Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3697: Go back to the ancient realm of 10 days

There was no word, but Ye Chen's attitude was already there.

How about the imperial city and the imperial palace of the **** emperor, placed in the two ancient realms, it was originally for the capable people to live, if you want to blame, you can only blame the **** emperor son for not as good as humans, too weak.

"let's go!"

After saying that, the four starry sky overlords, including the Ice Flame Monarch and the ancestor of the Star Devouring Beast, followed.

The group of people walked to the Supreme Ancient Realm, without stopping, directly across the boundless sea of ​​stars, and soon appeared in the Ninth Heavenly Realm of the Ten Heaven Realm.

Once you stepped in, the vast world of spiritual energy rushed to your face, far surpassing other places by many times.

Even the great starry sky overlords were also amazed, this place was even more astonishing than the Eight Desolate Ancient Regions, and belonged to an absolute world of cultivation.

In the same way, they can all feel that in the sea of ​​knowledge, in the ten-day realm ancient realm, one after another, the king's aura is like a pillar of light, so attention, suppressing the entire world.

"More than a hundred ancient kings, it's amazing!"

There are so many ancient kings, no less than a chaotic ancient universe, or even a chaotic ancient universe in an ordinary period. It is impossible for so many ancient kings to appear at the same time, only in the most prosperous period or the time of life and death.

"It is reported that this ten-day ancient realm has gathered all heavenly emperors and immortals. Almost every supreme tribe has one or two ancient kings, and there are 20 or 30 ancient kings in the mysterious ancient realm. Therefore, Naturally, it far exceeds the Eight Desolate Ancient Territory."

Everyone suddenly learned some truths on the ultimate ancient road.

Suddenly, the overlord of the starry sky exclaimed and looked at the sky in shock.

There, a round of supreme heavens ran across the sky, illuminating the vast ten-day realm ancient realm, looming, revealing a majestic emperor's prestige, overwhelming the sky, suppressing the world, and transcending the top!

"Emperor Dao!"

"I can actually feel that there is the existence of the Supreme Emperor in this vast world. It is not the body of the emperor's soul or the death of the Supreme, but the true ancient emperor, whose true body is permanent and proving. Soon after he became emperor, he imprinted his imperial path in this vast world!"

"Oh my God, how could it be possible that there are three imprints of the emperor, which have been branded recently. In a short time, three ancient emperors were born!?"

"Impossible, even if it is the ancient chaotic universe, it is impossible to give birth to three ancient great emperors in a short time. Generally speaking, the ancient chaotic universe gave birth to the ancient great emperor, and they will be deprived of enough for a long time. It’s difficult to give birth to a second statue based on the power of the origin. At the moment, this world, which can only be regarded as the primitive world of chaos, actually gave birth to three ancient emperors in a short time. This should directly cause the origin of the world to be unable to bear it. Live and fall apart, but how can it still exist in front of you?"

The look of a few big starry sky overlords was so shocked, such a phenomenon was unprecedented.

Generally speaking, the Primordial Chaos World can only give birth to one ancient emperor at best. The birth of the second emperor is often suppressed by the Primordial Chaos World autonomously, and no breakthrough is allowed.

With the successive births of three ancient emperors, how did this chaotic primitive world come into being?

Ye Chen's eyes were deep, looking into this ten-day realm ancient realm, flickering and uncertain, no one knew what he meant...

After hundreds of years, he returned to the ancient realm of the ten-day realm, which changed a lot.

In just a few hundred years, the heaven and the earth have entered a period of prosperity. The emperors, royal clans and immortals of all parties coexisted. In the past heyday, there were a total of 108 supreme clans. Of course, they were directly extinct by Ye Chen and other members of the Pangu universe. After all the foreign emperor races, right now, there are already less than one hundred supreme races.

Ten heavenly realms, the land of nine ancient realms, respected by the human race, aloft, a great emperor standing in the 33rd heaven, condescending, overlooking the vast world of ancient realms.

In the ancient realm of the ninth heaven, the newly promoted Chi Xue Zhizun sits in the Temple of the Ten Heavens Emperor.

On the first day, the ancient realm of the realm, that is, the ancient ancient realm, the **** of ten eyes and the supreme of myth are also the double supreme.

A big world, five supreme, far surpasses the eight wilderness and ancient realms.


With the appearance of Ye Chen and his group, his own cultivation level was too strong, and he realized the origin of the ten-day realm ancient realm for the first time, and came from the outside world. Such an invincible powerhouse would naturally be rejected by himself.

The boundless rules of heaven and earth came, with endless blocking power, what heaven and earth rules, what order **** chain, what heaven and earth gods...and so on, one kind of terrible blocking force derives out and floods several people.

In the ten-day realm of the ancient realm, the supreme tribes of all parties immediately perceive that a supreme king is awakened and born.

It is not only the Primordial King that can cause the original rejection of the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Realm, but also the strongest among the kings.

Because the Primordial Kings of the Supreme Tribes obviously also felt that the power of such blocking rules of the king was obviously enough to threaten the lives of the Primordial Kings.


Ye Chen scolded, the emperor-level physical power shining, colliding with the repulsive force, crushing all obstacles strongly.

In the blink of an eye, all obstacles disappeared.

The ancient realm of the Ninth Heavenly Realm, which was originally changed by the wind and the cloud, was instantly cleared for hundreds of thousands of miles, and the sky was bright.

The Ten Heavens Realm Great Earthquake!

All the Primordial Kings were shocked, and only one blow could resolve the repulsive power of the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Realm. This is how powerful an invincible existence it should be.

Who on earth is it that descended into the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Realm?

Even the three newly promoted ancient emperors were shocked, cast their gazes to focus on the past, and they were all startled.

Is it a young man?

Very young, flawless, like the most perfect sculpture in the world, even the ancient emperor did not have this perfect temperament.

I just feel it carefully, but the original Qi machine is so familiar.

The next moment, I was shocked!

Ye Chen! ?

The primordial kings of the great emperors and immortals also, obviously, he was not able to recognize him as the fighting king in the first time.

After all, when he left the ancient realm of the ten-day realm, Ye Chen was not so perfect yet, it was a far cry.

What's more, the current Ye Chenxiu's strength and the physical achievement of the emperor are far from the same as when he left.

He concealed his vitality, but abandoning the great nobles of the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Realm, other people, even the Primordial King, could never perceive his cultivation level.

Therefore, no one can immediately recognize his true identity.

However, all the Primordial Kings from all sides saw the four figures next to Ye Chen, and suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Just because, from these four figures, they felt a terrible sense of oppression that made them so awe-inspiring!

This, I am afraid that the strongest among the kings generally exist, and even most of the ancient kings cannot effectively perceive the accurate realm level of these four figures.

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