Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3674: Juxiong

Obviously, hundreds of years have passed, even many emperors, emperors, and heirs of the Fairy Dao have been confined in front of the Emperor Tianguan, and it is difficult for them to go further.

After all, not everyone is the heirs of eternal giants such as Yu Wudi, God Emperor Son, Chu Shenjun, Great Sage Immortal Prince, and the supreme bloodline of ordinary emperors, emperors, and fairy Dao descendants, at best, allows them to have an extraordinary advantage in front of the Primordial King, but After reaching the quasi-monarch, there is no more, and even the supreme bloodline in the body often becomes a restriction, blocking them from going further.

On the contrary, the nine ultimate ancient overlords, such as Chaos Overlord, Heaven Defying Fighter, Tianjizi, and Martial Dao, did not become a barrier. They basically achieved this step by themselves. Instead, they hoped to break through the shackles of the Primordial King.

In fact, it is true. They have also been the kings of the Primordial Age for many years, far better than those of emperors, emperors and heirs of the Fairy Way.

Of course, the blood of the eternal giants is still against the sky, and I am afraid that only the emperor can not use the power of such giants to break through.

Nonetheless, no one would doubt the potential of these quasi-monarch-level emperors, emperors, and heirs of the Fairy Way. They believe that it is inevitable that they will become primordial kings. In fact, they are also extremely young and have enough time to break through. Compared to the heirs of the giant bloodline, it is a bit worse.

These quasi-king young talents are located in the third row.

Of course, compared to the quasi-king rank tianjiao on the side of the supreme ancient realm, the ultimate ancient realm is undoubtedly much less, and there is not even one-third of the true number, but it is just a quasi-king rank tianjiao who is the ultimate ancient realm. Never been discouraged.

Compared to those emperors, emperors, and heirs of the Fairy Dao, who can successfully reach this state with the help of the supreme bloodline, they often need to pay several times or even dozens of times more effort to be comparable to the former, and they also become quasi-kings. .

However, at this point, it has also become their most important capital, and it will become the most solid foundation of Dao. In the future, it will be easier to attack the Primordial King than these emperors, emperors, and heirs of the fairy Dao.

After that, there are the local quasi-king-level powerhouses of the two ancient realms, followed by the **** kings, layer by layer, from high to low, and from young to old.

At the step of Ye Chen, it was as if the Primordial King looked at the little heavenly king and the saint, his mentality had long been different, and there was no need to be young and energetic, competing for the innermost position as before.

No matter where he sits, it makes no difference.

Anyway, the same sentence, one hand can sweep everyone.

He entered the third circle, and was with the quasi-monarch-level Xeon Tianjiao of the Ultimate Ancient Road, smiling and looking at everyone in the Emperor Tian Temple, treating these people with peace of mind.

Ye Chen's appearance did not continue to conceal his true face. What's more, compared with the time when he was on the Ultimate Ancient Road, he has changed so much and is flawless, and no one in the world can compare with him.

Even in the Ditian Temple, it is still particularly eye-catching. Compared with the immortal princes such as Chu Shenjun and the Great Sage Immortal Prince, they are dwarfed and eclipsed.

"When has such a young quasi-monarch appeared in the Ultimate Ancient Realm, his temperament is very special, so perfect, why there is not much impression, but the face is a bit familiar."

The Primordial King-level overlord in the innermost circle also saw more than half of them, frowning suspiciously, but after all, they did not pay too much attention.

No matter how perfect the temperament is, it is always just a description of the quasi-princes, how qualified to make them pay attention, at most only a little attention to one or two, nothing more.

Ye Chen smiled and surprised many strong people as to how sacred this person is, and that he can remain so shocked in the face of the attention of those young overlords, really extraordinary.

In the first circle, the young overlords sit around each other. This is a feast that has attracted worldwide attention. The best tea has long been served, and there are also many immortal brews and delicacies. There is no lack of the flesh and blood of the god-level great monster as the dishes. There are also fairy fruit tastings that amaze the prospective kings.

Undoubtedly, the purpose of gathering the heroes in the Emperor Heaven Palace this time is not simple, because the tenth supreme divine crown, fundamentally understood, will be opened soon.

At that time, there will be a **** storm.


At this time, the son of the **** emperor spoke. He was wearing an emperor's crown and an emperor's robe, embroidered with the patterns of the gods, the eternal demon surrendering, and worshiping, as if he were the ancient emperor, as if he were the ancient emperor, Full of noble temperament.

The pupils shining like the sun, like blazing electricity, dazzling, making people afraid to face it. They swept through the other young overlords, saying: "There is no need to dispute about the last supreme secret realm. This is what my father left. Father Cheng Ziji, this is no doubt."

There is no doubt that the **** emperor's son requires the supreme secret realm left by the **** emperor to be his own, and in fact it is natural.

Father inherits son, heaven and earth.

However, everyone here obviously would not agree, even if this is the Supreme Secret Realm of the God Emperor.

Tai Yi said indifferently: "God emperor son, if as you said, the supreme secret realm left by the **** emperor is given to you, then other supreme secret realms should not be given back to the corresponding emperor, emperor, and fairy? Their heirs can be. It's also there, but how many people can get the hand? And the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate is left together by the heavens. Wouldn't it all be distributed to all the emperors, emperors, and fairy tales?"

"Since your father **** emperor stays here instead of giving it to you directly, it shows that it is reserved for all future generations."

On the other side, Emperor Huang also said: "The Supreme Secret Realm is available to those who are predestined, but it is not exclusively for you, God Emperor Son."

In the first lap, all the young overlords, who are also the ancient kings, would not be afraid of the sons of the gods.

The Emperor God had expected it a long time ago, but it was still a little gloomy.

Once upon a time the supreme secret realm left by his father was left in the hands of outsiders.

This made him very angry, but it was helpless.

In fact, his father, God Emperor, left such a supreme secret realm, not exclusively for himself, and I am afraid it is even helpless.

This is related to the legacy of the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy relationship. Even the supreme giants like the **** emperor cannot make decisions, otherwise the other eternal giants will not easily nod their heads in agreement.

Moreover, the legacy of the "Ultimate Sovereign" fairy relationship is not simple. The world believes that this is most likely an expectation arranged by the heavenly Sovereigns, and the "Ultimate Sovereign" fairy relationship is the most critical thing.

The overlord of the original sin said: "The God Emperor's secret realm, the last one of the Supreme Divine Crown's flowers, as before, each fight by means. But here is the return of the fighting king, this matter is also very important. , What do you have to say?"

As the words fell, the entire Emperor Tian Temple suddenly became quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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