Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3624: The helpless first emperor

However, how could Ye Chen allow these Soul Forbidden Palace powerhouses to leave.

Raising his hand, the infinite blood pressure collapses the starry sky, directly suppressing the vast starry sky with his body.

In an instant, all the powerful people of the Forbidden Soul Palace, even the Star Overlord, froze in an instant, and froze there.

"Anyone who is forbidden from the Soul Palace should be punished!"

Ye Chen spoke lightly, flicking his fingers, the emperor's power was surging, Thunder shot, and he stepped forward to explode a starry sky overlord in the Forbidden Soul Palace.

With one hand pressed down, all the 36 Primordial Kings were suppressed, showing that the Godless King was powerful.

To say that of the remaining seven emperors of the Forbidden Soul Palace, the Forbidden Heaven is the most powerful. Standing in the middle of the Ninth Heaven, it can be described as extremely powerful. He also mastered the other two powerful emperors in the early Nine Heavens. The integration of the three is the fourth emperor that enables this stage of the Nine Heavens to be able to face hard.

It's a pity that Ye Chen, who had become an emperor in flesh, was completely vulnerable.

He was like a humanoid real dragon hitting it straight, with a loud bang, and the three nine heavenly deities and Dao body of Forbidden Heaven Sovereign were swept away, and they were immediately blown up one by one.

The fierce battle was resolved in just a moment.

The starry sky of the universe is silent.

An invincible emperor rises, and his body becomes an emperor. It is even more unparalleled. Under the heavens, who will compete?

The old emperor of the Dandi clan breathed a sigh of relief and was excited, this one finally got it right.

On the other side, the faces of the Jiuyan emperor clan are extremely ugly, the fighting holy king becomes the emperor, sweeping the Forbidden Soul Palace, dominating the universe and the starry sky.

The Jiuyan emperor who took the initiative to let Yan Wushuang go to die will inevitably be avenged by the fighting king.

It's just that the universe is big and big, and small is also very small.

A Gedai emperor wants to find it, but the Jiuyan emperor may not be able to hide it.

"From now on, Jiuyan Emperor Star enters the emperor realm and hides for an epoch until the fighting holy king completely leaves this chaotic ancient universe." The Nine Profound King had to give an order, otherwise the emperor would take action and master the supreme emperor's army. The imperial family can't compete.

The ultimate ancient road, many trials of the ancient pass, numerous trials and the guardians of the ancient pass, all cheered.

Fighting the holy king to become the emperor will completely sweep the Forbidden Soul Palace, and it is almost predictable that the moment the Forbidden Soul Palace will completely end.

"You are hurt, sorry."

Ye Chen looked guiltily at the four starry sky overlords such as Monarch Ice Flame. On the Heavenly Spirit cover, four chaotic blood qi containing part of true blood rushed into the body of the four, full of their limbs and corpses, and actively resolved them for them. Injured, strong blood.

After the emperor’s blood was dredged, several big starry sky overlords recovered most of their injuries, not to mention that Ye Chen was an alchemy master. Naturally, there were many elixir. He was given to four people respectively, and some of the ultimate ancient road starry sky overlords and others were also presented. They deal with injuries.

After that, Ye Chen didn't stay at all, and when his figure moved, he flew away from the sky.

He rushed to the battlefield between Cang Yan and the first emperor.

Although there were some faint guesses about Cang Yan in his heart, Cang Yan was old and physically weak after all, exhausted, and his strength was not as good as before. He couldn't guarantee that there would be nothing wrong.

For this highly respected senior, Ye Chen didn't want him to have an accident, otherwise he would feel guilty.

It didn't take a long time, Ye Chen rushed to the battlefield, and before his eyes, the two emperors were erupting in a terrifying battle.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the first emperor didn’t know when it started. He was already wearing a knight’s armor. He was covered in golden light, with long golden hair fluttering in the wind. He held a knight’s sword in his hand, so out of dust, like a **** of light, with surging power. , Covering the starry sky.

A series of monstrous sword lights flew out of his knight's long sword, each of which exceeded hundreds of millions of miles, cutting down a hanging galaxy, incredibly powerful.

This is the first emperor, the first person of the nine emperors.

In fact, at the level of the emperor, every move is not carrying the infinite power to suppress the starry sky.

On the other side, Cang Yan seems to be old and weak, flesh and blood withered, but the action is vague and illusory. He has avoided the first emperor’s offensive again and again, and looks like a leaf on the stormy sea. Bianzhou, crises come and go, in fact, every time the evil turns into good fortune.

Even if the first emperor is powerful and Wushuang, it is difficult to really hurt him every time.

"Old guy, when are you going to hide?"

The first emperor was also angry. Although this Cang Yan seemed to be old, his methods were not weak. What made him depressed was that he was unable to attack him effectively every time.

It's like hitting cotton with a full punch. This feeling of no effort is really uncomfortable.

Cang Yan trembled and trembled, it was like a dead old antique, he would fall down at any time, and slowly said, "As the first emperor, you are in the ascendant period of the human body. After all, my old bones are already very old. You still want to go head-to-head with you, it is unrealistic."

The first emperor snorted coldly, with a cold light in his eyes, and his figure broke through the barrier in an instant, and it turned straight towards Cang Yan, the knight's long sword Guanghua billions of feet.


Ye Chen voiced Cang Yan.

"It's you!" The first emperor was taken aback, and immediately sensed the strong aura in him, which was exactly the same as his own, and his heart sank: "You have stepped into the emperor, and your body has become the emperor!"

The flesh becomes the emperor, it is an extremely difficult type of emperor, because the power of the flesh makes the flesh of such emperors not inferior to the emperor's warriors, and they are not afraid of all collisions, and they are often much harder to kill.

I never thought that this fighting sage king would really succeed in crossing the catastrophe, and his body would become the emperor, which is simply a misstep.

In this way, he needs to face two emperors right now. Although Cang Yan is old and weak, he may not be able to display the peak strength of the emperor level, but standing here, accidental shots are also a huge threat.

Cang Yan also looked at Ye Chen with relief and nodded: "Little friend, you have finally reached this point."

Ye Chen clasped his fists and bowed: "I would like to thank the seniors for their help, otherwise the juniors will have a lot of difficulties."

Indeed, if there is no help from Cang Yan, I am afraid that Ye Chen will not be able to successfully overcome the catastrophe. Just the appearance of the first emissary will make him fall into absolute difficulties.

In the tribulation, the emperor's reincarnation cannot be sacrificed, otherwise it will be sensed, and a more terrible disaster will befall.

It should be noted that the emperor's reincarnation body still has the origin of the emperor's way. Once the heavenly catastrophe is sensed, it is afraid that it will directly fall on the emperor's way, and Ye Chen will undoubtedly die.

Cang Yan smiled faintly: "It's okay, you are the outstanding person of my ultimate ancient road trial, and also a disciple of no appearance. You should be so."

Ye Chen said, "Senior, I will assist you in making a move."

(End of this chapter)

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