your realm, fall into the emperor's domain, and even kill you!"

For this arrow, the third emperor had absolute confidence, it was the peak blow of the full moon state of the emperor's bow, enough to severely damage the emperor, not to mention that Ye Chen, the emperor who stepped on for the first time, could not bear it.

At this time, the emperor bone arrow had gone through a long time, and finally came to Ye Chen's. The whole body exuded the most terrible aura, like an emperor holding a battle and committing suicide.

Ye Chen's face was expressionless, his body rumbling loudly, it was the blood in his body boiling, whistling, deafening, more terrifying than the sky thunder.

A majestic blood qi that is far beyond the past is rushing into the sky, and an inestimable qi mechanism is overwhelming the sky.

The strength of this blood energy even surpassed the scope of the emperor's calamity just now, shaking the universe.

At this moment, the people of the world learned that fighting the saint king is not to become an emperor, but to become an emperor in the flesh. He has taken an extremely long-term path on the road of refining, directly breaking the limit and establishing himself in the realm of the emperor.

"The flesh becomes an emperor! No wonder the robbery disappeared so suddenly, that's it, the fighting king is simply against the world!"

"I have not yet become the emperor, but the flesh is the first to become the emperor. What a horrible body, it is unprecedented. Throughout the ages, few people have been able to achieve the emperor by the flesh when they are not in the domain of the emperor. Right."

"It deserves to be the second fighting sage king who is known as the second king of no phase. He has walked far and far in the refining stream, and he has become an emperor in his flesh!"

The third and fourth emperors were also horrified. To a certain extent, becoming an emperor in the flesh was far more terrifying than reaching a realm.

It will take some time for the realm to become an emperor and it will take some time to slowly stabilize. However, it does not need to be like this for the physical body to become an emperor. Once you reach that level, you can directly run the emperor-level mighty force!

And to a certain extent, the achievement of the emperor in the flesh is more stable than the achievement of the emperor in the realm.

After all, the realm still needs its own physical body to be able to bear it before it can exert enough power, and the physical body is the powerful one, and to a certain extent is better than the realm to achieve the emperor.

Of course, it can be said that it is more difficult to achieve the emperor in the flesh, and only one of the ten emperors can achieve it, but it is usually only after setting foot on the emperor to slowly achieve it.

At this time, Ye Chen looked at the emperor's bone arrow that had already shot in front of him. It was terrifying, blooming wantonly with the power of swallowing the Primordial King, even if the third emperor was in front of him, once he was hit , And there is no doubt that death will end.

It can be said that the Emperor Bone Arrow has not really approached, but the terrifying power and the scattered strands are enough to kill the general Primordial King, and many star regions can be directly buried in it.

But such a devastating power is approaching Ye Chen Chaos Eucharist is immortal and immortal, showing an immortal divinity, without any damage at all.

The palm of the hand flicked forward, it seemed so simple and direct, without any fancy, and there was not the slightest power of the great power showing or colliding with it.

Anyone who followed, all concentrated their eyes and watched for a moment, wondering if the fighting saint king could withstand the world-killing blow of the Emperor Bone Arrow after the Emperor Fighting Saint King achieved the Emperor-level flesh.


The imaginary destruction did not appear. On the contrary, the collision between the white palms and the emperor's bone arrows was more like the collision of two emperor's war soldiers, the brilliance bloomed, and the surrounding star fields were swallowed.

Even the Pill Emperor Cauldron hadn't blocked many Emperor Bone Arrows, but under Ye Chen's blow, he was directly beaten into a crooked track.

That kind of power is indeed the power of the monarch level.

The third and fourth emperors were horrified, the fighting saint king really reached the emperor level, and all doubts disappeared!

At the same time, everyone saw that the moment it collided with the emperor's bone arrow, a blood hole was cut in the palm of his hand, and a drop of blood emerged.

The world marveled, the emperor's bone arrow was too terrifying, and the chaotic sacrament that was as strong as the flesh to become an emperor was also broken.

However, it was the two emperors who were truly shocked. It was an arrow shot by the emperor’s bow in the full moon state. Its power was terrifying enough to hurt the emperor. However, such a collision only broke a blood in his palm. The mouth is simply shocking.

This is the emperor-level physical body, immortal beyond imagination.

"It's a bit interesting, it actually hurts my body, the bone arrow made from the bone sacrifice of Emperor Jundao is really extraordinary."

Ye Chen smiled, and under the plain words, he spoke highly of the Emperor Bone Arrow, but his face remained unchanged.

Then, with a grasp of his palm, he firmly grasped the Emperor Bone Arrow on the palm of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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