Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3673: Emperor Tiandian, a feast


In the sky, a blazing electricity broke through the sky, and the brilliance was hanging down.

That is the overlord of original sin, very powerful, powerful and domineering, hiding himself in the chaos, like a supreme god.

"The Son of God is here!"

Inside the Emperor Heaven Hall, there was another tumult.

The son of the God Emperor is the heir of the God Emperor, inheriting the most powerful blood of the God Emperor. After so many years, he has activated the blood of the God Emperor to the extreme, becoming the Primordial King and shaking the two ancient realms.

What's more, the God Emperor City is the Emperor City personally left behind by the God Emperor. Everyone believes that the battle for the 10th Supreme God Crown is the most promising for the God Emperor Son.

The fighting spirit is unmatched, and the entire God Emperor City is permeated.

A tall and straight figure appeared silently, it was a warrior against the sky.

This is the overlord existence of the two ancient domains of Ming and Dong, invincible in the world, and the fighting power is overwhelming. It is heard that it is the same line of the sages of the past.

Once he appeared, countless people immediately held their breath for him.

Fighters are invincible. Fighters against the sky can be described as the strongest body-refining body that is in the same line as the saints of fighting. At the same level, the fighters who fight against the sky are innately possessed, even compared to the emperor and the emperor. , Xiandao son heir is even stronger.

In the close battle of the same realm, there is no one against the sky, and it is like a saint.

Among the ancient road overlords that appeared, I am afraid that only Huangdi could compete with them.





Suddenly, there was a blue dragon flying across the sky, a white tiger roaring, a basalt roaring, a vermilion bird flapping its wings, swept down, and a special chariot appeared. Surrounded by the four mythical holy spirits, the chaotic atmosphere was permeated, and it reached the Emperor Tiandian.

After all, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, because whether it was a blue dragon, a white tiger, a basalt, or a vermilion bird, all existed as real holy beasts. Of course, it was not the real chaotic holy spirit, but it was also terrifying. They all existed at the level of quasi-kings, flowing inside their bodies. The very pure blood of the mythological Holy Spirit is like the reincarnation of the four great Holy Spirits that opened the world in the past.

The majestic ancient chaos is overwhelming, and the law of ten thousand avenues is derived, as if the dominator of chaos descends.

Everyone knows who has arrived. It must be the Chaos Overlord. No one except him can master such a powerful Chaos Dao.

The four quasi-monarch-level sacred beasts, but the Chaos Overlord personally surrendered in a supreme fairy secret realm, showing a superb and powerful absolute cultivation.

Being able to subdue a quasi-king-level existence is already remarkable, not to mention the four-headed quasi-king-level sacred beast, which is absolutely extremely powerful.

Over the years, the Chaos Overlord's cultivation base has become more and more powerful, especially after reaching the realm of the king, it is even more unfathomable.

The Chaos Overlord's body is completely covered by the chaotic mist, making it impossible to see his true face, but the looming pair of eyes reveal the absolute charm of the universe and the solemnity of the universe.

He walked, with unique fluctuations, resonating with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, more like stepping on the trajectory of the Dao, taking one step, the ten thousand Dao corresponding, and the end is shocking.

This is Chaos Overlord, the absolute overlord of Chaos Avenue.

In this world, if it weren't for a fighting saint, the Chaos Overlord would definitely be the heaven-defying existence of Chaos Avenue.


The eyes of the Overlord of Chaos swept across, and the horrible eyes suddenly appeared, like a heavenly sword of hundreds of millions of eyes, stabbing many powerful people to dare not face it, as if they were going to be blinded.

"So strong, the Chaos Overlord is better than the past. I heard that he has won a great opportunity in the Supreme Secret Realm he has mastered, and he is among the strongest and most powerful competitors of the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate."

The crowd was amazed, looking at the ranks of the overlords of all parties, the Chaos Overlord could definitely be regarded as the extraordinary among them, extremely powerful.

However, Ye Chen's introverted Chaos Qi machine was something that the Chaos Overlord could not feel.

Now, his control of Chaos is far above the Chaos Overlord, as long as he is willing, the Chaos Overlord cannot sense his existence at all.

Afterwards, such as Wudao and other overlords came one after another, as well as the appearance of an emperor's son, an emperor, and an heir of the immortal Dao, as well as the appearance of the primordial kings of various parties, gathered in the Emperor Tiandian.

Among them, Ye Chen saw some new powerful overlords, as well as many people from the past.

"This time it's a bit lively. Hundreds of years have passed, and they have become stronger. Only then has gathered the males, and I have some expectations."

With a smile, Ye Chen's figure flashed, and he also entered the Emperor Heaven Palace.

The Emperor Tian Temple is heavily guarded, but this obviously cannot stop Ye Chen, who is an emperor.

The Emperor Tian Temple is very tall, standing on the highest point of the God Emperor City. Standing here, you can look over the whole city and overlook the two ancient realms.

Surrounded by stars, there is a steady stream of light from the law, flooding the imperial city, which is extraordinary.

The hall is very large, and Chen is placed with many **** seats, jade tables, etc., which are circular, circle after circle, the more the center, the higher the status.

At the very center, there is also an imperial seat. More precisely, it is the ancient imperial road. The futon is higher than the other seats.

No one dares to sit on this ancient emperor Dao platform, even if it is the son of God Emperor, the same is true.

Unless you have the confidence to overwhelm the crowd and look at the overlords of all parties, once you sit on it, you will inevitably be attacked by the strongest of all parties.

At the most central row of jade tables, there are Chaos Overlord, God Emperor Son, Heaven-against Fighter, Taiyi, Wudao, Tianjizi, Original Sin Overlord, Huang Emperor, Chu Shenjun, Yuan Dynasty Emperor, Dasheng Fairy Prince, Huang Yao , Yu Wudi...the overlords of the two ancient realms existed one after another, and there were also the existence of the supreme King of Silver Moon God.

They are all supreme beings at the level of Primordial Kings. They are kings over the world, and the eight wildernesses are all respected. They are most qualified to sit in the innermost area. They are the native Primordial Kings of the two ancient realms, and they are not qualified.

In terms of strength, they are enough, but their potential is far from it.

Everyone knows that these young overlords have been cultivating for less than two thousand years, and their potential is boundless.

If you dare to sit here, the old ancient kings are afraid of becoming a major enemy and being liquidated in the future.

After all, these young overlords are all young, but they are peerlessly powerful and sharp. They are not convinced by anyone, let alone the older generation.

In the endless years, the old princes of the ancient kings have reduced the edge of their youth, but now they are more calm, wise, and considerate, without the courage of the younger generation.

They won't be in the second row for the sake of this kind of face, avoiding future with these young overlords.

Of course, once the Supreme Secret Realm is born, they will still fight for it and will not give up.

In the rear, there are young talents of the quasi-monarch level such as Lord Odin and Tianchen. They are all rising stars that have emerged in the past hundreds of years. They are very powerful. They have the ultimate ancient road, as well as the emperors and daughters of the ten-day realm. Offspring.

(End of this chapter)

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