Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3620: Vulnerable

Boom boom boom boom boom--

As if provoked, the emperor's bone arrow continued to bloom with terrifying powers, trying to break Ye Chen's grasp, but all of this had no effect at all.

The flesh becomes the emperor, and the emperor-level flesh body is so terrifying that it is unparalleled and directly makes it difficult for the emperor to break free. The more terrifying physical force is suppressed strongly, even if the emperor in the state of the full moon is shot by the bow, it can't bear the emperor. Suppressed by the terrifying power of the first-class flesh body, it gradually lost its due strength.

In the end, Emperor Bone Arrow was suppressed by Shengsheng!

"Is this the so-called strongest arrow?" Ye Chen sneered, and his eyes swept coldly towards the third and fourth emperors.

The unusually cold gaze made the two emperors horrified, as if they were being stared at by the most terrifying beast, but they were just mortals.

That kind of crisis can only be sensed when facing the existence of emperors like the first emperor.

There is no doubt that the Fighting Saint King has also reached this level.

Never immediately attacked the two emperors, Ye Chen looked towards the void, the extremely powerful Chaos Soul's power spread and enveloped the starry sky, and then grabbed the palm of his hand and caught a few rays of light from it, vaguely interspersed. With a bit of familiar imprint.

That is the true spirit of Yan Wushuang, which has not completely disintegrated, and there are still a few remaining points.

Ye Chen made another move, and gathered some of the remaining divine soul fragments in the starry sky, and slowly condensed an illusory divine soul figure. When the true spirits penetrated into it, it was Yan Wushuang, but the injury was too serious and almost completely formed. The gods are all destroyed, even if Ye Chen becomes the emperor in the flesh, it is impossible to revive him immediately.

"Wushuang, my apprentice, rest assured, being a teacher will bring you back to life."

Put this remnant soul into the heart of his eyebrows, wrapped in the most majestic chaotic holy soul, and conceived with chaotic power.

He will be resurrected in the future.

Then, he caught the starry sky.

The blasted flesh and blood flowed backwards and reorganized, and the figure of the old king of the Dan Emperor clan reappeared, but his form and spirit were severely damaged and very weak.

If it weren't for his personal action, the old emperor might not even be able to reorganize his body, because it was the emperor's bone arrow, even if there was a ray of power falling on the emperor's cauldron, the power of the emperor was very terrifying and could cause Incalculable terrible injury.

With a flick of his finger, a **** light containing a few drops of chaotic true blood plunged into the old king's body. The powerful vitality was surging and filled with the old king's flesh. The road wound that was exploded and shattered was healed instantly, and compared to the past. A bit more condensed and powerful.

Do not underestimate that there are only a few drops of Chaos True Blood. You must know that Chaos True Blood is incomparably precious and contains incomparable divinity and vitality. What's more, the chaotic true blood of the emperor-level physical body is even more rare, and a drop can be called peerless. The big medicine is enough to make the ordinary kings of the ancient times resolve the wounds and increase the strong blood energy.

A few drops of chaotic true blood are enough to create a powerful king's body.

This time, the old king of the Dandi clan was a blessing in disguise.

At the same time, Ye Chen, the old king's eyebrows, a cloud of vitality, was the rule of the king to run the life avenue, which made his king's heaven soul dao healed and became stronger.

"Thank you Dou Zhan Sheng Wang for your shot."

The old emperor of the Dandi tribe paid great respects.

Ye Chen nodded slightly, with a gentle expression, and said: "I am very grateful that fellow Daoist can make a move at a critical moment. Such a move is just to repay the favor, but I still owe a favor to the Dan Emperor."

Hearing that, the old king was very surprised, but the favor of the fighting king is priceless.

All races in the starry sky are envy and envy.

"Well, let me solve some people first. Their existence makes me very disgusted. I want to kill them."

Ye Chen said indifferently, but the words were filled with absolute killing intent.

The third and fourth emperors were terrified, especially the third emperor, who pointed at Ye Chen with the emperor’s bow at the first time. The last emperor bone arrow was also taken out and shouted to the fourth emperor: "Old Four , You also do your best, you and I together urge the emperor to pull the bow to the extreme, be sure to kill this fighting king."

"You guys want to kill me like this?"


Ye Chen moved, before blinking, he crossed the endless sky and came to the front of the two emperors.

The palm knife stretched out, and the two emperors flicked forward.



In an instant, the two emperors hadn't reacted yet, they became violently retreated, and a large amount of blood spewed out from their mouths.

In face-to-face, he has been hit hard.

Ye Chen's offensive continued, confining the starry sky, and struck again with the sword. Thunder cut open the defense formed by the heavy chains of order and order that the two emperors had opened, and bombarded them.

With a few clicks, the battle armors of the strongest kings of both were broken open, and they were so vulnerable.

That is the battle armor that followed them for countless years, fighting for endless years, for years and years of tempering is extremely powerful, the Star Overlord can hardly break through its defenses, but in front of Ye Chen, it is so unbearable. hit.

It is indeed a horrible existence that becomes an emperor in the flesh.

"Underworld God Prison!"

"Blood Prison Falls!"

The two emperors did not dare to neglect, and after reacting, they immediately displayed their strongest supernatural powers.

A boundless underworld suddenly appeared, and you can see the land of the underworld, with bones all over the sky, and a sea of ​​blood.

One after another corpses appeared, and even in the cracked abyss of the earth, countless corpses were buried here.

There are hundreds of millions of yin spirits emerging, as if opening the legendary hell.

Endless yin spirits rushed towards the face, countless yin spirits rose into the sky, and powerful corpses were psychically awakened. Some powerful corpses were even at the level of the Primordial King before they were alive. They were extremely powerful, and the integration of the same was the same as Primordial The emperor's yin spirit has recovered the cultivation base of the Primordial King for a short time.

Among them, several corpses belonged to the level of the overlord of the starry sky. They were extremely powerful and had broken soldiers in their hands. There were horrible blood-red ghosts in their eyes, showing the terrifying combat power of the overlord of the starry sky.

This is the third emperor. The so-called underworld is, to a certain extent, the real big world, constructed from half of his king's big world. The endless corpses are all the enemies he killed in previous battles. , Including a starry sky overlord.

After spending his entire life, he has constructed this underworld **** hell, which is the prototype of the taboo supernatural powers that he will prove to become an emperor in the future and want to sublimate to the greatest extent.

Now, as a last resort, the third emperor had to display this underworld **** hell.

On the other side, behind the fourth emperor, a **** **** emerged, a vast expanse of boundless land, with tall mountains, which were the graves of the strongest in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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