Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3629: The emperor, dare to make me salute?

Ye Chen didn't doubt that he had him. He was also a master of art, and he was not afraid at all. He walked side by side with him, and came to the palace in a short time.

There are many emperor halls, and the emperor blood pool is located in one of the emperor halls. It was sealed by the Great Emperor Jiuyan, but Ye Chen had a keen sense and sensed a surge of blood surging before it really approached. If it hadn't been sealed, it would be the blood gas. Strong and prosperous, it can definitely submerge the entire borderless land of the Emperor Realm.

The emperor hall is called the emperor blood hall, and it is worthy of the name.

Naturally, the emperor blood pool cannot be filled with emperor blood, but a stream of emperor real blood, and the others are legendary divine springs, which have gradually been soaked with a trace of emperor real blood and dyed red over a long period of time.

However, even so, it has an incredible effect. Even if a quasi-prince enters it, it can temper the flesh to a certain extent, and the effect is extraordinary.

Of course, the most mysterious thing is that the true blood of Emperor Dao in the blood pool of God, it is said that it can be the size of a fist, hidden in the open pool of emperor blood, but for endless years, generations of emperor Tianjiao have entered it and have never been baptized. This true blood of Emperor Dao.

However, for a long time, some Emperor Tianjiao got a trace of the true blood of the Emperor Dao by chance. Since then, the bloodline has transformed and far surpassed that of other tribes, and the bloodline has followed the bloodline of the emperor in the five generations. It is amazing. Since then, amazing changes have taken place. Has been changed.

Seeing the imperial blood pool, Ye Chen naturally sensed the existence of the emperor's real blood, but because of that, he couldn't sense the exact position of the emperor's real blood for a while, but he didn't care.

Fingers lightly tapped the center of the eyebrows, a cloud of light emerged, and a handsome figure was faintly visible sitting cross-legged in it, and then a golden-ratio male body also appeared, combining with this illusory figure.

This person is naturally Yan Wushuang.

His body was also reorganized by Ye Chen. At this moment, his body and spirit were superimposed and placed in the Emperor Blood Pool.

Seeing this, the ancient ancestor of Tianxuan frowned slightly, because Yan Wushuang's injury was much more serious than he thought. His soul was shattered, and there were only a few points left in the true spirit. Even if the emperor's blood pool had bones of life and death, The effect of the resurrection is not necessarily true.

After all, Yan Wushuang himself was also at the level of a **** king, with a high level of realm, and the difficulty of resurrection was countless times more difficult than that of an ordinary tribe.

Of course, there is the Emperor Dao true blood of the Jiuyan Great in the Emperor Blood Pool, and Yan Wushuang is also a member of the Jiuyan Clan. It may be a little bit possible.

It was visible to the naked eye that since Yan Wushuang's body entered the emperor blood pool, there was a stream of blood continuously submerged into the body and began to baptize and transform.

The characteristics of the bloodline also faintly stabilized Yan Wushuang's remnant soul, but it could not be recovered.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen understood that what he needed was the true blood of Emperor Dao.

After a little hesitation, Ye Chen opened the eyes of God and broke open a lot of falsehood.

The flesh becomes the emperor, opening up more physical gods, and naturally the Eye of God goes further. It is just a stream of emperor’s real blood, not the ancient emperor’s hiding. How can it avoid Ye Chen’s perception? In an instant Found the hidden location of that stream of Emperor Dao true blood.

"Emperor Dao true blood, found you!"


The five fingers opened, and in an instant, the real blood of the Emperor Dao located in the pool of Emperor Blood was immediately frozen.

"Emperor Dao True Blood!" Ancient Profound Ancestor Sky exclaimed, with a hint of eyesight. If he could obtain this emperor Dao True Blood, it would undoubtedly change his current physical condition, and at least it could add a lot to his withered body. Blood energy can live longer.

However, his actions stopped immediately, because Ye Chen looked at him at this time, his eyes were faint, without the slightest emotion, but he was silent, and then he remembered that this was a strong emperor.

If he dared to look at the true blood of Emperor Dao like this in front of the emperor, even if it belonged to the Jiuyan emperor clan, I am afraid this powerful emperor would immediately turn his face and take action.

The ancient ancestor of the Profound Sky is definitely not an opponent in his heyday, not to mention that when the sunset is in the west and the years are late, he is looking for death!

"Come out!"

Ye Chen grabbed the palm of his hand and wanted to take out this imperial Dao true blood, but the emperor Dao true blood trembled suddenly, bursting out billions of brilliance.

In a trance, the color of the world changed, time and space changed, and a stalwart figure of the great standing standing in front of him, straddling the ages, overlooking the past, the present and the future, that is the great emperor of the past.

"Di Zu!"

Seeing the figure of the great emperor in front of him, the ancient ancestor Tianxuan knelt down for the first time, and said in excitement, "Xuanxuan has seen the ancestor!"

That is Emperor Jiuyan!

The Great Emperor Jiuyan stood with his hand on his back, wearing a crown of Chao Tian, ​​swallowing the world with anger, so stalwart, looking at Ye Chen, revealing a strand of supreme aura that suppresses the world: "Who are you? Why don't you pay respect to this emperor? ?"

Ye Chen stayed still and looked at Emperor Jiuyan calmly. The ancient ancestor of Tianxuan next to him was furious, and he shouted: "Fighting saint king, although you are the emperor, but you see the emperor of my clan, you are the emperor of the ancients. , Don’t rush to pray."

"It's just a puff of emperor's blood manifesting. If it's not the real emperor, how dare you let me kneel and bow?" Ye Chen said indifferently, telling the truth.

Ancient Ancestor Tianxuan was surprised, but when he really felt it, he also discovered the truth, as expected.

Although the Great Emperor Jiuyan in front of him possessed the great power of the Emperor, he was not very strong, with only a few strands, it could not be the real emperor of Jiuyan, more like a brand he left in the true blood of Emperor Dao.

"What's more, even if you are the real Emperor Jiuyan, you are not qualified to let me salute." Ye Chen said boldly, if the deity is here, would you dare not surrender and salute? "The Great Emperor Jiuyan shouted, and the emperor Dao Qi shocked the world, invisibly inspired the supreme emperor soldiers of the Jiuyan Emperor Clan, and turned into a great emperor Qi Ji, drowning.

As if the real Emperor Jiuyan had arrived, with such a mighty power, the ancient ancestor of the Profound Sky was trembling and fearful, and also raised a hint of surprise.

What about the Fighting Saint King?

How about Geshidijun?

In front of the real ancient emperor, this is still the case, but if you dare to be arrogant, you will also be suppressed.

Ye Chen smiled and looked so indifferent: "I am the Emperor Yan, my master is the ancestor of fighting war, my inheritance of time and space is the emperor of time and space, and my inheritance of alchemy is the emperor, my heaven. Inheritance is the Emperor of Heaven. They are all giants of the ages, and they are all my mentors."

"I want to ask, you, the mere emperor, if you are not an eternal giant, do you dare to make me salute?"

The mere emperor?

There is no respect for words!

However, the imprint of the Great Emperor Jiuyan changed color, and the ancient ancestor of Tianxuan was even more shocked.

The eternal giants have such a relationship with the fighting sage king. It is either Mo Ni or the inheritance of the teacher.

Although a heavy identity was sacrificed, the identity of the fighting saint king was almost equal to that of the ancient emperor.

What's more, there are so many, no wonder he dared to ignore the majesty of the ancient emperor, dare to question, dare to make him salute?

In front of him, after all, it was just a mark of true blood from the Great Emperor Jiuyan. It was not the deity, and the deity apparently understood some of Ye Chen’s related experiences, and fell silent, saying: "So, you are the saint king of fighting. The eternal quasi-king of, no, now you are afraid that you have become the eternal king."

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you know me?"

Emperor Jiuyan said: "I'm on the ancient road of origin."

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