Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3623: Invincible

"Fall, Fighting Saint King, you are doomed to die."

The fourth emperor murmured to himself, carrying the last emperor bone arrow on the emperor’s bow, and suddenly shot out, a lot faster than before, and perhaps because it was also refined by the heavenly soul. Ignoring the power of the accent wave, it seemed to shoot slowly and quickly in front of Ye Chen.

This last Emperor Bone Arrow aimed at Ye Chen's brow.

Suddenly, just when everyone thought that Ye Chen was about to be shot, many even felt sorry. At this time, Ye Chen, who seemed to be in a quagmire and struggling to move, violently moved. The power of the sound wave suddenly exploded, unable to trap him at all.

"He did it on purpose."

The fourth emperor changed color, and in the next moment, I saw it with my own eyes. The last emperor bone arrow was grabbed by Ye Chen. Like the previous emperor bone arrow, it was firmly grasped, unable to break free, and then slowly stopped. Come down.

In the end, the last emperor's bone arrow was completely docilely flat on his palm, motionless.

"Do you think you can trap me just like this?"

Ye Chen smiled, very indifferent and calm, and then under countless gazes, step by step, step by step, walked under the sound waves of the great emperor's horn, step by step, it was actually against the sound waves that could kill the overlord of the starry sky. Li is close to the third emperor.

All the powerhouses in the Forbidden Soul Palace changed their colors in amazement. This fighting saint king is too powerful. The third emperor should sound the horn of the emperor and should be able to fight against the emperor, but he can't fight the saint king. Is this still human?

As he walked, Ye Chen's speed was getting faster and faster. When he got to the back, he even directly shattered all the obstacles of the power of sonic waves. He condensed into a chaotic light beam, traversing the power of hundreds of millions of accent waves, and finally arrived at In front of the third emperor.

Ye Chen stood in front of the two great emperors, without concealing it, the emperor's power was fully exploded, covering the starry sky of the universe, and retreating the heavens and daos in this vast starry sky, and they were not allowed to approach.

In this starry sky, even the overlord of the starry sky has a feeling of suffocation, and it is difficult to breathe the atmosphere. What's more, the two emperors who are so close together are less than ten feet apart. They are more like themselves like ants, and the other party is like a dragon. So, high above, that infinite power is enough to crush everything.

The two emperors felt their muscles splitting, and they were so uncomfortable that they wanted to vomit blood, and the figures kept retreating. It was really difficult to bear the terrifying power of the emperor.

"I thought you could have something to do with it, but you really disappointed me."

Ye Chen shook his head, the disappointment in his eyes had not concealed the slightest bit of disappointment, making the third emperor's envoy full of anger, but deep despair.

The Fighting Saint King is too powerful, unbelievably powerful, irresistible, and desperate!

"It's over."

After saying this, Ye Chen showed the power of the emperor-level physical body, and the sword appeared, like an eternal fairy light blooming, from top to bottom, crashing down.

The third emperor tried his best to block, countless supernatural powers appeared in an instant, colliding with it.

But that one palm sword is like a heavenly sword, controlling the power of the heavens, breaking everything, everything is unbreakable, nothing is unbreakable.

After facing the collision for five rounds, all the magical powers were broken. The third emperor screamed, which was really hard to stop, his head was cut open, and his body separated.

The next moment, the Chaos Sacred Fist arrived, bursting into the starry sky, and falling forcefully, his head exploded like a watermelon.

The King's Soul was also torn apart.

The power of the emperor is far above that of the primordial prince. Even the primordial prince of the tenth heaven can't bear it. He was beaten to pieces and exploded.

Naturally, it is impossible for the third emperor to be killed right away. As a tenth heaven primordial emperor, his natural vitality is incredibly powerful, and he can quickly reorganize his body and spirit, and even the emperor cannot immediately kill such a superb. king.

But it was clear that Ye Chen would not give him this opportunity to grab the King’s Heavenly Soul, and in a flash, the tens of thousands of chaotic powers exploded, overlapped, and crashed back, tearing apart again and again, and when he was extremely weak, it was suppressed. Come down and throw it into the Chaos Cauldron.

A supreme king of the tenth heaven is of great use to him, and the third emperor is the emissary who has followed the emperor of heaven.

Since learning that the Ancient Great Emperor was born in the Forbidden Soul Palace, Ye Chen has always had a lot of doubts about the mysterious Heavenly Soul Great Emperor.

Such a supreme emperor suddenly died suddenly, making him very curious.

That year, at the beginning of the Era, why did the Heavenly Soul Emperor suddenly fall?

It should be known that the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor is in the ancient chaotic universe of the Ultimate Ancient Road, and the Supreme Great Emperor from the outside, and even the eternal giants cannot enter.

Suddenly died like this, obviously there are many doubts.

At the same time, the same was true for the fourth emperor.

In less than half an hour, the two emperors were strongly suppressed one after another, and Ye Chen's power was fully demonstrated.

The emperor-level physical body is so powerful that it suppresses the starry sky.

The emperor's battle bow also fell on his hand, the battle bow trembled, and he wanted to fly away, but Ye Chen grabbed it strongly.

Zhan Gong Shendi roared He was sacrificed and refined by the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, and he was absolutely loyal to the Forbidden Soul Palace, even if Ye Chen was an emperor, he was not afraid.

"Either surrender or I beat you to surrender."

Ye Chen looked at the gods in the Emperor's Bow indifferently and gave two choices, but obviously, the Emperor's Bow was unwilling to surrender to anyone but the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor and struggled desperately.

"Since you don't want to surrender, go and die."

Seeing that the emperor’s bow was unwilling to surrender, Ye Chen also lost his patience. He shot one after another, and the power of the emperor-level physical body broke out. Even if it was a bow made from the essence of the emperor’s dao bones, it was unbearable The violent attack of a physical emperor, under the ninth attack, was beaten to death by life, and Shendi was severely injured, and he let out a scream.

Ye Chen grabbed the palm of his hand, and he blasted Zhan Gong Shendi several times. Under this situation, Zhan Gong Shendi chose to surrender in horror.

He said indifferently: "It's really a minion, you can't do it without fighting."

Although Zhan Gong Shendi was angry, but in more cases he was helpless.

After successfully refining the war bow god, Ye Chen randomly threw into the chaotic small universe in his body, and then looked at other battlefields.

There is no doubt that Ye Chen's return, the physical body becoming the emperor, made the Ice Flame Monarch and others, and the ultimate ancient road greatly relieved.

With such an invincible emperor, the whole world is boundless, who will fight?

The Soul Forbidden Palace side was undoubtedly discolored, and the remaining seven starry sky overlords and the thirty-six Primordial Kings were all frightened, and they did not dare to fight the fighting king.

Didn't you expect that even the two emperors were suppressed strongly one after another? If the emperor doesn't come out, who will fight for it?

But the first emperor was dragged to the deepest part of the starry sky by Cang Ge to fight fiercely, and he was unable to take care of him.


Forbidden Tianjun and other strong souls in the Forbidden Palace dare to stay, retreat is the way to go.

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