Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3625: Eternal Emperor Jun Cang??

The first emperor made his eyes slightly cold, and a Cang Yan had already made him feel a sense of powerlessness. If there were another strong man who became the emperor in the flesh, he would have to work hard.

Cang Yan waved his hand and said with a smile: "No need, it's just an emperor. Although the old man is old and weak, and the sun is in the mountains, he does not need help from others."

In the light words, there is absolute confidence.

Hearing this, Ye Chen nodded and said, "Okay, the younger generation will swoop by the side for Senior."

The first emperor's face has cooled down a lot. This old guy, who has never dared to face it head-on, actually does not put him in his eyes so much. Where does this confidence come from?

Slightly soothing the muscles and bones on his body, Cang Yan smiled at the first emperor, and said: "I have been an emperor for so many years, but today is the first time I have shown my full strength in front of outsiders. It is not too big to want to suppress you. problem."

Before the first emperor drank coldly, the next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, revealing hints of horror, and exclaimed: "Impossible!"

Because of this moment, he clearly sensed an unprecedented terrorist power from Cang Yan.

This power is even higher than his young and prosperous emperor, above another level.

"The Great!?"

The first emperor's discoloration changed, and his pupils were as small as needles. It was unbelievable that this old fellow was actually the existence of the ancient emperor.

"The emperor?" Cang Yan shook his head, "I am not, so old, how can I be the emperor, the emperor has endless life, and will not be old and weak at all."

Ye Chen respected him. Although Cang Yan was not a great emperor, he was an eternal emperor!

That's right, the eternal emperor like the emperor in the early days, the eternal emperor who embarked on the path of eternity!

Cang Yan displayed the eternal emperor's power, and the power on his body was infinitely close to the Supreme Realm.

To a certain extent, the eternal emperor is also an alternative supreme, and the strength is far superior to other emperors.

In a trance, Cang Huan seemed to be rejuvenated, reversing the years from the state of old age and physical decay, returning to the glory of the glory years, the heroic appearance, like a great emperor standing, the endless supreme emperor blooming, suppressing the world Dao, who is fighting?

Looking at it again, it was clear that what was in front of him was just a haggard figure, with exhausted blood and almost dead, as if he was about to step his other foot into the coffin at any time.

"Senior." Ye Chen trembled, and Cang Yan clearly possessed the posture of proving Dao to become emperor. It is not impossible to even look at the eternal giant from a distance, but he fell into a state of old age and physical decline, and it was difficult to break through. How sad it was.

It really deserves to be one of the ultimate enemies who were qualified to compete with the unphased king on the ultimate ancient road. This level of cultivation can be called one of the best in an era!

Similarly, he was also very surprised. With the realm of Cang Yan, this shouldn't be the case. The eternal emperor's ability should not have a chance, but an absolute opportunity to prove Dao becoming emperor. Why has he not stepped into the realm of the emperor?

This made Ye Chen very curious.


Cang Yan slapped forward, clearly so simple, yet so energetic, covering the vast starry sky, and suddenly falling on the first emperor.

With a sense of crisis in his heart, the first emperor roared, grabbing the knight's sword with both hands, bursting into an unparalleled brilliance, and colliding with that old big hand.

It’s just shocking that Cang Yan’s palm slammed past in a destructive and decayed posture. Under the loud noise, only the sword light that could cut the universe suddenly broke apart. , Still covering hundreds of millions of miles of star field, crashed down.


The first emperor was shot flying immediately, and the armor on his body was eclipsed, and there was an urge to explode.

Obviously, under this blow, as powerful as the first emperor, all were severely injured. During the flight, he kept coughing up blood, and even spewed out the pieces of internal organs, which was shocking.

Although Cang Yan is old, he is still terrifying!

The first emperor made his whole body crackling, reshaping and restoring, but there was still a ray of blood spilling at the corner of his mouth. At this moment, he still couldn't believe it.

This old guy, who has been passively defensive earlier, has such a peerless power?

He felt that what he was facing was not an emperor, but an ancient emperor, just like the invincible Heavenly Soul emperor in the past, aloft, even the emperor is absolutely invincible.


Silently, Cang Yan approached again and came to the first emperor. The old face and kind smile were so gentle, but it made the latter creepy, the emperor's power was fully released, and he actively displayed the most powerful and powerful magical powers. Strike out.


Silently, Cang Yan dissolved all the terrorist offensives of the first emperor, like a flood facing a wildfire.

Although the wildfire spread for thousands of miles, it was easily extinguished in the face of stormy floods.

Cang Yan's withered palm collided with the war sword of that Emperor and brushed sideways, with a clanging sound, the sword light that flew into the sky was disintegrated and destroyed.

An unspeakable and strange force fell on the first emperor through the emperor's war sword layer by layer, and with a puff, the first emperor vomited blood and flew.


At the same time, the palm fell again and slapped the first emissary one after another. In the blink of an eye, it was a full eighteen times, and instantly became one, completely disintegrating the first emperor's defenses.

The final blow directly broke the armor on his body, making the Emperor's armor completely dimmed, the rune shattered, and a clearly visible palm print appeared on it, astonishingly the same as Cang Yan's palm.

In the battle between the two emperors, the first emperor was almost completely defeated, far from being Cang Yan's opponent.

Facing Cang Yan, he was filled with absolute awe.

Ye Chen was also awe-inspiring. From Cang Yan, he clearly felt a bit of the emperor's demeanor. That was the eternal emperor's combat power. The breath of the eternal road even made him tremble, and the breath of the eternal road in his body was also Resonate.

Old and weak, and yet so invincible, overpowering a young and strong emperor, it can be seen that in the heyday of blood and energy, the first emperor had only the way to death, and was far from Cang Yan's opponent.

"Old guy, although you are strong, but you have to understand that you are not the ancient emperor, and you are also in the twilight sunset. Such a shot will only exacerbate the exhaustion of your vitality. It is not good for you. I ask myself if I really want to die. I can drag on you, the old immortal." The first emperor said coldly, the blood qi in his body continued to surge, recovering.

After all, he is still young and strong. He is in the ascendant period. Although he is not an opponent of Cang Yan, he has good words. He is really going to fight for life and death. No matter how strong Cang Yan is, his blood will be exhausted. It is really possible to be consumed by him. .

When the time comes, the gain will not be worth the loss.

(End of this chapter)

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