Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3628: The Emperor Clan bowed its head

The ancient ancestor of Tianxuan did not understand why the dignified emperor so violently broke into the emperor world.

The Nine Profound King bitterly told him all the passages.

"Naughty, Jiu Xuan, you little fellow, but you want my Jiuyan Emperor Clan to fall into a disaster of life and death!"

After knowing everything, the ancient ancestor of the Profound Sky was about to jump and scold him. This Nine Profound King was so easy to provoke, he wanted to provoke this young and strong emperor, and let the emperor’s direct disciple die, so grievances, It's just a sea of ​​blood.

The other emperors were also furious, and they actually provoke an emperor to such anger, he didn't hesitate to come in person, once the action was taken, even the Jiuyan emperor would not be able to stop it, and it would even be annihilated.

The Nine Profound King smiled bitterly, and he didn't want to. He thought that in the great calamity of the emperor, the holy king would die in battle. Unexpectedly, he would come to life from the desperate situation. He actually avoided the death and even became the emperor in the flesh, covering the starry sky and becoming The invincible emperor exists.

Now that the battle of the holy king has come to an end, to become an emperor, with his historically strong and domineering temperament, how can he not come and ask for an argument for his disciples?

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Your Jiuyan emperor was indifferent when I was crossing the emperor's catastrophe. I have nothing to say, and I can't ask. But the fault is that your Jiuyan emperor fell into trouble and asked my disciple Wushuang to retreat from the patriarch. I abandon the position of my disciple, and leave the position of patriarch to Yan Gushen, a former enemy, who is clearly against me."

The more he said, the more embarrassed the faces of the many members of the Jiuyan Emperor Clan, even if Ye Chen's words are somewhat far-fetched, but after all, they have big fists, and no one can refute and ignore them first.

Thousands of thoughts flashed in the heart of the ancient ancestor of Tianxuan, but in the end he gave a wry smile and clasped his fist toward Ye Chen: "The emperor is my emperor’s fault. Please forgive me, but it can calm the emperor’s anger, my Jiuyan emperor. Follow it."

At this point, you can only beg for mercy yourself, but there is nothing to do.

Is it really going to be impossible to fight an emperor?

That's an act of death!

Hearing that, Ye Chen's expression relaxed a little, and he nodded: "You are very smart, don't choose to fight with me, otherwise even if your Jiuyan emperor clan has supreme emperor soldiers, I can suppress it, and even destroy the entire emperor clan. ."

If someone said this, even if the tenth heavenly emperor like the second or third emperor speaks, others will feel very arrogant. After all, the imperial clan controls the supreme imperial soldiers, and no one of the same supreme imperial soldiers wants to be destroyed. reality.

But it’s no exception to change to the fighting king, because everyone has heard that the fighting king is in control of the supreme imperial soldier, not to mention that his body becomes the emperor, and with the power of the emperor, he can already reach the level of the physical body to harden the supreme emperor.

After all, in most cases, it is impossible for the Supreme Imperial Soldier to truly fully recover, even the emperor cannot do it, only the Supreme Emperor can do it.

The supreme imperial soldier who has never fully recovered, the emperor-level physical body can definitely shake with bare hands.

"I heard that your Jiuyan emperor clan has a pool of emperor blood, which was left by the old Jiuyan emperor. It contains part of the true blood of the ancient emperor. It can baptize the outstanding descendants of the Jiuyan emperor and become more powerful. Can also summon the remnant soul." At this moment, Ye Chen said.

Hearingly, the Jiuyan Emperor Clan is all discolored.

There is indeed this Fang Emperor Blood Pool, but the Emperor Blood Pool is so precious that few people in the entire Jiuyan Emperor Clan are qualified to use it.

The fundamental purpose of the existence of the emperor blood pool was left by the great emperor Jiuyan for his heirs. It was intended to continuously baptize and transform, so that the blood of the emperor's blood of the heirs could be more fully restored.

Of course, it also has another effect against the sky, that is, people of the imperial clan whose souls have not yet died, as long as they get lucky with the imperial real blood left by Emperor Jiuyan in the emperor blood pool, they can live and die. , The soul is revived, and it is truly resurrected.

This was supposed to be aimed at the emperor's son. The Great Emperor Jiuyan allowed his heir to be born in this life, lest there be a crisis, and the cards left behind could one day recover.

Unfortunately, this trump card will never be used by the Jiuyan Emperor clan...

The ancient ancestor of Tianxuan hesitated, and said: "Emperor, my Jiuyan Emperor Clan does have such a blood pool, but I have left my Jiuyan Emperor Clan and others cannot use it..."

He thought it was Ye Chen who wanted to baptize with the help of the Emperor Blood Pool.

Ye Chen said: "It's okay, my disciple Wushuang is originally from the Jiuyan Emperor Clan, and his blood is quite strong, comparable to the third-generation Emperor Clan."

The ancient ancestor of Tianxuan was startled and said, "But the emperor's blood pool can only be used by the emperor."

"Didn't your emperor died long ago?" Ye Chen said lightly. Of course, in fact, he didn't remember very much. Maybe he killed it, or maybe he didn't kill it. After all, he killed the emperor over the years. There are too many sons and daughters of the emperor, and he is about to forget.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you kill it.

Suddenly, the Jiuyan Emperor Clan was furious.


The eyes of all the members of the Jiuyan Emperor Clan were red, and the killing thoughts were gushing out.

"Hehe, the murderer will always be murdered." Ye Chen didn't care, he sneered, "At the beginning, you Jiuyan emperor repeatedly targeted me, and even used the Primordial King to chase and kill me, everywhere. Enemy with me, if you want to kill me, am I going to let your emperor go?"

"Of course, I also understand your pain and your anger. If you want to do it, even if you do it, there is one thing I want to explain in I don’t really want to do it now, but once you do it, you The Jiuyan Emperor should also prepare for the destruction of the entire Emperor."

When the words fell, the monarch's monstrous might burst out, shaking the entire emperor world, and the stars could not bear it and exploded.

He is like a great emperor, condescending, overlooking the entire Jiuyan Emperor Realm, looking at the Emperor Clan!

Like a bucket of ice water pouring from the head, all the people of the Jiuyan Emperor clan were extinguished with anger, replaced by endless cold and fright.

That's right, is it not purely wanting to die for a war with an emperor?

Even the ancient ancestor Tianxuan was numb for his scalp, even if the emperor Xiaozu was killed? They dare not get revenge at all, and they are powerless to revenge.

That was an emperor, or a young emperor full of endless potential. He was already an emperor in his early years, and it was hard to imagine how high his achievements would be in the future.

It is almost inevitable to prove that Dao becomes emperor, and it is not impossible to become an eternal giant in the future.

How to be the enemy?

It's worthy of celebration for the other party not to trouble the Jiuyan Emperor.

Missing this, as if getting older all night, the ancient ancestor of Tianxuan smiled bitterly: "The emperor said and laughed, how dare my Jiuyan emperor be your enemy, if it falls, it’s just that my emperor’s little ancestor’s skills are not as good as humans. There are so many dry bones on the road. It is also an honor for the emperor's ancestor to fall into the hands of invincibles like you.

What else can I say at this time, even if the emperor Xiaozu is killed, he can only admit it in humiliation.

Ye Chen nodded: "You look quite open. After all, where is the Emperor Blood Pool, as long as my disciple is resurrected, I can forget all the grievances in the past."

The ancient ancestor of Tianxuan sighed and said, "I invite the emperor to go with the old man."

After all, when the figure moved, it crossed the sky and headed to the palace.

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